
Major Altitude
File Name: Robert D. Owens of Rumford, Rhode Island.
Grade: Army WO-2 (1991)
SN: 038-8729-AT01
Notes: Rumford is a historic district of Providence and contains the site of Roger Williams' original settlement. Providence is located at the mouth of the Providence River. Ace, Bullhorn, Dee-Jay, Dogfight, Ice Cream Soldier, Skystriker, and Major Storm also come from Providence. Hasbro's headquarters is in nearby Pawtucket, which is why so many Joes come from this state. Note that "Major" is part of Major Altitude's code name, not his rank. Major Altitude was also the name of a Triple Changer released in 2011 as part of the Human Alliance from Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Unknown | 11 | 513 seconds | 52 | 451
Notes: DiC's Major Altitude wore his 1991 outfit.
Season 2 Opening (DiC) | 2 seconds | (silent) | flying Battle Copter in final pose
| Kindergarten Commandos | 11 seconds | (silent) | guarding captured printing plant, flying Battle Copter; outfit used by generics rounding up prisoners
| Long Live Rock and Roll Part I | 11 seconds | (silent) | flying Battle Copter in search of Cobra, outside store
| Long Live Rock and Roll Part II | 7 seconds | (silent) | flying a Battle Copter into battle
| The Sludge Factor Part I | 115 seconds | 20 lines | flying Glider, observing theft of food trucks, at rice field
| The Sludge Factor Part II | 130 seconds | 16 lines | flying Battle Copter in junkyard, flying Glider to volcano base, evacuating in Glider, at Eco-Warrior HQ
| The Greatest Evil Part I | 2 seconds | (silent) | in wide shot of Joe/Cobra briefing (14:04-05)
| The Greatest Evil Part II | 4 seconds | (silent) | fighting at distribution center
| Shadow of a Doubt | 133 seconds | 5 lines | flying Battle Copter to attack Cobra, captured, escaping
| Basic Training | 94 seconds | 11 lines | featured in flashback
| The Legend of Metal-Head | 4 seconds | (silent) | seen in flashback
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, Major Altitude did not appear in the vintage comic.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1991 (Battle Copter)
| 2. 1993 (Mail)
Version 1: spring 1991 boxed Battle Copter vehicle
Battle Copter Pilot | MOS 1: Battle Copter Pilot MOS 2: Fuselage Art Designer
| - head: Wildcard (88), Major Altitude (91, 93)
- arms: Star-Viper (88), Major Altitude (91, 93)
- torso: Star-Viper (88), Major Altitude (91, 93)
- waist: Keel-Haul (85, 93), Major Altitude (91, 93)
- legs: Hardtop (87), Major Altitude (91, 93)
| Accessories: silver rifle (89 Windchill's), light green helmet (88 Wildcard's).
| MAJOR ALTITUDE announced his ambition to be a member of the elite G.I. Joe team when he was eleven years old. His parents scoffed, "You're too young, too small, and not even out of school yet!" Determined to fulfill his dream to be a G.I. Joe copter pilot, he wrote to the local Army Recruiting Office to find out education and physical requirements for the G.I. Joe Flight program. He then prepared himself in mind and body for the day he would be a Real American Hero. Eight years later, after finishing at the top of his class in both Aviator School and Flight Warrant Officer School, Major Altitude received his orders to report for duty at G.I. Joe Headquarters.
"Major Altitude is no genius and he's not the strongest G.I. Joe by any means, but he's certainly the most determined. Every goal he sets for himself, no matter how trivial, is attacked with the same level of intensity. This has made him extremely popular with the other G.I. Joes. Let's face it. If you're pinned down in an inaccessible box canyon by a heavily armed company of Cobra Vipers, wouldn't you prefer it if the guy who was sent in to rescue you wasn't a quitter?"
| Toy Notes: Item #6326.
Version 2: fall 1993 mail-order Battle Copter Pilots set
[joint filecard for both figures; no MOS listed]
| - head: Wildcard (88), Major Altitude (91, 93)
- arms: Star-Viper (88), Major Altitude (91, 93)
- torso: Star-Viper (88), Major Altitude (91, 93)
- waist: Keel-Haul (85, 93), Major Altitude (91, 93)
- legs: Hardtop (87), Major Altitude (91, 93)
| Accessories: silver submachine gun (91 Cloudburst's), orange helmet (88 Wildcard's), black figure stand (common).
| With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the steady decline of communism around the world, one would think that the skies over Eastern Europe were safe for commercial air travel: think again! Cobra Battle Copters have taken advantage of the current situation and are trying to claim the European skies for themselves! They are attempting to disrupt the flow of peaceful air traffic, a problem with disastrous potential. Leading Cobra's air assault is the notorious INTERROGATOR, an ace Battle Copter pilot whose past is clouded in mystery. To counter the Cobra copters and eliminate them from the skies, G.I. Joe has sent their own squadron of Battle Copters led by MAJOR ALTITUDE, one of the most skilled and determined pilots in the world. Interrogator claims that he can't be shot down, but Major Altitude vows to drop him like a bad habit!
| Toy Notes: Exclusive to the mail offer Terrifying Lasers of Destruction, along with Interrogator. This is considered a high-demand figure.