
(stands for Weapons/Ordnance Rugged Machine Specialist)
Animated Appearances
W.O.R.M.S. were animated only for commercials.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, W.O.R.M.S. were discernible in 20 panels in 6 issues from Feb. 1988 to Mar. 1991: #68, 74, 75, 80, 87, and 110.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1987 (Maggot)
Version 1: spring 1987 boxed Cobra Maggot vehicle
Maggot Driver | MOS 1: Weapons/Ordnance MOS 2: Rugged Machine Specialist
| - head: W.O.R.M.S. (87)
- arms: W.O.R.M.S. (87), Gen. Mayhem (05)
- torso: W.O.R.M.S. (87), Gen. Mayhem (05)
- waist: W.O.R.M.S. (87), Gen. Mayhem (05)
- legs: W.O.R.M.S. (87), Gen. Mayhem (05)
| Accessories: brown round full-head helmet with black eyepieces and grilled mouth (new), short brown antenna with peg on side (new).
| W.O.R.M.S. are self-propelled artillery specialists of the Cobra ground forces and are cross-trained within their blanket specialty. Any single W.O.R.M.S. can man any position on a Maggot, be it driver, gunner, loader, or diesel mechanic. Under optimum conditions, a Maggot is manned by a crew of four: commander, driver, gunner, and loader. Under battle conditions, it is possible for a Maggot to stay in action, maintaining its fire-capability with its crew reduced to two.
"A battery of Maggots can receive target information from a central fire control vehicle and is capable of firing guided and brilliant munitions, some of which are ECM resistant, fire-and-forget, self-targeting and proximity fuzed HEAT rounds. A Maggot's crew doesn't have to think too hard, which is why the only requirement for being a W.O.R.M.S. is the ability to walk while holding a bogie wheel under one arm and a 155mm shell under the other."
| Toy Notes: Item #6029. The prototype shown in the 1987 insert catalog and Maggot commercial has eye-holes cut in the helmet.