
(aka Astro Viper)
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Astro-Vipers were never animated.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, Astro-Vipers did not appear in the vintage comic.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1988
| 2. 1993 (Star Brigade)
Version 1: spring 1988 regular carded figure assortment
| - head: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
- arms: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
- torso: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
- waist: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
- legs: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
| Accessories: dark grey astronaut helmet with yellow face shield (new), silver flight backpack with twin jets (new), two silver backpack cannons with upright pegs for hoses (new), two silver control arms with joysticks (new), two short black hoses (common).
| Satellite surveillance technology is absolutely vital to modern military intelligence. Intricate tracking satellites must be maintained and repaired on site and as Cobra's network of "eyes-in-the-sky" grows older, more and more repairs are needed, necessitating more technicians capable of withstanding repeated high-G launchings and enduring long terms in orbit.
"Cobranauts are recruited from the ranks of the Strato-Vipers; those NIGHT RAVEN pilots, who are naturally and artificially conditioned for high-altitude flying and high-G maneuvering. Cobranauts pilot the launch and recovery vehicles, man the orbital stations, and do the satellite repair work. They like it up there, where it's cold and dark."
| Toy Notes: Item #6515. The character art shows a red helmet; it is unknown if the figure was ever supposed to have one.
Version 2: summer 1993 Star Brigade carded figure assortment, #11
Cobranaut Astro Viper
| - head: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
- arms: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
- torso: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
- waist: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
- legs: Astro-Viper (88, 93), Shadow Viper (01)
| Accessories: orange machine gun (92 Destro's), orange rifle (90 Rock-Viper's), large gold octagonal spring missile launcher with orange trigger (new), two orange spring missiles with four tabs below notched tip (new), orange knife (88 Shockwave's), black helmet with light green face shield (88 Astro-Viper's), orange figure stand (common).
| Among Cobra's vast array of specialized infantry troopers, the only ones qualified—besides Cobra T.A.R.G.A.T.'s—for duty in the dangerous voids of space are the ASTRO VIPERS. They are the only soldiers capable of with standing repeated G-force launchings and extensive tours of duty orbiting distant planets. They were recruited from the ranks of the Strato-Vipers, who are naturally and artificially conditioned for high-altitude flying and G-force maneuvering. COBRA COMMANDER knew he could count on these Vipers not only because of their specialized training and abilities, but also because they are exceptionally ruthless in battle.
| Variations: Some missile launchers had a loop for a string.
| Toy Notes: Item #81105.