
Ice Cream Soldier
File Name: Tom-Henry Ragan of Providence, Rhode Island.
Grade: Army E-5 (1994)
SN: XL-9-11-87
Notes: Providence, the state capital, is located at the mouth of the Providence River. Ace, Bullhorn, Dee-Jay, Dogfight, Skystriker, and Major Storm also come from Providence. Hasbro's headquarters is in nearby Pawtucket, which is why so many Joes come from this state.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Ice Cream Soldier was never animated.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, Ice Cream Soldier did not appear in the vintage comic.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1994 (Battle Corps)
Version 1: spring 1994 Battle Corps Wave 5 carded figure assortment, #10
Flamethrower Commando | MOS 1: Fire Operations Expert MOS 2: Barbecue Chef
| - head: Ice Cream Soldier (94), Shock Viper (02/I, 02/II)
- arms: Ice Cream Soldier (94), Shock Viper (02/I, 02/II), Lt. Clay Moore (07)
- torso: Ice Cream Soldier (94), Shock Viper (02/I, 02/II), Lt. Clay Moore (07)
- waist: Ice Cream Soldier (94), Shock Viper (02/I, 02/II), Dragonsky (06), Lt. Clay Moore (07)
- upper legs: Ice Cream Soldier (94), Shock Viper (02/I, 02/II), Dragonsky (06), Lt. Clay Moore (07)
- lower legs: Ice Cream Soldier (94), Shock Viper (02/I, 02/II), Lt. Clay Moore (07)
| Accessories: light grey pistol (92 Mutt's), light grey submachine gun (86 Beach Head's), light grey flamethrower (88 Charbroil's), black spring missile launcher with neon yellow trigger (93 Keel-Haul's), two light grey missiles (93 Keel-Haul's), light grey machete (88 Spearhead's), light grey figure stand (common).
| The last thing you would expect from G.I. Joe's fiercest flamethrower commando is for him to be called ICE CREAM SOLDIER. However, it's a perfect cover because when Cobra hears the Joes are sending a guy into battle with a code name like that, they don't expect much more than a sweet-toothed kid with chocolate ice cream stains splattered on his fatigues. Cobra's perceptions of him change fast when they see Ice Cream Soldier fire up his super-charged flamethrower and blast 75 foot streams of flaming gasoline into their foxholes and munitions dumps...talk about a firefight! The Ice Cream Soldier is a one-man inferno who scorches those slimy snakes until they melt like hot fudge on a summer sidewalk!
Motto: "Eating ice cream without hot fudge is like fighting without ammunition!"
| Variations: First sold on 1993-style packaging with a normal-sized filecard, then on 1994-style packaging with a baseball card-sized filecard with abbreviated text.
| Toy Notes: Item #81004.