
As the Joes relax at G.I. Joe's island R&R base and Hawk frets over his impending forced retirement, Cobra attacks by sub. Cobra captures Salvo and Bullhorn and quickly overruns Club Joe. Hawk leads a retreat to a hidden airfield, but Cobra already has knowledge of it and occupies it as the Joes approach. The Joes retreat back into the jungle and take refuge in some ruins before escaping via a sea cave, while Destro puts Salvo and Bullhorn to work laying railroad track at the island's volcano.
The track is used to install space guns mounted on a lava-powered hydraulic elevator. Destro tests the guns by destroying a communications satellite, but Salvo and Bullhorn escape and bring news of Cobra's plans to Hawk's Joes, who have retaken the airfield. As Destro leaves to deal with the Joes, Cobra Commander broadcasts a threat to the world and proves his seriousness by destroying the California River Bridge.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Cobra Commander | 188 seconds | 20 lines | in sub, driving Rage after base attack, inside volcano command center
| Hawk | 182 seconds | 20 lines | grilling burgers, destroying Cobra landing craft, retreating, at airfield, hiding in ruins, washed up on shore, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Bullhorn | 169 seconds | 21 lines | on fishing boat, captured by Cobra, slave labor at volcano, escaping in Rage
| Salvo | 162 seconds | 17 lines | on fishing boat, captured by Cobra, slave labor at volcano, escaping in Rage
| Metal-Head | 159 seconds | 20 lines | in sub, leading Rages, wasting ammo at Club Joe, chasing Joes from airfield, mocking Joes at volcano
| Destro | 145 seconds | 18 lines | in sub, driving Dominator, assigning Bullhorn and Salvo to slave labor, inside volcano command center, operating space guns
| Capt. Grid-Iron | 139 seconds | 16 lines | playing football, driving MBB to defend base, retreating, at airfield, hiding in ruins, washed up on shore, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Ambush | 124 seconds | 12 lines | talking to Hawk, retreating, at airfield, hiding in ruins, washed up on shore, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Pathfinder | 89 seconds | 9 lines | wrestling an alligator, retreating, at airfield, hiding in ruins, washed up on shore, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Rampart | 72 seconds | 6 lines | playing football, retreating, with Joes overlooking airfield, hiding in ruins, spotting Cobra anti-aircraft guns, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Stretcher | 54 seconds | 5 lines | tending to injured Joe, retreating, at airfield, hiding in ruins, washed up on shore, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Lady Jaye | 49 seconds | (silent) | playing tennis, retreating, with Joes overlooking airfield, hiding in ruins, washed up on shore, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Background Characters
| Zarana | 42 seconds | (silent) | inside volcano command center, operating space guns
| Scoop | 39 seconds | (silent) | playing football, retreating, at airfield, washed up on shore, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Baroness | 33 seconds | (silent) | inside volcano command center
| Duke | 28 seconds | (silent) | playing tennis, with Joes overlooking airfield, hiding in ruins, disguised as Crimson Guard
| Sub-Zero | 17 seconds | (silent) | playing football, retreating, at airfield
| Sgt. Slaughter | 4 seconds | (silent) | with Joes overlooking airfield, running from Rages
| Rock 'n Roll | 3 seconds | (silent) | washed up on shore
| Gnawgahyde | 1 second | (silent) | flying Hurricane to attack Joe R&R base (3:50)
| Troops Appearing
| Alley Viper | 76 seconds | | capturing Bullhorn and Salvo, laying railroad tracks, driving Rages
| Crimson Guard Immortal | 49 seconds | | escorting Bullhorn and Salvo at volcano, uniforms stolen by Joes
| Laser-Viper | 31 seconds | | in Rage at airfield, guarding Bullhorn and Salvo at volcano, with Destro in jungle
| Range-Viper | 20 seconds | | manning landing craft turret, jumping from HISS II, holding Salvo and Bullhorn, driving Rages
| S.A.W.-Viper | 7 seconds | | driving Dominator and Rages
| Undertow | 6 seconds | 1 line | attacking fishing boat
| Greenshirt | 1 second | | playing football (2:39)
| Vehicles Appearing
| Rage | 125 seconds | | launched from cargo copter, used to attack Joe R&R base, secure airfield, and chase Joes
| Dominator | 41 seconds | | launched from landing craft, attacking MBB, used to secure airfield
| H.I.S.S. II | 31 seconds | | launched from landing craft, used to attack Joe R&R base, parked at base, at airfield, pursuing Joes
| Hurricane V.T.O.L. | 22 seconds | | used to attack Joe R&R base, destroying vehicles at airfield
| Mobile Battle Bunker | 21 seconds | | used to defend Joe R&R base, parked at airfield
| General | 14 seconds | | parked at airfield
| Avalanche | 8 seconds | | parked at airfield
| Retaliator | 5 seconds | | parked at airfield
| Non-toy equipment: Joe fishing boat, Cobra cargo sub, Cobra marine transport, Cobra cargo copter
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 2, Episode 4)
- First appearances: Sub-Zero, Crimson Guard Immortals; the Avalanche
- On several occasions, grunts recognizably uttered by Sgt. Slaughter are dubbed in to represent the exertion of other Joe characters.
- Hawk mentions Locusts while listing the vehicles at the airfield, but none are seen.