
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Medi-Vipers were never animated.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Medi-Vipers were discernible in 8 panels in 2 issues from Aug. 1993 to Sept. 1993: #139 and 140.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2005 (DTC Wave 1)
Version 1: June 2005 Direct-to-Consumer Wave 1 carded figure assortment
COBRA Medical Trooper
| - head: Medi-Viper (05)
- arms: Scalpel (03), Medi-Viper (05)
- torso: Scalpel (03), Medi-Viper (05)
- waist: Scalpel (03), Medi-Viper (05)
- legs: Scalpel (03), Medi-Viper (05)
| Accessories: black rifle (03 Sand Viper's), black knife (04 Swamp Rat's), metallic blue wrist saw (03 Scalpel's), black mantle with light green shoulders and red Cobra emblems (03 Scalpel's), two metallic blue carry hooks (03 Scalpel's).
| COBRA MEDI-VIPER troopers are the battlefield medics for the COBRA infantry. They are recruited by head COBRA medic SCALPEL from members of various COBRA VIPER forces who have demonstrated an aptitude in the medical field. Their work is basically repair-and-recycle; in other words, tend to the wounded so that they can be returned to battle as quickly as possible. Despite their grunt-level status, they are skilled medics capable of effective triage and front line treatment. It is rumored that some MEDI-VIPER troopers are secretly paid by DR. MINDBENDER to send promising candidates to him for "treatment with experimental procedures." When needed, the MEDI-VIPER troops are also required to join the main infantry forces to battle the enemy.
| Toy Notes: Item #61706.