
Crimson Guard Commander
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, these Crimson Guard Commanders were never animated, although five episodes of the Sunbow series refer to Tomax and Xamot as Crimson Guard Commanders.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, these Crimson Gaurd Commanders did not appear in the vintage comic.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1993 (Battle Corps)
Version 1: summer 1993 Battle Corps Wave 3 carded figure assortment, #23
Cobra Elite Officer
| - head: Crimson Guard Commander (93)
- arms: Crimson Guard Commander (93)
- torso: Crimson Guard Commander (93)
- waist: Crimson Guard Commander (93)
- legs: Crimson Guard Commander (93)
| Accessories: black rifle (88 Toxo-Viper's), black submachine gun (88 Voltar's), black rifle (90 Rock-Viper's), black flamethrower (91 Incinerator's), yellow spring missile launcher with circular "gear" at back end, with black trigger (new), two black spring missiles (93 Alley Viper's), black figure stand (common).
| CRIMSON GUARD COMMANDERS are good at what they do, there's no denying that. Even DUKE admits they are some of the toughest Cobra soldiers he's ever had the displeasure of dealing with, especially when they are armed with their weapon of choice: modified AK-47 assault rifles! They're very good at being very bad, and have participated at all levels of Cobra operations from industrial espionage to full-scale global attacks. COBRA COMMANDER considers them his top officers, and feels safe having them swear their allegiance strictly to him. For if they were to ever turn against him, they would prove to be his second most feared enemy, next to the Joes, of course!
Vehicle Proficiency: Licensed to operate all Cobra land and air vehicles, including the Detonator and Ice Snake.
Motto: "Being the best in Cobra means being the worst in the world!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6775.