
Croc Master
Animated Appearances
Croc Master was animated only for commercials.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Croc Master was discernible in 26 panels in 7 issues from Feb. 1987 to Mar. 1990: Order of Battle 3, Yearbook 4, #72, 73, 76, 97, and 98. He was locked in a freighter in #98 with enemies of Cobra Commander, among whom he eventually perished.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1987
| 2. 2005 (Valor vs. Venom)
| 3. 2008 (post-25th Wave 10)
Version 1: spring 1987 regular carded figure assortment
Cobra Reptile Trainer
| - head: Croc Master (87)
- arms: Croc Master (87)
- torso: Croc Master (87)
- waist: Croc Master (87)
- legs: Croc Master (87)
| Accessories: long, tan soft-plastic whip (new), olive resting alligator (new), short black segmented air hose with peg on each end (new), black chain leash with spiked collar (new).
| A casual visitor to Cobra Island might find his access to certain areas blocked by a maze-like system of shallow canals. These interconnecting waterways are abundantly stocked with ravenously hungry man-eating crocodiles which have been deliberately conditioned to be hostile, psychotic, and fast. The man responsible for these repugnant reptiles is Croc Master, a former alligator wrestler and burglar alarm salesman who founded Guard-Gators Inc. in an effort to commercialize the use of alligators for home security.
"Croc Master spends his leisure hours dozing in a tub of tepid bath water with only his nose breaking the surface. He dreams strange green dreams while grinding his teeth and clenching his powerful jaws. He has a hunger that never leaves him..."
| Toy Notes: Item #6487.
Version 2: March 2005 Valor vs. Venom Wave 7 figure two-pack assortment
COBRA Reptile Trainer
| - head: Croc Master (05)
- arms: Croc Master (05)
- torso: Croc Master (05)
- waist: Croc Master (05)
- legs: Croc Master (05)
| Accessories: black rifle (02 Dreadnok Ripper's), black machete with long ribbed grip and curved blade (new), green alligator with yellow belly (new).
| Lurking in the savage swamps of COBRA Island reside some of the fiercest sentinels you can imagine—the COBRA crocodiles. Any potential invading force must have a plan for dealing with these creatures, or face the consequences of having their troops become dinner for these ravenous denizens of the deep. While scaly skin, foul breath, and a nasty disposition describe your typical crocodile, they apply ten-fold for their trainer. Using mannequins dressed as G.I. JOE Team members, CROC MASTER trains the gators to attack and destroy, unafraid to wrestle unruly crocs into submission to exert his dominance. After the original CROC MASTER perished in the freighter during the COBRA civil war, a succession of new individuals have assumed the mantle. It's not easy to maintain a grip on the position, with hungry crocs on one side and power-hungry trainees on the other, both waiting for the first opportunity to turn on their master.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Bombstrike. Item #56225. Note that this is actually a different individual from the original Croc Master.
Version 3: October 2008 post-25th Anniversary Wave 10 carded figure assortment
Cobra Reptile Trainer
| - head: Croc Master (08)
- arms: Croc Master (08)
- body: Croc Master (08)
- legs: Croc Master (08)
| Accessories: silver flat revolver with visible trigger (new), long brown wavy bullwhip (new), green alligator with hinged jaw (new), small silver air tank backpack with air hose attaching to mouthpiece (new), large black chain leash with spiked collar (new), black Cobra figure stand ("Cobra Croc Master").
| A casual visitor to COBRA Island might find his access to certain areas blocked by a maze-like system of shallow canals. These interconnecting waterways are abundantly stocked with ravenously hungry crocodiles that have been deliberately conditioned to be especially hostile and fast. The man responsible for these ultra-aggressive reptiles is CROC MASTER, a former alligator wrestler and burglar alarm salesman who founded Guard-Gators, Inc. in an effort to commercialize the use of alligators for home security.
"CROC MASTER spends his leisure hours dozing in a tub of tepid bath water with only his nose breaking the surface. He dreams strange green dreams while grinding his teeth and clenching his powerful jaws. He has a hunger that never leaves him."
| Toy Notes: Item #34120.