
Hit & Run
File Name: Brent Scott of Sioux City, Iowa.
Grade: Army E-4 (1988)
SN: 345-7581-SB26
Notes: Sioux City is on the state's western border, about 100 miles directly north of Omaha, Nebraska.
Animated Appearances
Hit & Run was animated only for commercials.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Hit & Run was discernible in 64 panels in 4 issues from Nov. 1988 to Jul. 1989: #80, SM 17, SM 22, and SM 23.
Figure Releases
Version 1: spring 1988 regular carded figure assortment
Light Infantryman | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Mountaineering
| - head: Hit & Run (88)
- arms: Hit & Run (88), Duke (88)
- torso: Hit & Run (88)
- waist: Hit & Run (88)
- legs: Hit & Run (88)
| Accessories: black Colt Model 635 submachine gun (new), olive knife with ribbed grip and S-shaped cross-guard (new), black duffel bag with grappling hook on string (new).
| Orphaned at the age of three by a drunken driver, Hit & Run grew up in a county institution from which he escaped with alarming regularity, climbing down sheer walls and running for miles across the plains in the middle of the night. When asked what he was running away from, he replied, "I'm not running away from anything. I'm practicing." He went from the custody of the county, directly into the Army...
"Infantrymen don't march. They run. They run to get to the battle, they run during the battle, and they run to get away from the battle. The Army doesn't call it running. They call the first 'advancing,' the second, 'maneuvering,' and the last, 'disengaging.' Hit & Run calls it all running, and he's real good at it."
| Toy Notes: Item #6511.
| Reissues: Carded in fall 1988 as a Target-exclusive Airborne Assault Parachute Pack! release with the Parachute Pack.