
(aka Cobra Para-Viper)
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Para-Vipers were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2008 (post-25th Wave 10)
Version 1: October 2008 post-25th Anniverary Wave 10 carded figure assortment
Cobra Paratrooper | MOS 1: Airborne Infantry MOS 2: Infiltration
| - head: Cobra Para-Viper (08)
- upper arms: Capt. Ace (08/I), Wild Bill (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09), Cobra Para-Viper (08)
- lower arms: Cobra Para-Viper (08)
- body: Capt. Ace (08/I), Wild Bill (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09), Cobra Para-Viper (08), Specialist Trakker (08), Air Viper Commando (09)
- upper legs: Capt. Ace (08/I), Wild Bill (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09), Lt. Slip Stream (08), Cobra Para-Viper (08), Specialist Trakker (08), Air Viper Commando (09)
- lower legs: Cobra Para-Viper (08)
| Accessories: dark blue submachine gun with retracted stock, no scope, and long curved magazine (new), dark blue bayonet sniper rifle with severely angled grip, hinged stock, and detachable magazine (new), large bipod with prominent feet for rifle (new), black knife with silver blade (04 Swamp Rat's), grey flight helmet with black air mask, silver goggles, and yellow Cobra emblem (new), black goggles with red lenses (new), black flight harness with loops around chest and legs (new), black long flight vest with yellow stripes and clear air tubes (new), black pair of short flippers with three toes and holes for figure stand (new), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA PARA-VIPER troopers are the deadliest, most highly trained commandos in the COBRA legions. They specialize in high-altitude, low-opening jumps to go behind enemy lines or infiltrate unsuspecting countries or targeted facilities to conquer, steal, or cause generalized chaos. COBRA PARA-VIPER troopers are selected from the ranks of the COBRA EEL troopers and are chosen for their exceptional audacity, independent attitude, and utter fearlessness. They are given a parachute, instructions, and not much else; their purpose is to go in first and pave the way for the main assault force.
"Jumping out of a plane into cold, thin air, when everything is pretty much a speck below you, and there's nothing to keep you alive but some thin fabric, sounds like a completely insane thing to do. You're right; it is. That's why we do it."
| Toy Notes: Item #34118.