
Skull Buster
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Skull Buster was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2002 (JvC Wave 4)
Version 1: November 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 4 figure two-pack assortment
Cobra Range Viper Commander
| - head: Range-Viper (90, 06), Rock Viper (00), Skull Buster (02), Imperial Guard (05)
- arms: Range-Viper (90, 06), Rock Viper (00), Skull Buster (02)
- torso: Range-Viper (90, 06), Rock Viper (00), Skull Buster (02)
- waist: Range-Viper (90, 06), Rock Viper (00), Skull Buster (02), Imperial Guard (05)
- legs: Range-Viper (90, 06), Rock Viper (00), Skull Buster (02), Imperial Guard (05)
| Accessories: black machine gun (92 Destro's), black machine gun (88 Spearhead's, with Sound Attack tab), black backpack (91 Low-Light's).
| SKULL BUSTER worked his way up through the ranks of the RANGE VIPERS by being twice as mean and three times as nasty as the rest. He is the ultimate survivor; there is no creature that crawls, slithers, or scuttles on six legs that he will not cheerfully dine upon. SKULL BUSTER actually thinks of himself as the predator at the top of the food chain. In spite of this attitude, he does have a practical side. Taped to the inside of his locker door is a picture of G.I. JOE HEAVY DUTY, inscribed with these words, "Know your enemy." RANGE VIPERS are expected to operate behind enemy lines without communications or supplies. Trained to live off the land their only source of ammunition is whatever they capture from troops they defeat. This makes them extremely resourceful and tenacious. One squad of RANGE VIPERS made it through their survival course by gnawing on a carcass that had already been picked clean by vultures and jackals. SKULL BUSTER would have eaten the vultures and jackals.
"Any wimp with a scout handbook, a Swiss army knife, and a compass can survive."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Heavy Duty. Item #57515. The same Heavy Duty was previously carded with Cobra C.L.A.W.S.