
File Name: Andy Lombardi of La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Grade: Army E-4 (2006)
SN: 264-91-LA42
Notes: Andrew Lombardi was a Senior Project Engineer at Hasbro. La Crosse is on the western border of the state, along the Mississippi River, about 160 miles southeast of Minneapolis. Rook was also the name of an Autobot released in 2002.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Rook was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2006 (Steel Brigade)
Version 1: February 2006 Plague Troopers vs. Steel Brigade carded set
Steel Brigade Interrogator | MOS 1: Lie Detection MOS 2: Interpreter
| - head: Rook (06)
- arms: Grunt (03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 04/I), Salvo (05), Checkpoint (06), Rook (06)
- torso: Salvo (05), Hannibal: Reborn (06), Checkpoint (06), Rook (06), Rowdy Roddy Piper (07)
- waist: Grunt (03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 04/I), Salvo (05), Checkpoint (06), Rook (06)
- legs: Grunt (03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 04/I), Salvo (05), Checkpoint (06), Rook (06)
| Accessories: black shotgun with brown fore-end (05 Maj. Barrage's), black rifle (04 Duke's), grey helmet with green forehead and black visor (06 Red Zone's), green vest with black belts (06 Checkpoint's), black figure stand (common).
| ROOK specializes in the art of lie detection without the use of polygraph machines, computer voice stress analysis, or truth serum. Instead, he observes the subtle differences in the timing and duration of emotional gestures, expressions, and words. These differences will instantly reveal to ROOK if his contact is lying. Now take this skill and multiply it by the 14 different languages that ROOK is proficient in, add the fact that he does 90% of his work in dark alleys, secret rooms, and rooftops, and you begin to get a picture of why GENERAL ABERNATHY was so interested in recruiting him for the G.I. JOE team.
"His fellow STEEL BRIGADE members know that playing No-Limit Texas Hold-'em poker against ROOK is pointless. Why? He knows you're bluffing before you know it yourself."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Direct-to-Consumer/Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with Gallows, Grim Skull, Guillotine, Red Zone, and Checkpoint. Item #14158.