
As the Joes seek out a Cobra lab hidden in the jungle, the party is attacked by Gnawgahyde and Metal-Head. Pathfinder and Ambush track the Cobra agents to the lab. Because Ambush runs off before he and Pathfinder can settle on a plan, the two end up planting explosives at both ends of the facility and bringing it down on top of themselves. They are rescued, but Cobra Commander douses Salvo with a behavior-control gas as he escapes.
When Cobra Commander threatens to launch a roomful of rockets carrying the gas, Grid-Iron places Joe Headquarters on lockdown, but Ambush and Pathfinder escape disguised as nurses and infiltrate the base holding Cobra's rockets. They discover Cobra has only one rocket duplicated with mirrors, so the Joes launch all their forces and attack. Inside Cobra's base, Ambush and Pathfinder make it past the brainwashed Salvo, and the other Joes begin storming the compound. Cobra Commander unleashes the gas on the Joes, but not before Ambush and Pathfinder reach the command center. A poor shot from Metal-Head destroys the behavior control box, and the Joes force the Commander to release an antidote. Yet Cobra Commander escapes anyway as Ambush and Pathfinder fight over who should stop him.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Pathfinder | 398 seconds | 45 lines | seeking and infiltrating Cobra lab, in infirmary, disguised as nurse, stealing Locust, infiltrating rocket base
| Ambush | 376 seconds | 37 lines | seeking and infiltrating Cobra lab, in infirmary, disguised as nurse, stealing Locust, infiltrating rocket base
| Cobra Commander | 269 seconds | 35 lines | inside Cobra lab, making broadcast, at rocket base, escaping in Dominator
| Salvo | 153 seconds | 12 lines | seeking Cobra lab, brainwashed by Cobra, stealing Locust
| Metal-Head | 146 seconds | 13 lines | attacking Joes near Cobra lab, in Hurricane guarding Joe HQ, at rocket base, escaping in Dominator
| Gnawgahyde | 130 seconds | 17 lines | attacking Joes near Cobra lab, in Hurricane guarding Joe HQ, at rocket base, escaping in Dominator
| Capt. Grid-Iron | 114 seconds | 18 lines | seeking Cobra lab, arriving at rubble, watching Cobra's broadcast, flying Locust, driving MBB, storming rocket base
| Rampart | 103 seconds | 9 lines | seeking Cobra lab, arriving at rubble, watching Cobra's broadcast, shooting down Hurricanes at Joe HQ, driving MBB, storming rocket base
| Bullhorn | 73 seconds | 4 lines | seeking Cobra lab, watching Cobra's broadcast, flying Retaliator, storming rocket base
| Lady Jaye | 56 seconds | (silent) | seeking Cobra lab, arriving at rubble, watching Cobra's broadcast, storming rocket base
| Stretcher | 56 seconds | 4 lines | seeking Cobra lab, rescuing Joes from rubble, watching Cobra's broadcast
| Troops Appearing
| Alley Viper | 33 seconds | 2 lines | staffing Cobra lab, guarding rocket base, operating crane, in Rage, parachuting from Hurricanes, donning gas mask
| Greenshirt | 17 seconds | 1 line | in Mobile Battle Bunkers seeking Cobra lab, driving Hammers attacking rocket base
| Range-Viper | 15 seconds | | in rocket base command center, donning gas mask
| Laser-Viper | 2 seconds | | donning gas mask (17:30-31)
| Vehicles Appearing
| Locust | 54 seconds | | parked at Joe HQ, stolen by Salvo, another stolen by Ambush and Pathfinder, used to attack rocket base
| Hurricane V.T.O.L. | 53 seconds | | used to lock down Joe HQ
| Hammer | 38 seconds | | used to search for Cobra lab, carried by Retaliators, used to attack rocket base
| Dominator | 34 seconds | | used by Cobra leaders to escape
| Mobile Battle Bunker | 33 seconds | | used to search for Cobra lab, carried by Retaliators, used to attack rocket base
| Retaliator | 19 seconds | | launched from Joe HQ, used to attack rocket base
| Rage | 5 seconds | | destroyed by Metal-Head
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 2, Episode 1)
- First appearances (in order): Pathfinder, Grid-Iron, Salvo, Stretcher, Ambush, Bullhorn, Metal-Head, Rampart, Range-Vipers, and Laser Vipers; the Mobile Battle Bunker, Hammer, Locust, Hurricane, Rage, Retaliator, and Dominator.
- The Locust stolen by Ambush and Pathfinder is alternately drawn as a heavily damaged brown copter and as a mostly intact red one labeled "Ambulance."