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(aka Sergeant Bazooka)

File Name: David L. Katzenbogen of Hibbing, Minnesota.
Grades: Army E-5 (1985-2008)
various SNs: 112-40-0577; 112-40-507; 112-40-DL57
Notes: Hibbing is an iron mining town in the northeast part of the state, about 75 miles northwest of Duluth. It is also the hometown of Tripwire. Bazooka was also the name of a Predacon originally released in 1999 as part of the Beast Wars Neo lineup.

chronological: Flint<< Bazooka >>Airtight
alphabetical: B.A.T. II<< Bazooka >>Beach Head


Animated Appearances

Sunbow VoiceAppearancesTime Identifiable On ScreenTotal Lines (In Own Voice)Total Words
John Hostetter392,072 seconds170445

Sunbow's Bazooka wore his 1985 outfit with tan pants and helmet, and brown wristbands. He was usually paired with Alpine. Despite the filecard description, the series placed Bazooka in the mythic role of "loveable goof," and he rarely spoke in complete sentences. Bazooka's file name was mentioned in the episode Worlds Without End, Part 1.


Season 1 Opening (Sunbow)13 seconds(silent)in Armadillo, grappling onto airship, running from the wreckage, in final pose
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 124 seconds3 linesin J.U.M.P. defending shuttle, at Joe HQ during satellite attack
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 222 seconds2 linesin Killer W.H.A.L.E. leaving U.S.S. Flagg
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 3112 seconds11 linesfighting at Mountain of Glass; leg injury
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 4130 seconds12 linesrescued by Quick Kick, riding under a H.I.S.S., stealing a cargo plane
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 591 seconds3 linesreturning to Joe HQ, attacking Cobra base, yodeling to bring down Dragon
Lights! Camera! Cobra!1 second(silent)seen fighting in studio battle (19:56)
Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 21 second(silent)on left end of risers at reinstatement (21:19)
Spell of the Siren2 seconds(silent)entranced at Joe HQ (10:44, 10:49, miscolored)
The Greenhouse Effect139 seconds12 lineschasing CG, fighting vegetables at fair and in Chicago
The Funhouse214 seconds13 linesassaulting Cobra base, paired with Alpine
Where the Reptiles Roam193 seconds16 linesraiding info center, investigating ranch disguised as Little Bob Austin
Lasers in the Night43 seconds3 linesrescuing "Lady Jaye" from a fire; helping capture Amber; at briefing on Gung-Ho's disappearance
The Germ1 second(silent)manning A.W.E. Striker against germ (20:04)
Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent188 seconds20 linescamping; on Flagg with Alpine; fighting sea serpent
Cobra Quake301 seconds40 linesat Japan training center; pursuing Cobra agents and disarming bombs; driving Silver Mirage
Excalibur4 seconds(silent)setting up radar system; hit by tidal wave; driving W.H.A.L.E.
An Eye for an Eye70 seconds6 linesescorting fusion-engine plane; fighting at Cobra base
Flint's Vacation16 seconds3 lineshelping Breaker override subliminal broadcast
The Gods Below222 seconds15 lineslured into pyramid; disguised as Crimson Guard; dies but revived during gods' trial
The Wrong Stuff19 seconds(silent)sparring with Alpine; space training
The Pit of Vipers71 seconds7 linesriding with Flint to attack Watchdog and in Everglades, in final battle
Cold Slither42 seconds3 linesflying Falcon Glider against fortress, golfing at HQ, at briefing
There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 11 second(silent)escaping sinking Flagg in false flashback (11:05)
Season 2 Opening (Sunbow)5 seconds(silent)driving A.W.E. Striker and Silver Mirage, destroying B.A.T.
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 117 seconds(silent)first base in ball game; surrounded on airfield; at HQ for Raven alert; at briefing on Dreadnoks
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 26 seconds(silent)guarding Vlad Tepes' tomb in Transyvlania
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 316 seconds(silent)digging out Beach Head and MainframeKhan
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 523 seconds(silent)cheering Sarge at Terror Drome; at Joe HQ briefing; seen after DC battle
Sink the Montana18 seconds(silent)boarding Montana and fighting B.A.T.s on board
Once Upon a Joe3 seconds(silent)helping rebuild orphanage
The Most Dangerous Thing in the World25 seconds(silent)with Maulers; fighting tanks in HQ attack; firing on Cobra; following Hawk
Ninja Holiday2 seconds(silent)with Tomahawk to extract team (21:05-06)
Sins of Our Fathers2 seconds(silent)walking a guard post at Joe HQ (3:02-03)
Into Your Tent I Will Silently Creep7 seconds(silent)in line in mess hall
G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening1 second(silent)tripping and accidentally destroying a Cobra Moray (2:18)
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 12 seconds(silent)at B.E.T. test (11:55-56)
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 223 seconds1 lineguarding Serpentor's cell; injured
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 52 seconds(silent)charging toward palace (7:06-07)

Classic Marvel Comic Appearances

By my count, Bazooka was discernible in 36 panels in 13 issues from Feb. 1986 to Nov. 1989: #44, Yearbook 2, 46, 47, 48, 49, Order of Battle 1, 63, 64, 67, 78, 90, and SM 27.

Figure Releases

Versions: 1. 1985
2. 1988 (Tiger Force)
3. 1993 (Battle Corps)
4. 2004 (Quick Strike)
5. 2005 (Valor vs. Venom Wave 5)
6. 2008 (post-25th Wave 10)
Version 1: spring 1985 regular carded figure assortment
Missile SpecialistMOS 1: Armor Defeating Weapons Systems
MOS 2: Tank Driver [19B]
  • head: Bazooka (85, 88)
  • arms: Bazooka (85, 88)
  • torso: Bazooka (85, 88)
  • waist: Bazooka (85, 88), Rumbler (87)
  • legs: Bazooka (85, 88), Rumbler (87)
Accessories: black M72 LAW missile launcher with sling and visible missile tip (new), olive helmet with engraved brim strap, olive backpack with four engraved missiles.
Bazooka was driving an Abrams tank in the "Third Horde" (Third Armored Div.) when he came to the realization that an illiterate farmer armed with a $200 disposable rocket launcher could knock out a million dollar tank with less than two weeks training. He put in for a transfer immediately.
Training: Advanced Infantry School, Fort Benning; Armor School, Fort Knox. Qualified expert: Dragon Anti-Tank Missile, Milan System, LAW rocket, Recoilless rifle, LAW System and all Warsaw Pact RPG systems. Subject is also EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) qualified up to the tac-op category.
Subject is a decisive fast-thinker with all the instincts of a natural survivor.
Variations: Early figures (most or all of 1985) had a thicker, less detailed LAW missile launcher that also came with Footloose. Bazooka's belt could be either cream-colored or a bluish green.
Toy Notes: Item #6438.
Reissued: Reissued in mail offers 1988-1992 (North Atlantic, Operation Blackout, End of Slaughter, Top Secret, Thrills Chills Spills, G.I. Joe Bugle, Mission Rescue: Code Blue).
Version 2: summer 1988 Tiger Force carded figure assortment
Tiger Force Missile SpecialistMOS 1: Armor Defeating Weapons Systems [11B]
MOS 2: Tiger Shark Driver [88K]
  • head: Bazooka (85, 88)
  • arms: Bazooka (85, 88)
  • torso: Bazooka (85, 88)
  • waist: Bazooka (85, 88), Rumbler (87)
  • legs: Bazooka (85, 88), Rumbler (87)
Accessories: black missile launcher (85 Bazooka's), red-brown helmet (85 Bazooka's), dark green backpack (85 Bazooka's).
BAZOOKA was driving an Abrams tank in the "Third Horde" (Third Armored Div.) when he came to the realization that an illiterate farmer armed with a $200 disposable rocket launcher could knock out a million dollar tank with less than two weeks training. With that in mind, he put in for an immediate transfer to Tiger Force. Since that time, Bazooka has become a true specialist in the use of tactical assault missiles. Now, he can fire a surface-to-surface missile at a T-52 tank positioned over 2 miles away and blow off its gun barrel cleaner than knife through butter!
"Bazooka can tell you everything you need to know about missile attack systems, and then some! He'd talk your ear off if he wasn't always on the missile range target shooting. He never lets his missile launcher out of his sight, even when he goes for a joy ride in the Tiger Shark through Cobra infested waters. He really lives by the words, 'Be prepared for anything!'"
Toy Notes: Item #6697-5.
Version 3: winter 1993 Battle Corps Wave 1 carded figure assortment, #1
Missile SpecialistMOS 1: Heavy Weapons Specialist [11B]
MOS 2: Blockbuster Driver [88M]
  • head: Bazooka (93)
  • arms: Bazooka (93)
  • torso: Bazooka (93)
  • waist: Bullhorn (90), Bazooka (93)
  • legs: Bullhorn (90), Bazooka (93)
Accessories: light green submachine gun (88 Hit & Run), light green rifle (90 Ambush's), light green machine gun (91 Big Ben's), teal spring missile launcher with shoulder notch and U-shaped handle, red trigger (new), two light green spring missiles with tapered ringed tip (new), light green figure stand (common).
BAZOOKA has been all over the world driving an Abrams tank with the "Third Hord" [sic] (Third Armored Div.) against Cobra forces. Extensive travelling made Bazooka homesick and long for his favorite hobby: fishing. Whenever he has to fight, the memory of home sends him raging into battle...and that's no fish story because he's one angry dude you DEFINITELY want on your side when the action heats up! Bazooka has trained at the Advanced Infantry School at Fort Benning and the Wildman Fishing Academy back in Minnesota.
Motto: "When I explode into battle against those puny Cobra Vipers, it's like shooting fish in a barrel!"
Toy Notes: Item #6861. Though Bazooka was one of the first 1993 figures released, the Blockbuster was not released until spring 1994.
Version 4: August 2004 boxed Quick Strike vehicle
Anti-Armor Missile Specialist
Sergeant Bazooka
MOS 1: Infantry Heavy Weapons [11B]
MOS 2: QUICK STRIKE Driver [88M]
  • head: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
  • arms: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
  • torso: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
  • waist: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
  • legs: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
Accessories: dark olive helmet with helmet cam and black goggles on brim (new).
A trained tank-driver himself, SGT. BAZOOKA knows exactly what the COBRA armored vehicle drivers are thinking as they jink and weave to avoid getting hit by his missiles. Knowing what the best evasive maneuvers are helps him to second-guess the moves of COBRA vehicles and keep them targeted in his sights. He knows that having the skill and knowledge to aim and fire his missiles is only half the job; the weapons have to be hand-carried to the firefight and missile systems, even supposedly hand-portable ones, are bulky and heavy. This means extra physical training, a ten-mile run every morning, and a strict schedule of weight training to maintain his strength and stamina at peak levels.
"A wire-guided missile and a night-tracker weigh 46 pounds. A reload weighs 26 pounds. Do I mind having to work out an extra hour a day to stay in shape to carry a reload in case my first shot misses? Negative!"
Toy Notes: Item #55475.
Version 5: January 2005 Valor vs. Venom Wave 6 figure two-pack assortment
Anti-Armor Missile Specialist
Sergeant Bazooka
MOS 1: Infantry Heavy Weapons [11B]
MOS 2: QUICK STRIKE Driver [88M]
  • head: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
  • arms: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
  • torso: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
  • waist: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
  • legs: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
Accessories: grey revolver with curved grip (new), grey spring-loaded bazooka with handle on top and grip and trigger guard near front (new), grey spring missile, thick tip with three rings in middle (new), green helmet with black goggles (04 Sgt. Bazooka's).
A trained tank-driver himself, SGT. BAZOOKA knows exactly what the COBRA armored vehicle drivers are thinking as they maneuver to avoid getting hit by his missiles. He knows the best evasive moves; this helps him to second-guess COBRA vehicles and keep them targeted in his sights. SGT. BAZOOKA knows that having the skill and knowledge to aim and fire his missiles is only half the job; the weapons have to be hand-carried to the firefight and missile systems, even supposedly hand-portable ones, are bulky and heavy. This means extra physical training, a ten-mile run every morning, and a strict schedule of weight training to maintain his strength and stamina at peak levels.
"A wire-guided missile and a night-tracker weigh 46 pounds. A reload weighs 26 pounds. Do I mind having to work out an extra hour a day to stay in shape to carry a reload in case my first shot misses? Negative!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Dreadnok Torch. Item #00279.
Version 6: August 2008 post-25th Anniversary Wave 9 carded figure assortment
Missile Specialist
Sergeant Bazooka
MOS 1: Armor-Defeating Weapon Systems [11B]
MOS 2: Tank Driver [19B]
  • head: Sgt. Bazooka (08)
  • arms: Sgt. Bazooka (08)
  • body: Sgt. Bazooka (08)
  • legs: Sgt. Bazooka (08)
Accessories: black M72 LAW missile launcher with curved shoulder rest and tan sling (new), four short silver missiles on cylindrical base, each with four slight fins (new), light green helmet with grey band on chinstrap (new), tall green backpack with four slots for missiles (new), black Joe figure stand.
SGT. BAZOOKA was driving an Abrams tank in the "Third Horde" (Third Armored Division) when he came to the realization that an illiterate farmer armed with a $200 disposable rocket launcher could knock out a million dollar tank with less than two weeks training. He put in for a transfer immediately.
Training: Advanced Infantry School, Fort Benning; Armor School, Fort Knox. Qualified expert: Dragon anti-tank missile, Milan anti-tank missile system, LAW rocket, recoilless rifle, LAW system and all Warsaw Pact RPG systems. He is also EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) qualified up to the tac-op category.
"SGT. BAZOOKA is a decisive fast-thinker with all the instincts of a natural survivor."
Toy Notes: Item #32488.