
(aka Cobra Night Viper)
Note: The 2006 filecard gives a file name of Spencer L. Davis and birthplace of "United States" for the individual described in the text. Night Viper was also the name of a Maximal released in 2000 as part of the Transformers Beast Machines toy line.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Various | 6 | 462 seconds | 3 | 4
Notes: DiC's Night-Vipers wore the 1989 outfit, with shorter night scopes and usually with their visors up. Most of the Night-Viper screen time consists of a uniform worn by Low-Light as he infiltrated Cobra to capture Scoop.
Operation Dragonfire Opening | 4 seconds | | in footage from Operation Dragonfire
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 1 | 46 seconds | 1 line | at base; attacking monastery in H.I.S.S. II's and Devastators; inside monastery
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 2 | 92 seconds | 1 line | at command center in caves, seeking Dragonfire deposits, at Tibetan monastery
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 3 | 14 seconds | | in jungle with Copperhead and Alley Viper
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 4 | 149 seconds | | attacking Joes in jungle, piloting stolen Conquest, assisting Pythonization, outfit stolen by Low-Light
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 5 | 157 seconds | 1 line | outfit worn by Low-Light, driving Python Stuns, flying Python Conquest and F.A.N.G.s, retreating in montage
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Night-Vipers were discernible in 44 panels in 10 issues from Dec. 1989 to Dec. 1992: #94, 95, 96, 97, 111, 117, 121, 122, 130, and 131.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1989
| 2. 2006 (Flaming M.O.T.H.)
| 3. 2008 (DTC Wave 4)
Version 1: spring 1989 regular carded figure assortment
Cobra Night Fighter
| - head: Night-Viper (89, 06)
- arms: Night-Viper (89, 06), Iron Grenadier (05)
- torso: Night-Viper (89, 06), Heli-Viper (92), Iron Grenadier (05)
- waist: Night-Viper (89, 06), Heli-Viper (92), Iron Grenadier (05)
- legs: Night-Viper (89, 06), Heli-Viper (92), Iron Grenadier (05)
| Accessories: black rifle with scope and strap, with holes to fit on leg (new), dark green night-vision magnifier eyepiece (new), dark green visor with peg for eyepiece (new), black communications backpack with two antennas (new).
| A NIGHT-VIPER's helmet is a miracle of electronic-miniaturization. Aside from its wide-angle, third-generation, image-intensifier, directional sound amplifier and laser range-finder, the helmet boasts a passive infrared detector that can spot the body heat of a squirrel at 100 yards. The Night-Viper's helmet, combat suit and weapons are mostly made of synthetic composites that reduce the wearer's own infrared signature and defy most ground radars.
"Night-Vipers are always in training and never see daylight. They live in windowless barracks with no interior lights. They spend most of their time trying to sneak up on each other. All you have to do to knock one out is to shine a flashlight in his face and burn out his sensors. The problem is, you have to find him first."
| Toy Notes: Item #6547.
Version 2: March 2006 Operation Flaming M.O.T.H. figure two-pack assortment, #1
COBRA Night Fighter | MOS 1: Squad Leader MOS 2: Night Spotter
| - head: Night-Viper (89, 06)
- arms: Night-Viper (89, 06), Iron Grenadier (05)
- torso: Night-Viper (89, 06), Heli-Viper (92), Iron Grenadier (05)
- waist: Night-Viper (89, 06), Heli-Viper (92), Iron Grenadier (05)
- legs: Night-Viper (89, 06), Heli-Viper (92), Iron Grenadier (05)
| Accessories: dark grey rifle (89 Night-Viper's), black eyepiece with metallic blue lens (89 Night-Viper's), black visor with metallic blue lens (89 Night-Viper's), black backpack (89 Night-Viper's).
| The NIGHT-VIPER helmet is a miracle of electronic-miniaturization. Aside from its Monocular Night Vision Device (MNVD), it includes a wide-angle, third-generation, image-intensifier, directional sound amplifier, laser range-finder, and boasts a passive infrared detector that can spot the body heat of a lizard at 100 yards. The NIGHT-VIPER combat suit, helmet, and weapons are mostly made of synthetic composites that reduce the wearer's own infrared signature and defy most ground radars. He can use either electronically assisted ranged weapons or vicious CQB (close quarter battle) techniques to accomplish any mission. All these components give him a "see first...eliminate first" advantage in any night fighting scenario.
In his youth, this future COBRA found comfort in perpetual darkness, hating sunlight and those who would revel in it. His criminal exploits in the dark hours of night lead [sic] him to join COBRA and gradually rise within its ranks. He gained the attention of COBRA high command after leading many successful raids on G.I. JOE outposts. It was COBRA COMMANDER who personally chose this NIGHT-VIPER squad leader for Operation: Flaming M.O.T.H. and teamed him with a FRAG-VIPER for the satellite recovery mission. Combining their specialized skills and equipment, the jungle duo must creep into the deepest, darkest jungles of South America to locate the first of four components from the sabotaged US military satellite. They must find this crucial piece wherever it may be hidden in the nearly impenetrable labyrinth of trees and vines before any G.I. JOE troops can intervene.
"Say goodnight, G.I. JOE!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Collector's Club-exclusive Jungle Theater two-pack with Frag-Viper (06).
Version 3: late December 2008 Direct-to-Consumer Wave 4 carded figure assortment
Cobra Infantry Cobra Night Viper
| - head: Kamakura (04/II, 05), Tiger Claw (05), Cobra Night Viper (08)
- arms: Kamakura (04/II, 05), Tiger Claw (05), Cobra Night Viper (08)
- torso: Halo Jumper (03), Sgt. Airborne (03, 04), Cobra Night Viper (08)
- waist: Halo Jumper (03), Sgt. Airborne (03, 04), Cobra Night Viper (08)
- upper legs: Halo Jumper (03), Sgt. Airborne (03, 04), Copperhead (07, 09), Cobra Night Viper (08)
- lower legs: Kamakura (04/II, 05), Tiger Claw (05), Cobra Night Viper (08)
| Accessories: two black Uzis with brown "wooden" stock (new), black submachine gun based on KEDR-B, with L-shaped stock and no scope (new), black full-head helmet with hinge on forehead for goggles (new), black narrow night vision goggles with light green lenses (new), black chest straps and leg harness (new), clear figure stand (common).
| COBRA NIGHT VIPER troops wear specialized gear for nighttime operations. Their helmets have a wide-angle image intensifier, directional sound amplifier and passive infrared detector, enabling them to easily locate the enemy via sight and sound with diabolical accuracy. Their combat suits are constructed of a customized synthetic composite that reduces their own infrared signature and renders them invisible to most conventional ground radar systems. Trained and billeted in perpetually dark environments, they constantly hone their skills by trying to sneak up on one another undetected. Shining a light in their faces tends to stun them momentarily and max their sensors, but that works only when you can find them before they find you.
"The night is our ally, the darkness is our weapon."
| Toy Notes: Sold exclusively through the G.I. Joe Collector's Club.