
(aka Stuart "Outback" Selkirk)
File Name: Stuart R. Selkirk of Big Piney, Wyoming.
Grade: Army E-5 (1987-2008)
Various SNs: 688-27-4213; 68-27-4213; 688-T27-4213; 688-27-NR13
Notes: Big Piney is a small town (less than half a square mile) in the west central part of the state, about 50 miles east of the border with Idaho. It boasts one of the coldest year-round average temperatures in the contiguous 48 states. Outback was also the name of an Autobot released in 1986 as part of the Minibots team.
Animated Appearances
Outback was animated only for commercials.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Outback was discernible in 177 panels in 16 issues from Jan. 1987 to Dec. 1992: Order of Battle 2, #59, 61, SM 6, 62, 64, 67, SM 13, 76, 80, 81, 86, 87, SM 27, 130, and 131.
Figure Releases
Version 1: spring 1987 regular carded figure assortment
Survivalist | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Survival Training Instructor
| - head: Outback (87, 88)
- arms: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
- torso: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01) - armor added: Super Trooper (88), Rapid-Fire (91)
- waist: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
- legs: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
| Accessories: black submachine gun resembling an HK MP5, with sling (new), tan web belt looping around waist and back of neck (new), large tan cube-shaped backpack (new), olive upright flashlight with peg on side, fits onto leg (new).
| Outback was an instructor at both the Survival School and the Jungle Warfare Training Center. He has had extensive experience in Central America and may or may not have participated in clandestine operations in the Mid East. Most people are intimidated by wilderness and the complete absence of the hand of man. Not Outback. He believes in being part of his environment, not its adversary!
Excerpt from the U.S. Army Ranger Handbook (1969 edition)
S - Size up the situation
U - Undue haste makes waste
R - Remember where you are
V - Vanquish fear and panic
I - Improve your situation
V - Value living
A - Act like the natives
L - Learn basic skills
| Toy Notes: Featured in 1987's SLAM commercial. Item #6483.
| Re-releases: Bagged with the machine gun from 1989 Stalker's kayak at a 1992 convention. A Tiger Force version was released in Europe.
Version 2: fall 1988 Night Force figure two-pack assortment
Survivalist | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Survival Training Instructor
| - head: Outback (87, 88)
- arms: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
- torso: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01) - armor added: Super Trooper (88), Rapid-Fire (91)
- waist: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
- legs: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
| Accessories: black submachine gun (87 Outback's), black web belt (87 Outback's), black backpack (87 Outback's), black flashlight with red lens (87 Outback's).
| OUTBACK was an instructor at both the Survival School and the Jungle Warfare Training Center. He has had extensive experience in Central America and may or may not have participated in clandestine operations in the Middle East. Most people are intimidated by wilderness. They do not feel comfortable in an area where there is no sign of human life for miles. Not Outback! He believes in being part of his environment, not its adversary!
"A covert team that functions at night and lays low during the daylight hours has its own peculiar survival problems. A nice, cozy spot to set up an ambush could also be a preferable nesting place for poisonous snakes. A dry streambed might be an inviting place to pitch a shelter if one didn't know about the possibility of flash-floods. It's Outback's job to get the Night Force team to their target, intact and healthy!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive two-pack with Crazylegs. Item #6709-2. This figure is considered a moderately high-demand item.
Version 3: spring 1993 Battle Corps Wave 2 carded figure assortment, #13 (93/I)
Survival Specialist | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Survival Training Instructor
| - head: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
- arms: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
- torso: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
- waist: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
- legs: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
| Accessories: red submachine gun (88 Hit & Run's), red rifle (90 Ambush's), red machine gun (91 Big Ben's), blue spring missile launcher with red trigger (93 Bazooka's), red figure stand (common).
| OUTBACK was an instructor at G.I. Joe's Survival School and the Jungle Warfare Training Center. He has had extensive experience in Central America and may or may not have participated in clandestine operations in the Middle East. Most people are intimidated by wilderness and feel uncomfortable in an area where there is no sign of human life for miles. Not Outback! He believes in being part of his environment, not its adversary! He is well aware of the dangers surrounding him in a strange jungle or desolate wilderness and he respects those dangers, which is why he has never been caught off guard.
Motto: "I always teach three things: be tough, be dedicated, and kick Cobra butt!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6780. Originally intended to be part of the canceled 1993 assortment of Eco-Warriors.
Version 4: spring 1993 Battle Corps Wave 2 carded figure assortment, #13 (93/II)
Survival Specialist | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Survival Training Instructor
| - head: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
- arms: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
- torso: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
- waist: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
- legs: Outback (93/I, 93/II)
| Accessories: red submachine gun (88 Hit & Run's), red rifle (90 Ambush's), red machine gun (91 Big Ben's), blue spring missile launcher with red trigger (93 Bazooka's), red figure stand (common).
| OUTBACK was an instructor at G.I. Joe's Survival School and the Jungle Warfare Training Center. He has had extensive experience in Central America and may or may not have participated in clandestine operations in the Middle East. Most people are intimidated by wilderness and feel uncomfortable in an area where there is no sign of human life for miles. Not Outback! He believes in being part of his environment, not its adversary! He is well aware of the dangers surrounding him in a strange jungle or desolate wilderness and he respects those dangers, which is why he has never been caught off guard.
Motto: "I always teach three things: be tough, be dedicated, and kick Cobra butt!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6780. A running change, moving away from the color scheme originally conceived for the Eco-Warriors.
Version 5: late December 2008 Direct-to-Consumer Wave 4 carded figureassortment
Survival Specialist Stuart "Outback" Selkirk | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Survival Training Instructor
| - head: Outback (08)
- arms: Maj. Barrage (05), Outback (08)
- torso: Maj. Barrage (05), Outback (08)
- waist: Maj. Barrage (05), Outback (08)
- legs: Maj. Barrage (05), Outback (08)
| Accessories: black rifle (03 Sgt. Hacker's), black knife with silver guard and blade (05 Spirit Iron-Knife's), light olive parachute (03 Flint's), clear figure stand (common).
| "OUTBACK" was an instructor at the Survival School and the Jungle Warfare Training Center. His extensive experience includes Central America, Asia, and numerous other locations worldwide. Most people are intimidated by areas where there is no sign of human life for miles. Not OUTBACK. He believes that survival means you're part of the environment, not its adversary. His expertise is essential when the G.I. JOE team conducts missions in vast wilderness regions. OUTBACK leads them in the essentials of wilderness survival: finding food, improvising shelters, using scavenged parts to build necessary gear and navigating without a map or compass. He reads the land like a book, uses it with creativity and cunning, and can survive and thrieve in the most remote places on the planet.
"I make sure the team will reach their objective, even when they have to go through the middle of nowhere with nothing but a Swiss army knife and some chewing gum."
| Toy Notes: Sold exclusively through the G.I. Joe Collector's Club. This particular code name modification resulted from Outback Steakhouse's protective stance toward its name across many product categories; Autobot character Outback was renamed Fallback in 2005 for the same reason.
Version 6: June 2009 boxed F.L.A.K. Cannon vs. Cobra C.L.A.W. vehicle two-pack
Survivalist Stuart "Outback" Selkirk | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Survival Training Instructor
| - head: Outback (09)
- arms to wrist: Flint (08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/II), Skyduster (08), G.I. Joe Cutter (08), Cobra Ninja Viper (08), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/II), Tunnel Rat (09), Duke (09/II), Outback (09)
- hands: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V), Outback (09)
- body: Snake Eyes (07/I, 07/II, 08/I, 08/II, 08/IV, 08/VII, 08/IX, 09/I, 09/III, 09/IV), Sgt. Stalker (07, 08/I, 08/II), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/I), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II), Grunt (08), Duke (08/IV), Steeler (08/I, 08/II), Double Clutch (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Sgt. Airborne (08), Short-Fuze (08), Outback (09)
- left leg: Outback (09)
- upper right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Outback (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09) - new knee: Outback (09)
| Accessories: black submachine gun (87 Outback's), light green open vest with leg straps (87 Outback's), olive upright flashlight with two pegs on side, fits onto leg (new), black Joe figure stand ("OUTBACK").
| Stuart "Outback" Selkirk was an instructor at the Survival School and the Jungle Warfare Training Center. Most people are intimidated by wilderness. They don't feel comfortable in an area with no sign of human life for miles. Not Selkirk! He believes in being part of his environment, not its adversary. As a survival expert, he is essential on missions that require the G.I. JOE team to operate at night and lay low during the day. The team may find a spot that looks like a perfect place to pitch a shelter, but Selkirk can point out the dangers no one else sees.
"That shady spot in the trees looks nice and cozy, right? It is - to the poisonous snakes that nest there. That place downstream is great for a camp, right? It is - until a sudden storm causes a flash flood that sweeps you away. You want to know how to survive in the wild? I'll teach you.."
| Toy Notes: Boxed with Air Viper Commando and recolors of the F.L.A.K. and C.L.A.W. Item #38195. Sold as an Internet exclusive to avoid competing with movie-related merchandise on store shelves.