
Note: The 2006 filecard gives a file name of David T. Releehw and birthplace of "United States" for the individual described in the text.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
None | 1 | 13 seconds | 0 | 0
Notes: DiC's Frag-Vipers wore the 1989 outfit, with a white helmet.
Operation Dragonfire: Day 1 | 13 seconds | attacking Joes inside monastery
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Frag-Vipers were discernible in 52 panels in 10 issues from Nov. 1989 to Oct. 1993: #92, 95, 100, 113, 121, 122, 123, 130, 138, and 141.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1989
| 2. 2006 (Flaming M.O.T.H.)
Version 1: spring 1989 regular carded figure assortment
Cobra Grenade Thrower
| - head: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
- arms: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
- torso: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
- waist: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
- legs: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
| Accessories: black submachine gun with retracted stock and slightly curved magazine (new), three black fragmentation grenades with hole on bottom (new), black cesta grenade throwing tool (new), tall backpack with many engraved grenades (new), short black hose (common), black segmented grenade feeder tube (new).
| An integral part of the Cobra Viper fire-team, the FRAG-VIPER can toss high-explosive fragmentation grenades with all the range and accuracy of an M-79 or M-203 R.P.G.L. [Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher], but without the noise from the muzzle blast. The secret lies in the manual hurling basket, based on the cesta used in the Basque sport of Jai Alai. The Frag-Viper cesta is equipped with automatic feed and variable time-fuser with a cable link to the helmet's automatic range-finder.
"A G.I. Joe armed with a M-203 40mm grenade launcher can manage a firing rate of five rounds-per-minute and as soon as he pops the first round, everybody and his uncle knows where he is. A Frag-Viper, with a fifty round magazine and automatic feeder, can deliver fifteen rounds-per-minute and you'll never have any idea where they're coming from!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6546. The prototype shown in the 1989 insert catalog has numerous paint differences.
Version 2: March 2006 Operation Flaming M.O.T.H. figure two-pack assortment, #1
Cobra Grenadier, Operation Flaming M.O.T.H. | MOS 1: Grenade Thrower MOS 2: Demolitions
| - head: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
- arms: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
- torso: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
- waist: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
- legs: Frag-Viper (89, 06)
| Accessories: black machine gun (03 Chief Torpedo's), black grenade launcher and chamber (90 Range-Viper's), two black grenades (91 Big Ben's), black cesta (89 Frag-Viper's), black backpack (90 Range-Viper's), black grenade pouch (91 Big Ben's), long black hose (common).
| The FRAG-VIPER is an integral part of the COBRA VIPER fire-team. They are trained to toss high-explosive fragmentation grenades with all the range and accuracy of an M-79 or M-203 R.P.G.L. (Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher), but without the noise from the muzzle blast. The secret lies in the manual hurling basket, based on the cesta used in the Basque sport of Jai Alai. The FRAG-VIPER cesta is equipped with automatic feed and variable time-fuser with a cable link to the helmet's automatic range-finder. Their insect-like goggles contain electro-optical image-intensifiers that provide both infrared and night vision capabilities to locate targets wherever they may hide.
Originally hailing from an area known for its abundant forest reserves, this disaffected youth ironically grew to hate nature. His yearning to unleash an explosive arsenal on the environment made him perfect fodder for the COBRA army. Eventually, as a FRAG-VIPER, he racked up COBRA's highest field score ever—though not account of the most enemies eliminated, but of the least amount of friendly forces neutralized as well as foliage left standing. He has been assigned to a NIGHT-VIPER squad leader for Operation: Flaming M.O.T.H., a satellite recovery mission in the treacherous jungles of South America. The FRAG-VIPER's high-explosive ordnance should prove to be especially effective in clearing jungle undergrowth and flushing out any camouflaged G.I. JOE troops. He will need to clear an area for extraction using any and all weapons at his disposal.
"Every piece of shrapnel counts!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Collector's Club-exclusive Jungle Theater two-pack with Night-Viper.