
Static Line
File Name: Wallace J. Badducci of Chicago, Illinois.
Grade: Army E-7 (1990)
SN: 782-6001-XR52
Notes: Chicago is in the state's northeast corner, at the south end of Lake Michigan. Bullet-Proof, Ghostrider, Hardtop, Heavy Duty, Scoop, and Short-Fuze are also from Chicago.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Unknown | 4 | 246 seconds | 13 | 144
Notes: DiC's Static Line wore his 1990 outfit with a raised silver visor. Most of his dialogue reflected his penchant for worry.
Season 1 Opening (DiC) | 1 second | (silent) | parachuting in original animation (0:39)
| The Mind Mangler | 140 seconds | 8 lines | at Sky Patrol HQ, flying Sky Hawk, rescuing Duke, at Joe HQ
| BIOK | 104 seconds | 5 lines | flying Sky Hawk to rescue Skydive, at Sky Patrol HQ, at remote Cobra base to stop BIOK
| Season 2 Opening (DiC) | 1 second | (silent) | in footage created for DiC season 1 opening (0:38)
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, Static Line did not appear in the vintage comic.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1990 (Sky Patrol)
Version 1: spring 1990 Sky Patrol premium carded figure assortment
Sky Patrol Demolitions Expert | MOS 1: Sky Patrol Demolitions Expert [18C] MOS 2: Aircraft Maintenance [15Z]
| - head: Static Line (90)
- arms: Back-Stop (87), Static Line (90)
- torso: Back-Stop (87), Static Line (90)
- waist: Back-Stop (87), Static Line (90)
- legs: Back-Stop (87), Static Line (90)
| Accessories: silver L-shaped pistol with circle pattern on muzzle (new), silver chest-mounted twin laser with crescent-shaped body clip (new), silver full-head helmet with black face shield (new), white backpack (from 85 Parachute Pack) with silver parachute.
| The common perception of a demolitions expert is a guy who blows things up. STATIC LINE does the opposite. He prevents things from destruction by defusing them or rendering them inert. This is an extremely valuable skill if your unit conducts strikes behind enemy lines that are probably mined and booby-trapped with high-impact, motion sensitive firing devices.
"Static Line has a nose for finding hard-to-find things, such as money. He picks up five dollar bills off sidewalks in front of movie theaters, twenties from the supermarket check-out line, or even loose change that people carelessly pull out of their pockets. Is he lucky? No. He is just the type of person who constantly examines every square inch of ground before he steps on it!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6200-4.