
File Name: Daniel M. LeClaire of Wheaton, Wisconsin.
Grades: Army E-4 (1984-2005)
various SNs: RA158230074; 158-24-0087; 158-23-DM74; 15B-24-DM87
Notes: Wheaton is in the west central portion of the state, about 10 miles north of Eau Claire.
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Bill Morey | 26 | 1,025 seconds | 94 | 832
Sunbow's Recondo wore his 1984 outfit with a darker green hat, and he had black hair.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 5 seconds | (silent) | attacking Zartan, in final pose
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 25 seconds | 5 lines | at HQ when Flint returns, part of team to Palace of Doom
| Countdown for Zartan | 117 seconds | 9 lines | at Joe HQ, flying Dragonfly to defense center, looking for bomb, fighting during attack
| Jungle Trap | 284 seconds | 27 lines | on team to escort/rescue Dr. Shakur, in Cobra disguise at one point
| Lights! Camera! Cobra! | 131 seconds | 13 lines | Joe consultant on set, in Silver Mirage racing Zartan, disguised as Torch; at premiere
| Red Rocket's Glare | 141 seconds | 22 lines | leading assault on Cobra base, visiting diner, defending it; in final scene
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 2 | 59 seconds | 2 lines | at briefing, stealing fuel trucks, on Destro's ship, attacking island base
| Spell of the Siren | 11 seconds | 2 lines | in Dragonfly searching for mountain hideout; at HQ with Xamot
| The Viper Is Coming | 14 seconds | (silent) | fighting Cobra at West Point; at Barbecue's apt; meeting The Viper
| Where the Reptiles Roam | 17 seconds | 2 lines | scouting for assault on ranch hideout
| Cobra Quake | 4 seconds | (silent) | standing guard outside economic summit
| An Eye for an Eye | 35 seconds | 3 lines | escorting fusion-engine plane; watching TV at HQ
| Memories of Mara | 4 seconds | (silent) | at Mauler during island briefing
| The Pit of Vipers | 2 seconds | (silent) | in A.W.E. Striker with Flint's team (in Red Rockets Glare shirt, 9:27-28)
| The Great Alaskan Land Rush | 5 seconds | (silent) | at HQ during broadcast
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 1 | 5 seconds | (silent) | third base in ball game; at briefing on Dreadnoks
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 2 | 67 seconds | 5 lines | guarding Montezuma's tomb in the Yucatan
| Sink the Montana | 1 second | (silent) | in line to board the U.S.S. Montana (15:42)
| G.I. Joe and the Golden Fleece | 7 seconds | (silent) | pinned down during battle at Suez Canal
| The Most Dangerous Thing in the World | 48 seconds | (silent) | on exercise range; running from Tomahawks; helping defend Joe HQ; following Hawk
| Knowing Is Half the Battle PSAs | 18 seconds | 4 lines | finding child shut in a refrigerator
| G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening | 3 seconds | (silent) | leading team of running Joes, shooting from statue
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 1 | 3 seconds | (silent) | at B.E.T. test
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 2 | 1 second | (silent) | running from barracks during Serpentor's escape
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 4 | 10 seconds | (silent) | with injured Duke
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 5 | 8 seconds | (silent) | at ice dome entrance; charging toward palace; shielding eyes during explosion
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Recondo was discernible in 136 panels in 26 issues from Feb. 1985 to Dec. 1994: #32, 33, Yearbook 1, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, Yearbook 2, 46, 48, 49, 50, SM 2, Order of Battle 2, 56, 62, 63, 64, 76, SM 25, SM 26, 92, SM 27, and 155.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1984
2. 1988 (Tiger Fly)
3. 2003 (Spy Troops)
| 4. 2004 (Tiger Storm)
5. 2005 (Desert Coyote)
Version 1: spring 1984 regular carded figure assortment
Jungle Trooper | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Intelligence [prob. former 96R]
| - head: Recondo (84, 88)
- arms: Recondo (84, 88)
- torso: Recondo (84, 88), Starduster (87 A)
- waist: Recondo (84, 88), Starduster (87 A-B)
- legs: Recondo (84, 88)
| Accessories: light green wrapped M-14E2X assault rifle (new), light green backpack with U-shaped handle (new).
| Recondo hates the cold. He loves hauling a rucksack through the bush and sweating through his cammies. When he's in the jungle, he owns it. Anybody else is trespassing. Cadre member at Jungle Warfare Training Center. Qualified expert: M-16; Swedish K; grease gun; M-1911A1 Auto Pistol; M-79 grenade launcher.
"A jungle is like some single, gigantic, hostile organism. It can sense when you fear or hate it - and it is wholly without mercy. When Recondo steps into a jungle, it sings to him like a mother soothing a troubled child."
| Variations: Some Recondo figures had softer, brown stripes on the legs instead of sharp green ones. They also had either a brown or green watch, and the accessory color could vary slightly.
| Toy Notes: Featured in 1984's Battle Stations commercial. The green camouflage pattern in the 1984 insert catalog and commercials was more complex than either of the released variety. Item #6420.
Version 2: summer 1988 boxed Tiger Fly vehicle (Tiger Force)
Tiger Fly Pilot | MOS 1: Tiger Fly Pilot [would be 153A] MOS 2: Intelligence [prob. former 96R]
| - head: Recondo (84, 88)
- arms: Recondo (84, 88)
- torso: Recondo (84, 88), Starduster (87 A)
- waist: Recondo (84, 88), Starduster (87 A-B)
- legs: Recondo (84, 88)
| Accessories: black rifle (84 Recondo's), dark green backpack (84 Recondo's).
| RECONDO has been flying prop-jets and helicopters since he was 17 years old. Naturally, when he enlisted in the Army, he immediately put in for helicopter training. Recondo served with the 7th Airmobile Assault Unit when it put down an uprising on a small Caribbean nation! His greatest achievement was when he launched a bold and highly successful counterattack against an entire enemy brigade! At the end of his tour, Recondo attended Flight School for advanced training and now leads the Tiger Force aerial reconnaissance unit!
"I sure thought we were history that day! The enemy was everywhere and we were running out of ammo - fast! Then, before anybody knew what was what, Recondo hopped into the Apache and took off to launch his own counterattack! The man was crazy, but if it wasn't for his courage, I wouldn't be telling this story today!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6672. The Tiger Fly's pilot was originally intended to be Wild Bill.
Version 3: late January 2003 Spy Troops Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
Jungle Warfare Expert | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Intelligence [prob. former 96R]
| - head: Recondo (03, 04), Double Clutch (03)
- arms: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- torso: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- waist: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- legs: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
| Two-Pack Accessories: brown Dragunov SVU bullpup-style sniper rifle with scope (new), silver shotgun (88 Muskrat's, with Sound Attack tab).
Mission Disc Accessories: black submachine gun (92 Shockwave's), black knife (88 Hit & Run's), black backpack (91 Big Ben's).
| RECONDO was an instructor at the Jungle Warfare Training Center where all the bad-to-the-bone soldiers learn their trade. He learned his craft the hard way, waist deep in leech-infested water or hacking his way through dense triple-canopy forest while dodging bullets and grenades. As cruel and as unforgiving as the jungle is, RECONDO considers it his friend, especially if he can lure the enemy deep inside where they are cut off from support and help.
Rumor has it that once, when RECONDO was on a recon mission in the middle of some dense jungle outback, a whole command section of IRON GRENADIERS went chasing in after him and he sent the lot of them packing with their tails between their legs. That this tale is true seems to be borne out by the fact that IRON GRENADIERS have posted a cash reward among themselves for whoever brings RECONDO in.
"You go into the jungle prepared to fight it, you're going to lose. You make your peace with the bugs, the snakes and the heat, and then you've got half a chance."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Iron Grenadier. Item #57260.
| Reissues: Carded in April 2004 with Mission Disc #1 (Item #55333).
Version 4: January 2004 carded Tiger Storm vehicle
Jungle Warfare Expert | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Intelligence [prob. former 96R]
| - head: Recondo (03, 04), Double Clutch (03)
- arms: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- torso: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- waist: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- legs: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
| Accessories: silver revolver (02 Dr. Mindbender's), silver Uzi (86 Low-Light's), brown machine gun (03 Chief Torpedo's).
| RECONDO was an instructor at the Jungle Warfare Training Center where all the bad-to-the-bone soldiers learn their trade. He learned his craft the hard way, waist deep in leech-infested water or hacking his way through dense triple-canopy forest while dodging enemy fire. As cruel and as unforgiving as the jungle is, RECONDO considers it his friend, especially if he can lure the enemy deep inside where they are cut off from support and help. Rumor has it that once, when RECONDO was on a mission in a desert region, a whole section of SAND VIPER troops attacked him and he sent the lot of them packing with their tails between their legs. The veracity of this tale is borne out by the fact that SAND VIPER troops have anted up the cash reward posted by the IRON GRENADIER troops for whoever brings RECONDO in.
"You go into the jungle prepared to fight it, you're going to lose. You make your peace with the bugs, the snakes, and the heat, and then you've got half a chance."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a "Value Zone" vehicle pack with Sand Viper, Wild Bill, a recolor of the Missile Storm, and a mini-comic. Item #54117. Known to collectors as Night Force Recondo, although the Night Force designation is unofficial.
Version 5: January 2005 carded Desert Coyote vehicle
Jungle Warfare Expert | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Intelligence [prob. former 96R]
| - head: Recondo (05)
- arms: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- torso: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- waist: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- legs: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
| Accessories: none
| RECONDO was an instructor at the Jungle Warfare Training Center where all the bad-to-the-bone soldiers learn their trade. He learned his craft the hard way, waist deep in leech-infested water or hacking his way through dense triple-canopy forest while dodging enemy fire. As cruel and as unforgiving as the jungle is, RECONDO considers it his friend, especially if he can lure the enemy deep inside where they are cut off from support and help. Rumor has it that once, when RECONDO was on a recon mission in the middle of a dense jungle, he single-handedly outmaneuvered a command section of IRON GRENADIER troopers.
"If you go into the jungle prepared to fight it, you'll lose. If you make your peace with the bugs, snakes, and heat, then you've got half a chance."
| Toy Notes: Item #00315.