
While G.I. Joe is in Egypt investigating rumors of Cobra activity, Night Creeper Leader attempts to steal a Pharaoh statue from a museum. A head injury during battle causes NCL to believe he is the reincarnated Pharaoh. Destro persuades Cobra Commander that NCL's delusions could be used to solve Cobra's financial problems. Cobra takes a dam and threatens to flood Pyramid City unless Egypt is turned over to Night Creeper Leader. As the Joes help evacuate Pyramid City, NCL kidnaps Lady Jaye, intent on making her his queen.
As Ambush and Grid-Iron try to defuse bombs at the dam, Cobra begins looting the evacuated city. Alerted by Lady Jaye, the Joes chase Cobra out of the city, but Night Creeper Leader blows the dam before all its bombs can be defused. Joe and Cobra work together to seal the canyon leading to the city so they can escape. Night Creeper Leader flees, giving up his dream of being Pharaoh, but he allows Lady Jaye to depart in peace.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Night Creeper Leader | 266 seconds | 20 lines | stealing statue, assuming Pharaoh's identity, kidnapping Lady Jaye, at Cobra base
| Lady Jaye | 247 seconds | 28 lines | at museum during theft, at Joe camp, leading evacuation, kidnapped, signaling Joes
| Cobra Commander | 193 seconds | 26 lines | objecting to Night Creeper Leader, making Cobra broadcast, negotiating with Bullhorn, flying Hurricane and Dominator
| Bullhorn | 139 seconds | 15 lines | at museum during theft, at Joe camp, negotiating with Cobra, with Hawk at canyon, in Retaliator
| Capt. Grid-Iron | 119 seconds | 11 lines | at Joe camp, on dam mission
| Hawk | 111 seconds | 15 lines | at Joe camp, assigning Bullhorn to negotiate with Cobra, driving MBB against Cobra and at canyon
| Ambush | 104 seconds | 14 lines | at Joe camp, evacuating Pyramid City, on dam mission
| Destro | 102 seconds | 14 lines | supporting Night Creeper Leader, driving Dominator to loot Pyramid City
| Salvo | 93 seconds | 12 lines | at Joe camp, evacuating Pyramid City, attacking Destro's forces, in Hawk's MBB
| Background Characters
| Freefall | 7 seconds | (silent) | flying Retaliator to rescue Hawk
| Sgt. Slaughter | 6 seconds | (silent) | leading Joe calisthenics by satellite
| Rock 'n Roll | 2 seconds | (silent) | at Joe camp (6:51-52)
| Troops Appearing
| Laser-Viper | 94 seconds | | stealing statue, surrounding dam security, looting Pyramid City, evacuating dam, in Rages at canyon
| Night Creeper | 53 seconds | | stealing statue, kidnapping Lady Jaye, at Cobra base
| Undertow | 32 seconds | 3 lines | attacking dam, driving Piranhas
| Range-Viper | 22 seconds | 2 lines | working Cobra Cmdr's broadcast, guarding occupied dam
| Greenshirt | 2 seconds | | driving Hammers (14:17; 18:59)
| Vehicles Appearing
| Dominator | 76 seconds | | leading looting of Pyramid City, used to evacuate dam and rescue Night Creeper Leader
| Mobile Battle Bunker | 68 seconds | | at Joe camp site, used to defend Pyramid City
| Rage | 54 seconds | | used to guard occupied dam, loot Pyramid City, and seal canyon
| Hammer | 45 seconds | | at Joe camp site, used to help evacuate and defend Pyramid City, and seal canyon
| Retaliator | 43 seconds | | used to rescue Hawk and Salvo
| Hurricane V.T.O.L. | 28 seconds | | used to lift Pharaoh statue, flown by Cobra Cmdr
| Piranha | 24 seconds | | used to attack dam
| Non-toy characters: Salvo's goat
| Non-toy equipment: Lady Jaye's jeep
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 2, Episode 2)
- First appearances (in order): Night Creeper Leader, Night-Creepers, Undertow, and Freefall; the Piranha.
- This episode was included on VHS in early 1991 with the figure Rapid Fire, who nevertheless did not appear in this (or any other) story.