
(aka Cobra Slice)
File name Classified, from Jonestown, UK.
Notes: The only Jonestown I have found in the UK is a coffee shop in London. There are two towns in Wales called Johnstown.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Unknown | 4 | 219 seconds | 12 | 93
| Reel FX Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Kevan Ohtsji | 2 | 157 seconds | 19 | 96
Notes: DiC switched the names of Slice and Dice: The character wearing Slice's 1992 outfit is called Dice the only time his name is given, and the character with Dice's appearance is called Slice on two occasions. The numbers above reflect the character in Slice's red uniform. (In one shot, he has his mask raised and is seen to have a thin moustache.)
The Reel FX films gave Slice a uniform based loosely on the 2004 version but colored purple, and he was consistently paired with the character Slash.
The Sword | 126 seconds | 11 lines | flying Battle Copter in ambush, in Valley of Darkness
| Kindergarten Commandos | 82 seconds | 1 line | delivering books to school, capturing Mercer, in cafeteria, captured by Mercer and students
| The Greatest Evil Part I | 2 seconds | (silent) | in wide shot of Joe/Cobra briefing (14:04-05)
| The Legend of Metal-Head | 9 seconds | (silent) | seen in flashback
| Valor vs. Venom | 110 seconds | 17 lines | attacking Brazil citadel, guarding launcher during final battle
| Ninja Battles | 47 seconds | 2 lines | in jungle in backstory, seen in flashback, attacking Joes with Storm Shadow
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Slice was discernible in 159 panels in 24 issues from Jan. 1992 to Jul. 1994: #120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 146, and 150.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1992 (Ninja Force red)
2. 1993 (Ninja Force orange)
| 3. 1994 (Shadow Ninjas)
4. 2002 (JvC Wave 1.5)
| 5. 2004 (Action Attack)
6. 2005 (VvV Wave 6)
Version 1: spring 1992 Ninja Force carded figure assortment
Cobra Ninja Swordsman
| - head: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02)
- arms: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- torso: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- waist: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- legs: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
| Accessories: black "wide butterfly battle knife" (new), black "Jab-hook heavy sword" with crescent on knuckle guard (new), black figure stand (common).
| Captured Cobra documents indicate that SLICE may be a renegade Ninja from STORM SHADOW'S very own clan! It is believed that Slice created his own evil sword technique by observing the battle strategies of scorpions and adapting the movement into a backhand sword-slash that he calls the "Scorpion Slash." He's an expert with all edged weapons, small hand guns and explosives, and enjoys working with the Cobra Ninja cohort, named DICE! Slice can usually be found driving the Cobra Parasite when he's not in his martial arts studio.
Motto: "I fear no mortal man in face-to-face combat, but my sword cuts easiest from behind!"
| Variations: Early releases did not have torso tabs to restrict movement.
| Toy Notes: With the exception of some variants, this version has tabs on its torso to keep it from pivoting, and its right arm has spring-loaded reverse chopping action. Item #6735. The prototype pictured in the catalog has spots instead of stars on its tunic.
Version 2: spring 1993 Ninja Force carded figure assortment, #7
Cobra Ninja Swordsman | MOS 1: Cobra Ninja Swordsman MOS 2: Espionage
| - head: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02)
- arms: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- torso: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- waist: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- legs: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
| Accessories: black knife (92 Slice's), two black double-bladed knives with spiked knuckle guard (new), black sword with round pommel and hooked blade (new), black axe (92 Dice's), black bo staff (92 Dice's), black figure stand (common).
| SLICE is rumored to be a renegade Ninja from STORM SHADOW'S clan. It is believed that Slice created his own evil sword technique by observing the battle strategies of scorpions. He even adapted one of their techniques into a backhand sword-slash that he calls the "Scorpion Slash." He's an expert with all edged weapons, small hand guns and explosives, and enjoys working with other Cobra Ninjas! Slice can usually be found sharpening his weapons when he's not in his martial arts studio.
Motto: "I fear no mortal man in face-to-face combat, but my sword cuts easiest from behind!"
| Toy Notes: This version has tabs on its torso to keep it from pivoting, and its right arm has spring-loaded reverse chopping action. Item #6796.
Version 3: spring 1994 Shadow Ninjas carded figure assortment, #40
Cobra Ninja Swordsman | MOS 1: Cobra Ninja Swordsman MOS 2: Espionage
| - head: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02)
- arms: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- torso: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- waist: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- legs: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
| Accessories: clear green knife (92 Slice's), two clear green double-bladed knives (93 Slice's), clear green sword (93 Slice's), clear green axe (92 Dice's), clear green bo staff (92 Dice's), clear green figure stand (common).
| SLICE is rumored to be a renegade ninja from STORM SHADOW'S clan. It is believed that Slice created his own evil sword technique by observing the battle strategies of scorpions. He even adapted one of their techniques into a backhand sword-slash that he calls the "Scorpion Slash." He's an expert with all edged weapons, small hand guns and explosives. With his new Inviso-Power, you never know when he's going to "sting" next!
Motto: "I fear no mortal man, now that I posses the power of a wraith!"
| Toy Notes: This version features a temperature-based color change, has tabs on its torso to keep it from pivoting, and its right arm has spring-loaded reverse chopping action. Item #81144.
Version 4: June 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1.5 carded figure assortment
Supreme Cobra Ninja Swordsman Cobra Slice | MOS 1: Martial Arts MOS 2: Ninja Swordfighting
| - head: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02)
- arms: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- torso: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- waist: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
- legs: Slice (92, 93, 94, 02), Ryu (93/I, 93/II)
| Accessories: black knife (90 Range-Viper's), silver sword (92 Nunchuk's), black figure stand (common).
| Captured COBRA documents indicate that COBRA SLICE may be a renegade ninja from the same clan as STORM SHADOW. It is believed that COBRA SLICE created his own evil sword technique by observing the battle strategies of scorpions and adapting the movements into a backhand sword slash that he calls the "Scorpion Slash." He's an expert with all edged weapons, small hand guns, and explosives, and he works with the other COBRA ninjas to form assault teams. COBRA SLICE is usually found in his martial arts studio, practicing his already perfect moves. He was humiliated when he fought SURE FIRE from the G.I. Joe team—and lost. He lives for the day when he'll meet SURE FIRE again, and this time he'll teach him a lesson he won't forget.
"I fear no mortal man in face-to-face combat, but my sword cuts easiest from behind."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Sure Fire. This version's right arm has spring-loaded reverse chopping action, but it lacks the torso tabs of previous versions. Item #57450.
Version 5: May 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 3 figure two-pack assortment
| - head: Cobra Slice (04, 05)
- arms: Cobra Slice (04, 05)
- torso: Cobra Slice (04, 05); Action Attack removed for 2005
- waist: Cobra Slice (04, 05); Action Attack removed for 2005
- legs: Cobra Slice (04, 05); Action Attack removed for 2005
| Accessories: two black knives (03 Over Kill's), black sword (92 T'Jbang's), red headband with long ends (new).
| Intelligence sources indicate that COBRA SLICE came to the COBRA organization through the criminal underworld and may have had connections to various secret police forces in fallen dictatorships. He may have also been a professional wrestler at one time and certainly had enough of a martial arts background to warrant recruitment into a COBRA ninja unit headed by STORM SHADOW. Although he can't quite grasp the finer points of what STORM SHADOW has to teach him, COBRA SLICE is an attentive, overly competitive pupil who makes up for his lack of surgical precision with raw strength. He is all about massive brutal power directed by evil intent. STORM SHADOW is smart enough to know that one needs a Goliath as well as a David in one's lineup. Not all tactical problems can be solved by stealth and deception. When COBRA SLICE jumps into a fight, he isn't thinking out strategy a half dozen moves ahead, he's just aiming for your head and putting all his weight behind the punch.
"Somebody's technique doesn't count for much once they step within my reach."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Agent Jinx. Item #55965. This version is specially consructed for a spring-loaded Action Attack move.
Version 6: January 2005 Valor vs. Venom Wave 6 figure two-pack assortment
| - head: Cobra Slice (04, 05)
- arms: Cobra Slice (04, 05)
- torso: Cobra Slice (04) - Action Attack removed: Cobra Slice (05)
- waist: Cobra Slice (04) - Action Attack removed: Cobra Slice (05)
- legs: Cobra Slice (04) - Action Attack removed: Cobra Slice (05)
| Accessories: two black Uzis (82 Snake Eyes's), silver sword (92 Nunchuk's), two silver sickles with three holes on blade (new), red headband (04 Cobra Slice's).
| Intelligence sources indicate that COBRA SLICE came to the COBRA organization through the criminal underworld and may have had connections to various secret police forces in fallen dictatorships. He may have also been a professional wrestler at one time and certainly had enough of a martial arts background to warrant recruitment into a COBRA ninja unit headed by STORM SHADOW. although he can't quite grasp the finer points of what STORM SHADOW has to teach him, COBRA SLICE is an attentive, overly competitive pupil who makes up for his lack of surgical precision with raw strength. He is all about massive brutal power directed by evil intent. STORM SHADOW is smart enough to know that one needs a Goliath as well as a David in one's lineup. Not all tactical problems can be solved by stealth and deception. When COBRA SLICE jumps into a fight, he isn't thinking out strategy a half dozen moves ahead, he's just aiming for your head and putting all his weight behind the punch.
"Somebody's technique doesn't count for much once they step within my reach."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Slash. Item #00280.
| Reissues: Later carded without accessories in June 2008 in the Wave 4 discount figure single-pack assortment (Item #34873).