
Hard Drive
File Name: Martin A. Pidel of Yonkers, New York.
Grade: Army E-4 (2004)
SN: 865-22-GJ46
Notes: Yonkers is a suburb of New York City immediately north of Manhattan Island and the Bronx.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Hard Drive was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (VvV Wave 2)
Version 1: late March 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 2 figure two-pack assortment
Battlefield Computer Specialist | MOS 1: Combat Computer Technology MOS 2: Special Services
| - head: Hard Drive (04)
- arms: Hard Drive (04), Med Alert (06)
- torso: Hard Drive (04), Med Alert (06)
- waist: Hard Drive (04), Med Alert (06)
- legs: Hard Drive (04), Med Alert (06)
| Accessories: black pistol (03 Black Out's), black rifle (03 Sand Viper's), green high-tech backpack with swiveling black antenna (new), black communications gauntlet (04 Duke's), silver rectangular wrist-mounted minicomputer (new).
| HARD DRIVE did linear equations in his head when he was seven, beat every video game on the market by the age of eight, and hacked his way into Defense Ministry computers of a major foreign power before the age of ten. At MIT, which he graduated from at eighteen, he held 27 patents and led the wrestling team to two regional championships. The modern infantryman is outfitted with a fighting system that is a complex integration of weapons, optics, communications, and sensors. What holds the system together and makes it work are microprocessors, and HARD DRIVE can maintain and repair them in the field. He is also qualified as a small arms armorer, communications specialist, and medic, which makes him capable of "fixing" any of the fighting system components, including the infantryman!
"Combat is the ultimate 'Boss Battle,' so I like to make sure I have plenty of 'Power-Ups' on hand in the form of carbs, energy bars, and soda!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Baroness. Item #55920.