
Fighter Pilot
Animated Appearances
The Original Action Team was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1994 (Convention)
Version 1: 1994 Hasbro International G.I. Joe Collectors Convention exclusive figure
Air Force Fighter Pilot
| - head: Action Pilot (94/I, 94/II), Fighter Pilot (94)
- upper arms: G.I. Joe (94), Action Soldier (94), Action Pilot (94/I, 94/II), Fighter Pilot (94), Action Marine (94), Grunt (04/II)
- lower arms: Action Pilot (94/I, 94/II), Fighter Pilot (94)
- torso: Action Pilot (94/I, 94/II), Fighter Pilot (94)
- waist: Action Pilot (94/I, 94/II), Fighter Pilot (94)
- upper left leg: G.I. Joe (94), Action Soldier (94), Action Pilot (94/I, 94/II), Action Marine (94), Fighter Pilot (94), Grunt (04/II), Lt. Gorky (06)
- lower left leg: G.I. Joe (94), Action Soldier (94), Action Pilot (94/I, 94/II), Fighter Pilot (94)
- right leg: Action Pilot (94/I, 94/II), Fighter Pilot (94)
| Accessories: black helmet with silver stripe and goggles (94 Action Pilot's), silver breather (94 Action Pilot's), black backpack (from 85 Parachute Pack) with silver/black or white/blue parachute.
| [This is one of the few figures released without a filecard.]
| Variations: "Enlisted Club" attendees received a black parachute with silver lettering. "Officer's Club" attendees had a choice of that or a blue parachute with white lettering.
| Toy Notes: This figure is considered an ultra-high-demand item (over $100) and perhaps the hardest US-released figure to find.