
Animated Appearances
To my knoweldge, no individual identifiable as Razorclaw was ever animated, but his 2004 figure's helmet design and color scheme were used for the Razor Troopers that appeared in Valor vs. Venom and briefly in Ninja Battles.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (VvV Wave 1)
| 2. 2005 (VvV Wave 6)
Version 1: January 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment
COBRA Feral Berserker
| - head: Razorclaw (04)
- arms: Razorclaw (04), Razor Trooper (04/I, 04/II) - new talons: Razorclaw (05)
- torso: Razorclaw (04, 05), Razor Trooper (04/I, 04/II), Jungle Viper (05/I, 05/II)
- waist: Razorclaw (04, 05), Razor Trooper (04/I, 04/II)
- legs: Razorclaw (04, 05), Razor Trooper (04/I, 04/II)
| Accessories: black pistol (88 Shockwave's), black rifle (86 Leatherneck's).
| He doesn't remember the name he had before he went through his transformation. He answers only to RAZORCLAW. His first impulse after the procedure was to rip apart anything in front of him. He has instinctive combat skills hard-wired directly into his nervous system, and his pain tolerance level is cranked up to "10." He sees through a red haze of unrestrained anger, and a low menacing growl often escapes from between his teeth. RAZORCLAW was trained by renegade ninjas in vicious and sneaky techniques that had been outlawed by legitimate ninja clans for hundreds of years. He isn't "deployed" into an area of operations like other troops; he is simply "unleashed" to let the wild tiger DNA part of him take over to stalk and capture his prey. While proficient with high-tech weaponry, he is not solely dependent upon it. His most potent weapons are his razor-sharp claws. They are retracted and invisible until he attacks, when they spring out instantly, to be used with ruthless abandon against whatever is in his path.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Heavy Duty. Item #55469.
Version 2: January 2005 Valor vs. Venom Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
COBRA V-Troops Infantry
| - head: Razorclaw (05)
- arms: Razorclaw (04), Razor Trooper (04/I, 04/II) - new talons: Razorclaw (05)
- torso: Razorclaw (04, 05), Razor Trooper (04/I, 04/II), Jungle Viper (05/I, 05/II)
- waist: Razorclaw (04, 05), Razor Trooper (04/I, 04/II)
- legs: Razorclaw (04, 05), Razor Trooper (04/I, 04/II)
| Accessories: red helmet with black goggles (new).
| He doesn't remember the name he had before he went through his transformation. He answers only to RAZORCLAW. His first impulse after the procedure was to rip apart anything in front of him. He has instinctive combat skills hard-wired directly into his nervous system, and his pain tolerance level is cranked up to "10." He sees through a red haze of unrestrained anger, and a low menacing growl often escapes from between his teeth. RAZORCLAW was trained by renegade ninjas in vicious and sneaky techniques that had been outlawed by legitimate ninja clans for hundreds of years. He isn't "deployed" into an area of operations like other troops; he is simply "unleashed" to let the wild tiger DNA part of him take over to stalk and capture his prey. While proficient with high-tech weaponry, he is not solely dependent upon it. His most potent weapons are his razor-sharp claws. They are retracted and invisible until he attacks, when they spring out instantly, to be used with ruthless abandon against whatever is in his path.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Tunnel Rat. Item #00281.