
Red Ninja Leader
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Red Ninja Leaders were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2008 (5-pack)
Version 1: April 2008 Snake Eyes vs. Red Ninja Troopers boxed set
The Enemy Cobra Red Ninja Leader | MOS 1: Mercenary MOS 2: Ninja
| - head: Cobra Red Ninja (07, 08), Cobra Red Ninja Leader (08), Snake Eyes (08/VIII)
- arms: Storm Shadow (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/III), Cobra Red Ninja (07, 08), Cobra Red Ninja Leader (08), Snake Eyes (08/VIII)
- body: Storm Shadow (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 09/II, 09/III, 09/IV), Cobra Red Ninja (07, 08), Cobra Red Ninja Leader (08), Snake Eyes (08/VIII), Cobra Ninja Viper (08)
- upper legs: Storm Shadow (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 09/II, 09/IV), Cobra Red Ninja (07, 08), Cobra Red Ninja Leader (08), Snake Eyes (08/VIII), Cobra Ninja Viper (08)
- lower legs: Storm Shadow (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II), Cobra Red Ninja (07, 08), Cobra Red Ninja Leader (08), Snake Eyes (08/VIII), Cobra Ninja Viper (08)
- feet: Storm Shadow (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 09/I), Cobra Red Ninja (07, 08), Cobra Red Ninja Leader (08), Snake Eyes (08/VIII), Cobra Ninja Viper (08)
| Accessories: brown knife with black guard and silver blade (07 Storm Shadow's), brown short sword with black guard and silver blade (07 Storm Shadow's), brown long sword with black guard and silver blade (07 Storm Shadow's), black bow (07 Storm Shadow's), black quiver with brown rope and arrows (07 Joe Storm Shadow's), black Cobra figure stand.
| The leaders of the RED NINJA clan have reached the highest ranks in multiple martial arts systems. These grueling taskmasters demand the impossible with the threat of severe punishment in the event of failure. They consider themselves the greatest ninjas in the world and are determined to defeat SNAKE EYES, the only ninja who has ever beaten them in battle. They work mostly for the COBRA organization, but because they are mercenaries, they'll hire themselves out to a higher bidder if one comes along.
"G.I. JOE ninjas will never be the best because they lack one thing: the ruthlessness to seek their own glory before the needs of others."
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with Snake Eyes and three copies of Cobra Red Ninja). Item #32537.