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chronological: Viper<< Serpentor >>Motor Viper
alphabetical: Secto-Viper<< Serpentor >>Shadow Strike


Animated Appearances

Sunbow VoiceAppearancesTime Identifiable On ScreenTotal Lines (In Own Voice)Total Words
Dick Gautier262,446 seconds2693,287
DiC VoiceAppearancesTime Identifiable On ScreenTotal Lines (In Own Voice)Total Words
Maurice LaMarche4380 seconds42477

Notes: Sunbow's Serpentor wore his 1986 outfit with a blue-to-black cape, darker green detail on the uniform itself, and wider segmented chest padding. Commercial animation and a few camera shots in the second season's early episodes gave him a red outfit. Sunbow portrayed Serpentor as impatient, unstable and unwilling to receive advice. This weakness was explained by Dr. Mindbender's inability to obtain the DNA of Chinese military genius Sun Tzu. Within the series, the emperor was created from the DNA of Napoleon, Xanith Amon-Toth, Montezuma, Vlad Teppes, Ivan the Terrible, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Geronimo, Rasputin, Atilla the Hun, Eric the Red, Ulric the Batterer, Serpent-King Takshaka, and "dozens more."

DiC's Operation Dragonfire gave Serpentor a very similar outfit, but with a red cape, and dark green replacing much of the gold. In the end he was forcibly merged with Gnawgahyde's iguana into a reptilian form that Cobra Commander said would be temporary.


Season 2 Opening (Sunbow)4 seconds(silent)on Air Chariot, brought down by Lady Jaye
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 113 seconds(silent)seen in Dr. Mindbender's dream; schematic on computer screen
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 411 seconds1 linecreated in Dr. Mindbender's second experiment
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 5410 seconds48 lineson Air Chariot; dueling Sgt. Slaughter; ordering and leading attack on Washington DC
Computer Complications25 seconds5 linesoverseeing Cobra Cmdr's progress; communicating with helicarrier
Cobrathon51 seconds6 linesbeing briefed on Mindbender's computer virus
The Million Dollar Medic60 seconds7 linesin Air Chariot threatening Twins; ordering Baroness to explot Bree's obsession with Lifeline
The Rotten Egg8 seconds2 linesin Air Chariot inspecting recruits; at Parris Island in imagine spot
Glamour Girls13 seconds1 lineordering Cobra leaders to assist Madame Vail
Grey Hairs and Growing Pains33 seconds4 linesat Ageless Care factory during Joe attack
My Brother's Keeper40 seconds4 lineson Air Chariot, approving recruiting of Dr. Penser
My Favorite Things272 seconds31 linescollecting relics in Netherlands, Castle Dracula, and Serpent Cave
Raise the Flagg!16 seconds2 linesordering Cobra Commander to recover antimatter pod
The Most Dangerous Thing in the World170 seconds23 linesapproving Mindbender's plan; in Air Chariot for lab and Joe HQ attacks
Ninja Holiday26 seconds4 linescommunicating with Da Swei Li as Slaughter attacks
Nightmare Assault91 seconds11 linesoverseeing Dr. Mindbender's nightmare operation
Joe's Night Out214 seconds28 linesholding Club Open Air hostages; receiving and commanding Dr. Mullaney
Second-Hand Emotions212 seconds20 linessupervising mood organ, then operating it himself; escaping Joes in Trubble Bubble
Not a Ghost of a Chance116 seconds12 linesinterviewed by Hector Ramirez, ordering attack on second prototype
Sins of Our Fathers142 seconds15 linessending Cobra Cmdr on fool's errand; dismissing Joe warnings; fighting creature
Into Your Tent I Will Silently Creep23 seconds3 linesordering investigation of disappearance of Cobra Cmdr and many Vipers
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 1225 seconds12 linesberating Cobra Commander; meeting Pythona; leading battle in Himalayas; captured by Duke
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 216 seconds(silent)in cell at Joe HQ; rescued by Dreadnoks
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 361 seconds6 linesat Cobra-La's ice dome; witnessing Cobra Commander's trial and punishment
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 4114 seconds15 linesleading Cobra from ice dome; at Terror Drome; injuring Duke and capturing B.E.T.
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 580 seconds9 linesin Air Chariot to present B.E.T. and in duel with Falcon; fleeing
Operation Dragonfire Opening2 seconds(silent)in footage from Operation Dragonfire (0:43-0:44)
Operation Dragonfire: Day 1185 seconds24 linesat base; leading attack on monastery in F.A.N.G. II; activating Dragonfire
Operation Dragonfire: Day 214 seconds(silent)at Tibetan monastery
Operation Dragonfire: Day 4179 seconds18 linesflying Condor to Lost City, captured and turned into an iguana

Classic Marvel Comic Appearances

By my count, Serpentor was discernible in 219 panels in 27 issues from Jul. 1986 to Aug. 1993: #49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, GIJTF 1, GIJTF 2, GIJTF 3, GIJTF 4, Order of Battle 3, 56, Yearbook 3, 63, SM 7, 64, 65, Yearbook 4, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 90, 126, and 139. He was killed in #76.

Figure Releases

Versions: 1. 1986 (Air Chariot)
2. 2002 (RAHC)
3. 2005 (Comic #49)
4. 2007 (25th Wave 2)
5. 2008/I (Air Chariot)
6. 2008/II (DVD)
Version 1: spring 1986 boxed Air Chariot vehicle
Cobra Emperor
  • head: Serpentor (86, 02)
  • arms: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • torso: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • waist: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • legs: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
Accessories: silver dagger with ribbed grip and snakeskin cross-guard (new), gold cobra (new), glittery green cloth cape (new), gold snake-hood backpack (new).
A secret cabal of Cobra scientists, under the direction of The Interrogator and Destro, combed the tombs, sarcophagi, and relics of the great despots of history to find cells with DNA traces. From these long-dead genetic blueprints they produced a composite clone with the military genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the fiscal acumen of Attila the Hun... the ultimate Cobra Emperor! A master of political intrigue and a brilliant tactician, he is capable of wresting power from Cobra Commander for the benefit of The Interrogator and Destro. Fortunately for the Joes, the Cobra Emperor's own ambitions were not taken into consideration by his creators...
"His eyes have seen the legions of Rome trample the Gauls and Nervii into the dust. His hand lifted the horse-hair baton that signaled the first charge of the Carthaginian armored elephant phalanx. His ears have heard the rattle of French cuirassiers on the streets of Moscow. But it is his mind we must fear the most. The thoughts of the Cobra Emperor have not drifted from global conquest since the reign of King Solomon... "
Variations: Some mail-order Serpentors did not come with the cape. Snakes included with Serpentor ranged in color from green to gold to brown to black. Gold is by far the most common.
Toy Notes: Item #6062. The commercial animation for Serpentor showed red trim on his hood, arms, and legs.
Reissues: Reissued with the Air Chariot in mail offers 1988-1993 (North Atlantic, Operation Blackout, End of Serpentor, Thrills Chills Spills, G.I. Joe Bugle, Mission Rescue: Code Blue, Terror on the Tundra, Terrifying Lasers of Destruction).
Version 2: April 2002 Real American Hero Collection Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
Cobra Emperor
  • head: Serpentor (86, 02)
  • arms: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • torso: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • waist: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • legs: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
Accessories: silver dagger (86 Serpentor's), yellow cobra (86 Serpentor's), glittery black cape (86 Serpentor's), black backpack (86 Serpentor's), black figure stand (common).
A secret cabal of COBRA scientists combed the dusty vaults, tombs, and sarcophagi of long-dead despots, scraping together enough DNA to achieve a warped plan: a supreme leader dedicated to evil. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. SERPENTOR is a military genius, ruthless tyrant, fearless warrior, financial sorcerer, and political demigod. His plans are subtle, vicious, and intricate, making him a formidable enemy of G.I. Joe. Even COBRA COMMANDER has to watch his back in case his genetic brainchild tries to wrest control from him. The conquests of the distant past still echo in his mind, urging him to achieve the glory his DNA still remembers...and he'll stop at nothing to again grasp the world in his hands.
"The greatest men of history flow in my veins, and my goal is to let them rule the world again."
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Shock Viper. Item #53086. This wave was exclusive to various online and specialty outlets.
Version 3: May 2005 Wave 2 comic three-pack assortment
Cobra Emperor
  • head: Serpentor (05)
  • arms: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • torso: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • waist: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
  • legs: Serpentor (86, 02, 05)
Accessories: black dagger (86 Serpentor's), light green snake-head helmet with white fangs (new), yellow cape (86 Serpentor's), yellow-green backpack (86 Serpentor's).
A secret cabal of COBRA scientists combed the dusty vaults, tombs, and sarcophagi of long-dead despots, scraping together enough DNA to achieve a warped plan: a supreme leader dedicated to evil. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. SERPENTOR is a military genius, ruthless tyrant, fearless warrior, financial sorcerer, and political demigod. His plans are subtle, vicious, and intricate, making him a formidable enemy of G.I. Joe. Even COBRA COMMANDER has to watch his back in case his genetic brainchild tries to wrest control from him. The conquests of the distant past still echo in his mind, urging him to achieve the glory his DNA still remembers...and he'll stop at nothing to again grasp the world in his hands.
"The greatest men of history flow in my veins, and my goal is to let them rule the world again."
Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Scrap Iron, Firefly, and a reprint of Marvel #49. Item #61063.
Version 4: September 2007 25th Anniversary Wave 2 carded figure assortment
Cobra Emperor
  • head: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
  • arms: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
  • body: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II), Nemesis Immortal (08)
  • legs: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
Accessories: gold sword with grey blade (06 Hannibal's), black C-shaped boomerang with black grip and silver blades (new), flat-gold helmet with silver fangs (06 Hannibal's), green plastic skirt with gold trim and interior (new), black Cobra figure stand.
A secret cabal of COBRA scientists, under the direction of THE INTERROGATOR and DESTRO, combed the tombs, sarcophagi, and relics of the great despots of history to find cells with DNA traces. From these long-dead genetic blueprints they produced a composite clone with the military genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the fiscal acumen of Attila the Hun...the ultimate COBRA Emperor! A master of political intrigue and a brilliant tactician, he is capable of wresting power from COBRA COMMANDER. Fortunately for the G.I. JOE team, the COBRA Emperor's own ambitions were not taken into consideration by his creators.
"His eyes have seen the legions of Rome trample the Gauls and Nervii into the dust. His hand lifted the horsehair baton that signaled the first charge of the Carthaginian armored elephant phalanx. His ears have heard the rattle of French cuirassiers on the streets of Moscow. But it is his mind we must fear the most. The thoughts of the COBRA Emperor have not drifted from global conquest since the reign of King Solomon."
Toy Notes: Item #25979.
Version 5: June 2008 Armadillo Tank vs. Serpentor's Air Chariot vehicle two-pack (08/I)
Cobra Emperor
  • head: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
  • arms: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
  • body: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II), Nemesis Immortal (08)
  • legs: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
Accessories: flat-gold helmet (06 Hannibal's), green skirt with gold trim (07 Serpentor's), black Cobra figure stand.
A secret cabal of COBRA scientists, under the direction of THE INTERROGATOR and DESTRO, combed the tombs, sarcophagi, and relics of the great despots of history to find cells with DNA traces. From these long-dead genetic blueprints they produced a composite clone with the military genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the fiscal acumen of Attila the Hun...the ultimate COBRA Emperor! A master of political intrigue and a brilliant tactician, he is capable of wresting power from COBRA COMMANDER. Fortunately for the G.I. JOE team, the COBRA Emperor's own ambitions were not taken into consideration by his creators.
"His eyes have seen the legions of Rome trample the Gauls and Nervii into the dust. His hand lifted the horsehair baton that signaled the first charge of the Carthaginian armored elephant phalanx. His ears have heard the rattle of French cuirassiers on the streets of Moscow. But it is his mind we must fear the most. The thoughts of the COBRA Emperor have not drifted from global conquest since the reign of King Solomon."
Toy Notes: Boxed with Steeler and updates of the Mini Tank Armadillo and Air Chariot. Item #32395.
Version 6: November 2008 DVD Battles multipack assortment, #3 (08/II)
Cobra Emperor
  • head: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
  • arms: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
  • body: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II), Nemesis Immortal (08)
  • legs: Serpentor (07, 08/I, 08/II)
Accessories: all-gold boomerang (07 Serpentor's), gold straight, thin scepter with cobra head on tip (new), gold cobra with small hood (new), gold vintage-style scaly snake-mouth helmet (new), all-gold skirt (07 Serpentor's), black Cobra figure stand.
Inspired by a strange, recurring dream, DR. MINDBENDER hatches a traitorous plan to replace COBRA COMMANDER with a new leader. The mad doctor sends teams to tombs around the world to gather the DNA of the greatest warriors of all time. With this genetic material, DR. MINDBENDER creates SERPENTOR, the new emperor of COBRA. He has the military genius and political acumen of Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Vlad Tepes, Ivan the Terrible, and other rulers who have shaped the course of history. World domination is the one and only thought in the mind of SERPENTOR, and he immediately launches a campaign to conquer the world.
"I am the one born to rule and destined to conquer. Let those who fear me, follow me. Let those who oppose me, die."
Toy Notes: Boxed with Dusty, Cobra B.A.T., Montezuma's Skeleton, M.A.S.S. Device control turret, and Arise, Serpentor, Arise! DVD. Item #33559.