
Amid news of adult abductions, drones collect DNA samples from animals in a zoo. When Hawk is kidnapped just before an award ceremony for children, the President assigns Duke to investigate the overall situation. The Joes' investigation raises the suspicions of Dr. Lincoln Talbot, the zoo's veterinarian. In Antarctica, Hawk is introduced to Cobra's Venomization process, which injects the DNA into the abducted humans to create new hybrid V-Troops. Meanwhile, Flint's team on the Brazilian coast is testing a new rain generator.
Slice and Slash lead an attack on Flint's team, forcing them to destroy their outpost and flee into the jungle. Tunnel Rat doubles back for recon as Slice and Slash begin reconstructing a launch computer for the rain generator. Meanwhile, Duke's team has arrived at G.I. Joe's command center at Fort Reed and located Cobra's Antarctic base. Just then, Cobra launches an attack so Storm Shadow can steal the Joes' launch codes. Duke strikes back with an assault on Cobra's base, only to witness the captured Hawk mutated into Venomous Maximus, a hulk who resists Cobra's orders and claims command of the V-Troops.
Scarlett catches Dr. Talbot sneaking around the ruins of the command center and the two team up. Meanwhile, Flint's team regroups off the coast, where they fight off Electric E.E.L.s. Cobra brings Venonomous Maximus to the citadel, with plans to use the Joes' launcher to rain Venom on any city in the world. Duke and Kamakura escape Cobra's base and rally the Joes to take back the citadel, taking along an antidote developed by Dr. Talbot using a captured Electric E.E.L. With the launcher counting down, the Joes distribute the antidote from the air and then assault the citadel, while the Joe ninjas attempt to shut down the launcher. The battle, complicated by Venomous and Over Kill fighting both Joe and Cobra, ends with Hawk restored, the launcher safely stuck in reverse, and Cobra Commander captured.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Duke | 710 seconds | 95 lines | playing paintball, at zoo, briefing Joes at HQ, flying Tigerhawk, driving Ice Sabre 1, at Joe HQ, in final battle
| Cobra Commander | 509 seconds | 64 lines | in command of Viper Pit, creating Venomous Maximus, at Brazil citadel, in final battle
| Kamakura | 447 seconds | 21 lines | sparring with Jinx, at briefing, fighting Storm Shadow, chasing him on Cycle, in Ice Sabre 1, at Joe HQ, in final battle
| Hi-Tech | 350 seconds | 35 lines | reporting to Duke, at zoo, at briefing, analyzing B.A.T. head, driving Ice Sabre 4, at Joe HQ, in final battle
| Hawk | 340 seconds | 22 lines | playing paintball, captured, in Viper Pit, turned into Venomous Maximus, restored
| Heavy Duty | 312 seconds | 20 lines | playing paintball, at zoo, at briefing, flying Tigerhawk, in Ice Sabre 4, at Joe HQ, in final battle
| Venomous Maximus | 310 seconds | 22 lines | venomized version of Hawk, fighting Duke, at Brazil citadel, in final battle
| Jinx | 301 seconds | 18 lines | sparring with Kamakura, at briefing, chasing Storm Shadow on Cycle, in Ice Sabre 2, at Joe HQ, in final battle
| Snake Eyes | 301 seconds | | training Kamakura and Jinx, chasing Storm Shadow on Cycle, driving Ice Sabre 2, at Joe HQ, in final battle
| Dr. Link Talbot | 280 seconds | 25 lines | at zoo, caught by Scarlett at command center, taken to Joe HQ, in final battle
| Dr. Mindbender | 280 seconds | 23 lines | in Viper Pit lab, overseeing creation of V-Troops, at Brazil citadel, in final battle
| Scarlett | 276 seconds | 21 lines | finding Hawk's goggles, at zoo, at briefing, flying Tigerhawk and Night Attack Chopper, at Joe HQ, in final battle
| Dusty | 271 seconds | 26 lines | playing paintball, at zoo, at briefing, flying Tigerhawk, in Ice Sabre 3, in final battle
| Storm Shadow | 219 seconds | 8 lines | infiltrating Joe command, escaping on Ninja Lightning Cycle, guarding launcher during final battle
| Gung-Ho | 210 seconds | 12 lines | at Brazil citadel, escaping, in final battle
| Flint | 208 seconds | 28 lines | commanding Brazil citadel, escaping, in final battle
| Beach Head | 179 seconds | 12 lines | at Brazil citadel, driving Ground Striker, in final battle
| Tunnel Rat | 170 seconds | 16 lines | at Brazil citadel, captured while spying, tied to launcher
| Overkill | 162 seconds | 17 lines | in Viper Pit assisting Dr. Mindbender, at brainwave scanner, at Brazil citadel, aligning with Venomous Maximus, in final battle
| Shipwreck | 153 seconds | 9 lines | on Piranha Attack Boat, fighting Electric E.E.L.s, in final battle
| Destro | 139 seconds | 12 lines | in disguise capturing Hawk, in Viper Pit, at Brazil citadel, in final battle
| Baroness | 121 seconds | 7 lines | in disguise capturing Hawk, in Viper Pit, at Brazil citadel, in final battle
| Slice | 110 seconds | 17 lines | attacking Brazil citadel, guarding launcher during final battle
| Slash | 104 seconds | 16 lines | attacking Brazil citadel, guarding launcher during final battle
| Frostbite | 82 seconds | 5 lines | at briefing, driving Ice Sabre 3, at Joe HQ, in final battle
| Wet-Suit | 66 seconds | 5 lines | on Piranha Attack Boat, fighting Electric E.E.L.s
| Wild Bill | 50 seconds | 7 lines | flying Thunderwing to defend secret Joe base, flying Night Attack Chopper, at Joe HQ, delivering Electric E.E.L.
| Polly | 50 seconds | 6 lines | on Piranha Attack Boat, fighting Electric E.E.L.s, in final battle
| Torpedo | 47 seconds | 6 lines | on Piranha Attack Boat, fighting Electric E.E.L.s, in final battle
| Background Characters
| Wild Weasel | 7 seconds | 2 lines | flying Night Adder against Joe command
| Ace | 0 seconds | 2 lines | flying Thunderwing to defend secret Joe base (audio only)
| Slip-Stream | 0 seconds | 1 line | flying Thunderwing to defend secret Joe base (audio only)
| Troops Appearing
| B.A.T. | 298 seconds | 3 lines | manning & defending Viper Pit, attacking Brazil citadel, in Night Adder turrets, in final battle
| Snow Wolf | 103 seconds | | created in Viper Pit, fighting Joe Ice Sabres, at Brazil citadel
| Razor Trooper | 85 seconds | | part of Slice and Slash's forces, attacking and manning citadel, in final battle
| Coil Crusher | 80 seconds | | part of Slice and Slash's forces, attacking citadel, capturing Duke and Kamakura
| Electric E.E.L. | 79 seconds | | attacking Joes off Brazil coast, one captured and brought to Joe HQ
| Sand Scorpion | 64 seconds | | part of Slice and Slash's forces, attacking and manning citadel, in final battle
| Vehicles Appearing
| Ground Striker | 177 seconds | | used to evacuate Brazil citadel, converted to hovercraft, parked in jungle, in final battle, dropping off Cobra Cmdr
| Ice Sabre | 172 seconds | | used to attack Viper Pit
| Venomization Chamber | 146 seconds | | pod used to venomize and deploy Snow Wolves
| Night Adder | 86 seconds | | flying past Viper Pit, used to attack Joe command, used to escape Viper Pit
| Piranha Attack Boat | 83 seconds | | used as recon for rain generator test
| Ninja Lightning Cycle | 82 seconds | | used by Storm Shadow to escape Joe command & by Joes to chase him
| Mobile Command Center | 67 seconds | | meeting Joes when Hawk is taken, used as mobile base at zoo
| Thunderwing | 67 seconds | | defending Joe command, parked in Brazil, used to distribute antidote
| Night Force Grizzly | 63 seconds | | at Joe command as Kamakura spars with Jinx, parked in jungle, seen near end of final battle
| Tigerhawk | 45 seconds | | defending Joe command
| Night Attack Chopper | 38 seconds | | dropping off Scarlett, landing at Joe HQ
| Sting Raider | 17 seconds | | used to deploy Snow Wolves
| Battle Hornet | 9 seconds | | first vehicles to attack Joe command
| Dominator | 7 seconds | | used to tow EMP weapon in Brazil
| Brawler | 4 seconds | | destroyed as attack on Joe command begins
| Non-Toy Characters: zoo security guard, US President, Night Adder pilots (in purple versions of Wild Weasel's outfit)
| Non-Toy Equipment: white and yellow Joe cargo planes
Misc. Notes
- This 80-minute film was released on VHS and DVD, through Paramount Home Video.
- Cobra Commander's Venom-filled staff is referred to as a Fang Blade.
- The G.I. Joe Greatest Battles DVD, released with four figures in February 2009, includes edited clips featuring the Ice Sabre assault on the Viper Pit, Duke and Kamakura's infiltration into the base, and their escape from the base later on.