
File Name: Daniel T. Toner of Queenstown, Australia.
Grade: Army E-4 (1991)
SN: 026-3425-RG90
Notes: Queenstown is a small copper mining area near the west shore of the island of Tasmania, which is also the birthplace of the Dreadnok Ripper.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Unknown | 10 | 316 seconds | 25 | 175
Notes: DiC's Skymate wore his 1991 outfit with a white visor, which he kept raised above the bill of his cap.
Season 2 Opening (DiC) | 2 seconds | (silent) | in footage from DiC season 2 (0:16-17)
| The Eliminator | 6 seconds | (silent) | flying Retaliator, shot down by Overkill
| Kindergarten Commandos | 1 second | (silent) | standing guard at Cobra printing facility (11:25)
| Long Live Rock and Roll Part II | 152 seconds | 14 lines | in Battle Copter, flying Glider into battle, falling into Cobra base, rescuing Billy
| The Sludge Factor Part I | 2 seconds | (silent) | Climbing onto raft after rice flooding (7:18-19)
| The Sludge Factor Part II | 11 seconds | (silent) | driving Attack Cruiser in junkyard
| The Greatest Evil Part I | 2 seconds | (silent) | in wide shot of Joe/Cobra briefing (14:04-05)
| Infested Island | 126 seconds | 11 lines | using Glider to rescue Clean-Sweep, flying cargo plane, ejecting in Glider, assaulting island base
| Basic Training | 3 seconds | (silent) | seen in flashback
| The Legend of Metal-Head | 11 seconds | (silent) | seen in flashback
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, Skymate did not appear in the vintage comic, but he is mentioned in #118.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1991 (Air Commandos)
Version 1: spring 1991 Air Commandos premium carded figure assortment
Glider Trooper
| - head: Skymate (91)
- arms: Skymate (91)
- torso: Skymate (91)
- waist: Skymate (91)
- legs: Skymate (91)
| Accessories: small pink boomerang (new), yellow compound bow with sight (new), clear blue C-shaped visor (new), green and black Air Commandos Glider.
| SKYMATE was handy with boomerangs, knives, and woomeras (spear throwers) long before he received exotic weapons training in the Special Air Service. Growing up on a remote station, not far from the Haast Bluff Aboriginal Reserve, he acquired many of the skills that would enable him to outmaneuver Cobra in trouble spots around the globe.
"S.A.S. troopers are a tough lot. They think wrestling crocodiles is a sport for sissies and shouldn't be engaged in by real men with important things to do. Now, Skymate, he's one of the toughest of the lot and he's twice as dangerous because, on top of being tough, he's quiet and fast. Not the bloke you'd want soaring down on you on a dark night with a compound bow in his hand... "
Status: Attached to G.I. Joe on second assignment from 3 Saber Sgn., Australian SAS.
| Toy Notes: Item #6811.