
At Club Joe's airfield, Grid-Iron contacts Joe HQ and warns against sending a rescue team. Destro arrives to chase the the Joes away from the airfield, but they use intact Joe vehicles to launch a counterattack, succeeding once Hawk gets the General running. As Grid-Iron leads a decoy attack on the ground, Hawk and a raiding party scale the backside cliff of the volcano. But Cobra uses its space guns to demolish the ground attack and capture most of the Joes.
Alerted that a UN fleet is approaching the island, Joe HQ launches its forces to destroy the guns. With help from the raiding party, the captive Joes mount an attack inside the volcano but are unable to reach the guns due to an energy screen. From atop the volcano, Hawk and Ambush destroy the guns' elevator just as Cobra is about to fire on the UN fleet. The volcano erupts, but Cobra launches one last attack in their vehicles. The forces from Joe HQ land on the island, driving Cobra's leaders back to their submarine. The Joes return to relaxing, just as the UN fleet arrives and begins bombing the island.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Hawk | 232 seconds | 28 lines | at airfield, operating General, scaling volcano, destroying space guns, seen after Cobra retreats, in pool
| Capt. Grid-Iron | 177 seconds | 22 lines | calling Joe HQ, driving Hammer during airfield retreat, in General, leading attack on volcano, captured, stealing Rage
| Ambush | 176 seconds | 21 lines | running from airfield, operating General, scaling volcano, destroying space guns, seen after Cobra retreats, in pool
| Bullhorn | 173 seconds | 19 lines | at airfield, driving Hammer during airfield retreat, in General, scaling volcano, entering through cave, stealing Rage
| Metal-Head | 129 seconds | 19 lines | swinging from vines to attack Joes, capturing Joes at volcano, in volcano command center, firing on UN fleet, on Rage
| Cobra Commander | 129 seconds | 16 lines | in volcano command center, ordering space guns fired, driving Rage after eruption, retreating in sub
| Freefall | 100 seconds | 15 lines | at Joe HQ, flying cargo plane, parachuting from cargo plane, in Hammer during final battle, arguing in final scene
| Destro | 98 seconds | 14 lines | in Dominator chasing Joes from airfield and capturing Joes at volcano, in volcano command center, in HISS II turret
| Topside | 81 seconds | 15 lines | at Joe HQ, in cargo plane, in Hammer after Cobra retreats, arguing in final scene
| Pathfinder | 53 seconds | (silent) | in Hammer during airfield retreat, scaling volcano, entering through cave, wrestling alligator in final scene
| Rampart | 51 seconds | 2 lines | at airfield, driving Hammer during airfield retreat, captured, seen after Cobra retreats
| Lady Jaye | 48 seconds | (silent) | in Hammer during airfield retreat and attacking volcano, captured, fighting inside volcano, grilling burgers in final scene
| Salvo | 42 seconds | (silent) | in Hammer attacking volcano, captured, seen after Cobra retreats
| Background Characters
| Baroness | 17 seconds | (silent) | in volcano command center
| Rock 'n Roll | 17 seconds | (silent) | in cargo plane copilot's seat, driving Hammer in final battle
| Zarana | 14 seconds | (silent) | activating space guns
| Gnawgahyde | 2 seconds | (silent) | driving Rage against Joes (3:11-12)
| Skydive | 1 second | (silent) | parachuting from cargo plane (19:29)
| Troops Appearing
| Range-Viper | 98 seconds | 1 line | driving Rages and HISS II, capturing Joes, defending volcano base, guarding space guns
| Orangeshirt | 10 seconds | | parachuting from cargo plane, driving Hammer in final battle
| Vehicles Appearing
| Rage | 185 seconds | | used to chase Joes in jungle, defending volcano, stolen by Joes to attack Cobra, attacking Joes after eruption
| Dominator | 108 seconds | | parked at Joe HQ (error?), used to chase Joes from airfield, defending volcano
| Hammer | 92 seconds | | wrecked at airfield, parked at Joe HQ, used in airfield retreat, to attack volcano, in final battle
| General | 79 seconds | | used during airfield retreat and to attack volcano, destroyed by space guns
| Avalanche | 46 seconds | | wrecked at airfield, used by Joes during airfield retreat, used to attack volcano, used in final battle
| Mobile Battle Bunker | 20 seconds | | wrecked at airfield, transported by Retaliators, used in final battle
| H.I.S.S. II | 14 seconds | | used to chase Joes in jungle, attacking Joes after eruption
| Retaliator | 10 seconds | | wrecked at airfield, transporting Joe vehicles
| Sky Hawk | 8 seconds | | part of Joe rescue mission
| Hammerhead | 5 seconds | | transported by Retaliators (error)
| Locust | 3 seconds | | wrecked at airfield
| Non-toy equipment: green Joe cargo planes
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 2, Episode 5)
- First appearances (in order): Topside, Orangeshirts, and Skydive.