
Air Viper Commando
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Air Viper Commandos were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2009 (C.L.A.W.)
Version 1: June 2009 boxed F.L.A.K. Cannon vs. Cobra C.L.A.W. vehicle two-pack
COBRA C.L.A.W. Pilot | MOS: Glider and V.T.O.L. Pilot
| - head: Air Viper Commando (09)
- upper arms: Snow Job (08), Wild Weasel (08/I, 08/II), Lt. Slip Stream (08), Capt. Ace (08/II), Deep Six (08/I), Air Viper Commando (09)
- lower arms to wrist: Air Viper Commando (09)
- hands: Snow Job (08), Wild Weasel (08/I, 08/II), Lt. Slip Stream (08), Capt. Ace (08/II), Deep Six (08/I), Air Viper Commando (09)
- body: Capt. Ace (08/I), Wild Bill (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09), Cobra Para-Viper (08), Specialist Trakker (08), Air Viper Commando (09)
- upper legs: Capt. Ace (08/I), Wild Bill (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09), Lt. Slip Stream (08), Cobra Para-Viper (08), Specialist Trakker (08), Air Viper Commando (09)
- lower legs: Air Viper Commando (09)
| Accessories: silver pistol (07 Snake Eyes's), red chest armor with black belt and chest holster (new), black Cobra figure stand.
| How does COBRA continually attract talented members willing to risk danger, prison, and even death to support the organization's evil goals? Simple: money. The pay and rewards are better than anything a private corporation can offer. That's why skilled pilots join the elite AIR VIPER COMMANDO force. They start as AIR VIPERS then those who rise to the top are given advanced training with next-generation aircraft to become commandos. They also have to endure a surgical procedure, which makes them resistant to hypoxia, hyperventilation, and other decompression sicknesses that affect pilots above Armstrong's Line (63,000 feet).
"You earn your wings, believe me: Over 1,500 hours logged in flight time, a fixed-wing rating up to four engines, combat experience, and an impeccable security clearance."
| Toy Notes: Boxed with Outback and recolors of the F.L.A.K. and C.L.A.W.. Item #38195. Sold as an online exclusive to avoid competing with movie-related merchandise on store shelves. Modeled after 1986's Strato-Vipers.