
Depth Charge
(aka Depthcharge)
File Name: Nick H. Langdon of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Grade: Army E-5 (2003-2005)
SN: 975-23-BD29
Notes: Nick Langdon was a Hasbro designer who developed new play-value mechanisms for action figures. Pittsburgh is in the southwest part of the state, at the source of the Ohio River. It is also the hometown of Steeler. Depth Charge was also the name of a Maximal first released in 1998 as part of the Transformers: Beast Wars toy line.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Depth Charge was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2003 (blue Wave Crusher)
| 2. 2005 (orange Wave Crusher)
Version 1: April 2003 carded Wave Crusher vehicle
UDT (Underwater Demolitions Team) | MOS 1: UDT MOS 2: Bandsman (glockenspiel)
| - head: Depth Charge (03, 05)
- arms: Depth Charge (03, 05)
- torso: Depth Charge (03, 05)
- waist: Depth Charge (03, 05)
- legs: Depth Charge (03, 05)
| Accessories: black speargun with curved magazine (new), black full-head helmet with tubes on side and red eyepieces (new), black goggles with gold lenses (new), graphite scuba vest (03 Chief Torpedo's), graphite pair of flippers (02 Wet-Suit's).
| UDTs are the first ones on the scene to check out the general situation, clear any obstacles and eliminate mines and other devices. They must be SCUBA and airborne qualified and have a good working knowledge of explosive ordinance disposal, rubber boats, and nasty little weapons that don't make a lot of noise. DEPTH CHARGE has ratings in all these skills that are among the highest ever recorded in the program. He totally hates the water. He doesn't like swimming, despises pools and hot tubs, gets irritated by the sound of seagulls, is nauseated by the smell of ocean air, and takes the long way around puddles. What DEPTH CHARGE loves is everything else about being a UDT, so he is quite willing to put up with the annoyance of being immersed in water while carrying out his duties.
"You want to know why I'm so enthusiastic about running up on the beach and clearing COBRA off it? Because if COBRA wasn't there, I wouldn't have to jump in the water in the first place!"
| Toy Notes: Item #57550.
Version 2: March 2005 carded Wave Crusher vehicle
UDT (Underwater Demolitions Team) Depthcharge | MOS 1: UDT MOS 2: Bandsman (glockenspiel)
| - head: Depth Charge (03, 05)
- arms: Depth Charge (03, 05)
- torso: Depth Charge (03, 05)
- waist: Depth Charge (03, 05)
- legs: Depth Charge (03, 05)
| Accessories: black speargun (03 Depth Charge's), black goggles with gold lenses (03 Depth Charge's), gold scuba vest (03 Chief Torpedo's).
| UDTs are the first ones on the scene to check out the general situation, clear any obstacles and eliminate mines and other devices. They must be SCUBA and airborne qualified and have a good working knowledge of explosive ordinance disposal, rubber boats, and nasty little weapons that don't make a lot of noise. DEPTHCHARGE has ratings in all these skills that are among the highest ever recorded in the program. He totally hates the water. He doesn't like swimming, despises pools and hot tubs, gets irritated by the sound of seagulls, is nauseated by the smell of ocean air, and takes the long way around puddles. What DEPTHCHARGE loves is everything else about being a UDT, so he is quite willing to put up with the annoyance of being immersed in water or riding his WAVE CRUSHER vehicle while carrying out his duties.
"You want to know why I'm so enthusiastic about running up on the beach and clearing COBRA off it? Because if COBRA wasn't there, I wouldn't have to jump in the water in the first place!"
| Toy Notes: Item #56223.