
Agent Faces
File Name: Michelino J. Paolino of Parma, Ohio.
Grade: Army E-4 (2003)
SN: 783-78-MJ41
Notes: Michelino Paolino was one of Hasbro's design directors for G.I. Joe. Parma, in the northeast part of the state, is part of the Cleveland metro area, about 10 miles south of downtown.
Animated Appearances
Reel FX Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Ward Perry | 1 | 117 seconds | 9 | 77
As a pivotal character in Spy Troops: The Movie, Agent Faces was only seen under cover inside Cobra Mountain, wearing a Crimson Guard outfit. The CG uniforms in the movie were a high-tech, streamlined adaptation of the basic figure design.
Spy Troops: The Movie | 117 seconds | 9 lines | on screen at briefing, disguised as Crimson Guard, helping Shipwreck escape
Figure Releases
Version 1: November 2003 Spy Troops Wave 8 figure two-pack assortment (03/I)
Infiltrator | MOS 1: Intelligence MOS 2: Language Instructor
| - head: Agent Faces (03/I)
- arms: Agent Faces (03/I)
- torso: Agent Faces (03/I)
- waist: Agent Faces (03/I)
- legs: Agent Faces (03/I)
| Accessories: black pistol (03 Black Out's), black submachine gun (03 C.L.A.W.S. Commander's), full-head "Dr. Mindbender" mask, full-head "Tomax" mask, black satchel with silver buckles and removable strap (new).
| Born with a natural talent for mimicry, AGENT FACES amused his fellow recruits during basic training with his uncanny imitations of the drill sergeants and company cadre. He was doing a brutally accurate impression of the First Sergeant, when that self-same top-kick caught him in the act. Instead of drawing punishment duty, AGENT FACES found himself before an evaluation board and was summarily whisked off to a top-secret intelligence school where they taught him how to sculpt life-like masks, apply make-up, and generally transform himself into whoever he wanted to be. Other infiltrators need a long time to study their subject before they can assume their identities. AGENT FACES needs only a few minutes to become the subject. Being a qualified expert with pistol and commando knife comes in handy if COBRA sees through his deception, but that is rarely the case. His many impersonations have gained the team much valuable information on the enemy—as well as extra leave time when he has impersonated DUKE and signed his own leave request form.
"I'm only successful if I'm undetected. Even if I do get caught out, I can still remain undercover as long as I beat the Cobra who caught me to the draw—and that's a given."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Zartan. Item #55455.
Version 2: November 2003 special mail-order exclusive (03/II)
Infiltrator | MOS 1: Intelligence MOS 2: Language Instructor
| - head: Duke (92, 00) - modified: Agent Faces (03/II)
- upper arms: Duke (92, 00), Leatherneck (01), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Guard (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Sgt. Stalker (04/III), Crimson Shadow Guard (05)
- lower arms: Shockwave (92), Sure Fire (01, 02), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Guard (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Crimson Shadow Guard (05), Bullhorn (08)
- torso: Crimson Guard (85, 89, 04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Shadow Guard (05)
- waist: Crimson Guard (85, 89, 04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Shadow Guard (05)
- legs: Crimson Guard (85, 89, 04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 05/I), Agent Faces (03/II), Crimson Shadow Guard (05)
| Accessories: black shotgun (03 Destro's), red Crimson Guard helmet with black faceplate and silver visor (new).
| Born with a natural talent for mimicry, AGENT FACES amused his fellow recruits during basic training with his uncanny imitations of the drill sergeants and company cadre. He was doing a brutally accurate impression of the first sergeant, when that self-same top-kick caught him in the act. Instead of drawing punishment duty, AGENT FACES found himself before an evaluation board and was whisked off to a top-secret intelligence school where they taught him to sculpt masks, apply makeup, and change himself into whoever he wanted to be. Disguised as a COBRA CRIMSON GUARD, he infiltrated Cobra Mountain as part of a daring mission, working with SHIPWRECK to open the mountain's hangar doors and allow the rest of the G.I. JOE team to storm the stronghold. "I'm only successful if I'm undetected. Even if I do get caught out, I can still remain undercover as long as I beat the COBRA who caught me to the draw—and that's a given."
| Toy Notes: Available via an Official G.I. Joe Mail-In Certificate. At the time of this release, a Crimson Guard figure had not been released since the Python Patrol version in 1989, unless you count Crimson Guard Immortal or Crimson Guard Commander.