
Edmond Honda
File Name: Edmond Honda of Japan.
Date of Birth: November 3, 1960
Height: 5'11", Weight: 456 lbs.
Blood Type: A
Media Appearances
See this page for E. Honda's depiction in the Street Fighter games, animation, and live action.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1993 (Street Fighter)
Version 1: fall 1993 Capcom Street Fighter II carded figure assortment, #7
Sumo Wrestler | Fighting Style: Sumo
| - head: Edmond Honda (93)
- arms: Edmond Honda (93)
- body: Edmond Honda (93)
- legs: Edmond Honda (93)
| Accessories: blue knife (92 Slice's), two blue knives (93 Banzai's), blue sword (92 Dojo's), blue sword (92 Storm Shadow's), blue axe (92 Dice's), blue sickle (92 Dojo's), blue cloth mawashi Sumo belt (new), blue figure stand (common).
| Edmond Honda has been trained since birth to take his place as the greatest sumo wrestler to ever step into the ring. Upon receiving the title of "Yokozuna" or grand champion, Honda was shocked to learn that the rest of the world did not consider sumo wrestling a true sport. Outraged, he has vowed to prove that sumo wrestlers are the greatest fighters in the world. A strict disciplinarian, Honda guides his pupils with a stern hand. He understands that goals are reached only through hard work and dedication. Quick and extremely powerful, Honda's greatest advantage is his size. He loves to pound his opponents into corners and then knock them out with a quick flurry of his Hundred Hand Slap.
Motto: "It's only natural that a Sumo should become the world's strongest."
| Toy Notes: Featured in the Street Fighter commercial. Performs a head-butt when his legs are squeezed together. Item #81091.