
Half of Sky Patrol dons Vapor uniforms and attacks Joe Headquarters with Hurricanes as part of a demonstration of HQ's new automated defense system. All Joe vehicles are tied into the computer, over Skydive's objections. Meanwhile, Cobra's new AI system BIOK begins hijacking all networked electronics, including the Joes' defenses. BIOK traps Lady Jaye in the General and uses the mobile fortress to attack Skydive.
BIOK then defies orders from Cobra Commander and Destro, deciding to take over the world himself. Destro sends a robot hawk to Sky Patrol to lead them to a remote Mayan temple where BIOK can be deactivated using a virus on a disk, while BIOK has placed the General in a standoff against the US Army. Skydive talks down the Army and stalls for time by challenging BIOK to a duel, Sky Hawk vs. Sky Raven. The temple mission is successful, and the virus shuts down BIOK everywhere except in the Sky Raven. Lady Jaye is rescued and Skydive destroys the Sky Raven, and BIOK along with it.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Skydive | 262 seconds | 32 lines | flying Hurricane as Vapor, attacked by General, driving Hammer and Sky H.A.V.O.C., flying Sky Hawk to challenge BIOK
| Destro | 235 seconds | 27 lines | in NYC Cobra office interacting with BIOK, using drone to lead Sky Patrol to remote Cobra base, impersonated by BIOK
| Cobra Commander | 193 seconds | 20 lines | in NYC Cobra office interacting with BIOK, impersonated by BIOK at remote Cobra base
| Lady Jaye | 128 seconds | 19 lines | talking to officials at Joe HQ, trapped in General by BIOK
| Altitude | 127 seconds | 11 lines | animating on computer, at Sky Patrol HQ, at remote Cobra base to stop BIOK
| Airwave | 109 seconds | 8 lines | flying Hurricane as Vapor for demo, flying Sky S.H.A.R.C. during BIOK takeover, at Sky Patrol HQ, at remote Cobra base to stop BIOK
| Static Line | 104 seconds | 5 lines | flying Sky Hawk to rescue Skydive, at Sky Patrol HQ, at remote Cobra base to stop BIOK
| Airborne (SP) | 98 seconds | 4 lines | flying Hurricane as Vapor for demo, at Sky Patrol HQ, flying Sky Hawk to take Skydive to the General
| Drop Zone | 79 seconds | 2 lines | at Sky Patrol HQ, flying Sky S.H.A.R.C., at remote Cobra base to stop BIOK
| Troops Appearing
| Vapor | 54 seconds | | uniforms worn by Sky Patrol as disguises for demo
| Crimson Guard Immortal | 11 seconds | | advancing on Sky Patrol at remote base (mostly still shots for some reason)
| Snow Serpent | 11 seconds | | firing on Sky Patrol at remote base
| Rock-Viper | 4 seconds | | guarding remote Cobra base, jumped by Sky Patrol
| Orangeshirt | 3 seconds | | in cockpits of Sky S.H.A.R.C.s
| Vehicles Appearing
| General | 252 seconds | | parked at Joe HQ, hijacked by BIOK, in standoff with Army
| Sky Hawk (SP) | 166 seconds | | parked at Joe HQ, flown to Sky Patrol HQ and remote base, used to Col. Herring, and in duel with BIOK
| Sky Raven | 71 seconds | | parked at Joe HQ, used by BIOK in duel with Skydive
| Sky S.H.A.R.C. | 41 seconds | | parked at Joe HQ, flown to Sky Patrol HQ and remote base
| Sky H.A.V.O.C. | 29 seconds | | used by Skydive to escape General
| Hurricane V.T.O.L. | 20 seconds | | used by Joes for security demonstration
| Hammer | 19 seconds | | used by Skydive to warn about computer hijack
| Retaliator | 3 seconds | | parked at Joe HQ
| Non-Toy Characters: BIOK computer program, Col. Herring, Army soldiers
| Non-Toy Equipment: Destro's hawk drone, Army tanks and jeep
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 4, Episode 5)
- Several Sky Patrol members are drawn and/or colored as Vapors, after the scene in which they wear disguises.