
File Name: Robert D. Dubé of East Greenwich, Rhode Island.
Grade: Army E-4 (2004-2005)
SN: 345-68-RD89
Notes: Robert Dubé was a Senior Art Director at Hasbro. A suburb of Providence, East Greenwich is the wealthiest town in Rhode Island. Hasbro's headquarters is in nearby Pawtucket, which is why so many Joes come from this state. Rollbar was also the name of an Autobot released in 1987 as part of the Throttlebots team.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Rollbar was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (Jungle Strike)
| 2. 2005 (Night Ops)
Version 1: October 2004 boxed Jungle Strike Humvee vehicle
Humvee Driver | MOS 1: Assault Vehicle Driver [88M] MOS 2: Mechanic
| - head: Rollbar (04, 05), Cobra S.A.W. Viper (06)
- arms: Rollbar (04, 05), Duke (05/I), Lt. Falcon (09)
- torso: Rollbar (04, 05), Duke (05/I), Cobra S.A.W. Viper (06), Lt. Falcon (09)
- waist: Rollbar (04, 05), Duke (05/I), Cobra S.A.W. Viper (06), Lt. Falcon (09)
- legs: Rollbar (04, 05), Duke (05/I), Cobra S.A.W. Viper (06), Lt. Falcon (09)
| Accessories: dark green helmet with chin strap and black inverted-Y-shaped device on brim (new).
| ROLLBAR was a "tuner" in civilian life, a master of radical performance upgrades on small import cars. Adapting that kind of fast and furious mind-set to driving and maintaining a slow and steady HUMVEE was a major challenge, but ROLLBAR was well up to it. His specially modified vehicles can outrun any COBRA vehicles on blacktop, outmaneuver them off-road, and give as good as it takes on the demolition course. There is the same swagger in his driving style that there is in his walk. It's not an expression of arrogance as much as cool-headed self-confidence. With two blown tires, his engine on fire, and COBRA tracer rounds zeroing in on him, ROLLBAR never has a single doubt that he will make it back to G.I. JOE Headquarters in time for vehicle log-in and inspection at the motor pool.
"I can take an engine and some wheels and turn them into a road-chewing, COBRA-thumping, mobile motorcade of justice."
| Toy Notes: Item #55985. Some early promotions identified this figure as Sergeant Zap.
Version 2: June 2005 boxed Night Ops Humvee vehicle
Humvee Driver | MOS 1: Assault Vehicle Driver [88M] MOS 2: Mechanic
| - head: Rollbar (04, 05), Cobra S.A.W. Viper (06)
- arms: Rollbar (04, 05), Duke (05/I), Lt. Falcon (09)
- torso: Rollbar (04, 05), Duke (05/I), Cobra S.A.W. Viper (06), Lt. Falcon (09)
- waist: Rollbar (04, 05), Duke (05/I), Cobra S.A.W. Viper (06), Lt. Falcon (09)
- legs: Rollbar (04, 05), Duke (05/I), Cobra S.A.W. Viper (06), Lt. Falcon (09)
| Accessories: black helmet with chinstrap and large raised goggles on brim (new).
| ROLLBAR was a "tuner" in civilian life, a master of radical performance upgrades on small import cars. Adapting that kind of fast and furious mind-set to driving and maintaining a slow and steady HUMVEE was a major challenge, but ROLLBAR was well up to it. His specially modified vehicles can outrun any COBRA vehicles on blacktop, outmaneuver them off-road, and give as good as it takes on the demolition course. There is the same swagger in his driving style that there is in his walk. It's not an expression of arrogance as much as cool-headed self-confidence. With two blown tires, his engine on fire, and COBRA tracer rounds zeroing in on him, ROLLBAR never has a single doubt that he will make it back to G.I. JOE Headquarters in time for vehicle log-in and inspection at the motor pool.
"I can take an engine and some wheels and turn them into a road-chewing, COBRA-thumping, mobile motorcade of justice."
| Toy Notes: Boxed with a Direct-to-Consumer recolor of the Jungle Strike Humvee. Item #56290.