
File Name: John Warden of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Grade: Army E-4 (2005)
SN: 234-55-GI89
Notes: John Warden was one of Hasbro's designers. Sioux Falls is in the southeast corner of the state, about 85 miles north of Sioux City, Iowa. Cannonball was also the name of a Decepticon originally released in 2006.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Cannonball was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2005 (R.H.I.N.O.)
Version 1: September 2005 boxed R.H.I.N.O. vehicle
R.H.I.N.O. Driver | MOS 1: Transportation MOS 2: Infantry [11B]
| - head: Heavy Duty (03, 04/I, 04/II), Cannonball (05)
- arms: Switch Gears (03, 04), Cannonball (05), Copperhead (07, 09)
- torso: Barrel Roll (03, 04/I, 04/II), Cannonball (05)
- waist: Barrel Roll (03, 04/I, 04/II), Cannonball (05)
- upper legs: Barrel Roll (03, 04/I, 04/II), Cannonball (05)
- lower legs: Barrel Roll (03, 04/II), Cannonball (05)
| Accessories: black helmet with silver goggles (04 Backblast's).
| Rumor has it that CANNONBALL got his nickname because he once did a stint as a human cannonball. The wild-and-crazy driver/helicopter pilot for the powerful R.H.I.N.O. won't confirm or deny the rumor. He used to test-drive trucks before enlisting in the military, littering roads with the remains of vehicles that he'd rammed, crashed, and blew the cylinders out of, to test their stamina and stability. The machines were towed away in pieces, but CANNONBALL always walked away without a scratch, ready for more. He knows exactly how much the R.H.I.N.O. can take and drives it to within a lug nut of its life. He pilots the helicopter with the same fearless enthusiasm he demonstrates on the ground, making for a white-knuckle ride on land or in the air.
"You want the slow lane? Don't look at me. I only know one way to drive: eating up the road with a full throttle and a screaming engine."
| Toy Notes: Item #56115. A Direct-to-Consumer release.