
Crimson Shadow Guard
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Crimson Shadow Guards were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2005 (six-pack)
Version 1: August 2005 Crimson Shadow Guard carded set
COBRA Elite Trooper
| - head: Crimson Guard (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Crimson Shadow Guard (05), Skull Squad Trooper (06)
- upper arms: Duke (92, 00), Leatherneck (01), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Guard (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Sgt. Stalker (04/III), Crimson Shadow Guard (05)
- lower arms: Shockwave (92), Sure Fire (01, 02), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Guard (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Crimson Shadow Guard (05), Bullhorn (08)
- torso: Crimson Guard (85, 89, 04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Shadow Guard (05)
- waist: Crimson Guard (85, 89, 04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Shadow Guard (05)
- legs: Crimson Guard (85, 89, 04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Shadow Guard (05)
| Individual Accessories: black helmet with silver visor (03 Agent Faces'), black backpack (91 Dusty's).
Shared Accessories: black sword (92 Dojo's), black sword (92 Nunchuk's), black chain whip (89 Snake Eyes's), black crossbow (82 Scarlett's), black bow (from 02 Scarlett's crossbow), black arrow (02 Scarlett's), black handclaw (88 Storm Shadow's).
| CRIMSON GUARD troopers are elite members of the COBRA legions. Each must hold a degree in either law or accounting as well as being in top physical condition. After rigorous training in COBRA combat and tactics, each "Siegie" undergoes plastic surgery (performed by the COBRA surgeon SCALPEL) so that each trooper will look similar. Afterward, each is given his new assignment: a new life, in a new city, where they are expected to climb political and corporate ladders into positions of importance. The "Siegie" network may have been in place already for more than 10 years with many wielding great power. The CRIMSON SHADOW GUARD is a subgroup of the main CRIMSON GUARD force. They are infiltrators and saboteurs who specialize in covert operations conducted in the night and the shadows. Silent and invisible as they conduct their evil deeds, they leave behind no trace of their existence—only destruction and betrayal.
| Toy Notes: Six identical copies were carded together in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive set. Item #11234.