
Hannibal: Reborn
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Hannibal was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2006 (Comic DD#16)
Version 1: January 2006 Wave 7 comic three-pack assortment
General | MOS 1: Warrior MOS 2: Conqueror
| - head: Hannibal: Reborn (06)
- arms: Hannibal: Reborn (06), Rowdy Roddy Piper (07)
- torso: Salvo (05), Hannibal: Reborn (06), Checkpoint (06), Rook (06), Rowdy Roddy Piper (07)
- waist: Destro (03), Hannibal: Reborn (06)
- legs: Destro (03), Hannibal: Reborn (06)
| Accessories: gold sword with decorative grip, curved-up cross-guard, and grey blade (new), shiny gold Devil's Due Serpentor-style open-face helmet (new), black sleeveless leather jacket (new), gold helmet case with clear dome and slot for sword (new).
| HANNIBAL is the genetic re-creation of the famous Carthaginian general who fought and almost defeated the Roman army. When DR. MINDBENDER created SERPENTOR, gathering the DNA of history's most powerful military leaders, he included Hannibal in his genetic stew. The twisted doctor then went on to separately re-create each of these dead leaders. A brilliant tactician and daring general, HANNIBAL wants to achieve the task he set for himself centuries ago: liberate and conquer. Believing that the end always justifies the means, he will ruthlessly sacrifice vast numbers of his own troops, if necessary, to achieve his goal. The G.I. JOE Team represents all the enemies and detractors who thwarted him long ago, and he intends to repudiate his vision of glory by trampling them into the dust beneath his feet.
"With my help, COBRA COMMANDER will rule the world—and I will rule it beside him."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Spirit Iron-Knive, Agent Courtney Krieger, and a reprint of Devil's Due #16. Item #13023. This figure is considered a high-demand item.