
Following a speech at the Worldwide Anti-Terrorist Center, Duke is flying home when he is attacked by Cobra aircraft. He summons help from Sky Patrol but is shot down. As most of Sky Patrol is on the way, Drop Zone gets tired of waiting at Sky Patrol Headquarters and takes a Sky Raven to join them. Skydive and Altitude parachute down to the forest where Duke crashed, and Drop Zone is shot down as soon as he arrives. Meanwhile, Duke is being held in an underground base by a Cobra agent called the Mind Mangler.
Once all of Sky Patrol is together in the forest, they find and attack Cobra's base, while Duke is subjected to a mind probe. He resists with the help of Megan, the Mangler's daughter. Altitude uses false video feed to trick the Cobras into evacuating, and the Sky Patrol rescues Duke and Megan. While Megan (actually Zarana) uses her stay at Joe Headquarters to steal information, Skydive and Airwave track down the Mangler and discover he's a robot. Skydive makes it to Joe HQ in time to take Zarana's disk, though she herself escapes. Sky Patrol then puts the Mangler robot to work washing their vehicles.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Duke | 279 seconds | 29 lines | giving speech, flying Retaliator, captured, escaping with Sky Patrol, in bed at HQ, rescuing Skydive
| Skydive | 270 seconds | 27 lines | at Sky Patrol HQ, flying Sky Raven, rescuing Duke, securing Cobra base, flying Sky Hawk to Joe HQ
| Drop Zone | 241 seconds | 24 lines | at Sky Patrol HQ, flying Sky Raven, rescuing Duke, at Joe HQ
| Altitude | 215 seconds | 22 lines | at Sky Patrol HQ, in Sky Raven, rescuing Duke, at Joe HQ
| Airwave | 165 seconds | 13 lines | at Sky Patrol HQ, driving Sky H.A.V.O.C., rescuing Duke, securing Cobra base, controlling Mangler
| Static Line | 140 seconds | 8 lines | at Sky Patrol HQ, flying Sky Hawk, rescuing Duke, at Joe HQ
| Airborne (SP) | 129 seconds | 9 lines | at Sky Patrol HQ, flying Sky S.H.A.R.C., rescuing Duke, at Joe HQ
| Gnawgahyde | 98 seconds | 11 lines | at Cobra base, on Mind Mangler's viewscreen during Duke's mind probe
| Zarana | 53 seconds | 11 lines | disguised as Megan, helping Duke escape, taken to Joe HQ
| Background Characters
| Cobra Commander | 4 seconds | (silent) | on Mind Mangler's viewscreen during Duke's mind probe
| Scarlett | 2 seconds | (silent) | on Mind Mangler's viewscreen during Duke's mind probe (9:19-20)
| Troops Appearing
| Crimson Guard Immortal | 61 seconds | 1 line | at Cobra base, attacking in forest, on Mind Mangler's viewscreen, flying F.A.N.G.s to extract Zarana
| Vapor | 9 seconds | | flying F.A.N.G.s to attack Duke and to extract Zarana
| Range-Viper | 3 seconds | | running for cover in forest
| Sky Raven | 88 seconds | | used to search for Duke
| Vehicles Appearing
| Retaliator | 69 seconds | | used to fly from Anti-Terrorist Center and to rescue Skydive
| Sky Hawk (SP) | 66 seconds | | used to search for Duke, attack Cobra base, and return to Joe HQ
| F.A.N.G. II | 57 seconds | | used to attack Retaliator, on patrol, used to extract Zarana
| Sky S.H.A.R.C. | 24 seconds | | used to search for Duke and return to Joe HQ
| Sky H.A.V.O.C. | 20 seconds | | used to search for Duke and attack Cobra base
| Dominator | 19 seconds | | used by Joes to rescue Duke from Cobra base
| Hurricane V.T.O.L. | 4 seconds | | used to attack Drop Zone
| Non-Toy Characters: The Mind Mangler, Frogzilla
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 4, Episode 4)
- First Appearances (in order): Airwave, Static Line, Altitude, and Sky Patrol's Airborne; the Sky H.A.V.O.C.
- Altitude is replaced with Airwave in one forest shot, while the real Airwave is still at Sky Patrol Headquarters.