
While visiting his sister, Sgt. Slaughter stumbles upon some Cobras constructing a base, including a Range-Viper with an old football-related grudge against Grid-Iron. Slaughter is captured, and Cobra challenges the G.I. Joe Team to a football match in which the winner gets both Slaughter and Grid-Iron. The Joes accept without hesitation, but midway through the game, Cobra deploys vehicles onto the field. The Joes respond in kind and drive the Cobras off with Sgt. Slaughter.
Grid-Iron gives chase through the streets of New York and, with Lady Jaye's help, retrieves Slaughter before escaping into the subway. On the other side, Grid-Iron and Slaughter are both recaptured by the Range-Viper, who uses his Hurricane to fly them on a winch past the Statue of Liberty to show off. This allows Grid-Iron to tie the Hurricane to Liberty's torch. The trapped Cobra is quickly captured. Grid-Iron, Lady Jaye, Slaughter, and Slaughter's sister celebrate with a double date at a fancy club where Cobra Commander is turned away as a "weirdo."
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Sgt. Slaughter | 305 seconds | 26 lines | at sister's apartment, captured by Cobra, held in minisub, retrieved but recaptured, entering club with sister
| Capt. Grid-Iron | 288 seconds | 37 lines | at Joe HQ, playing football, driving Avalanche, flying hoverjet, pursuing Sarge, retrieving him, recaptured, entering club
| Cobra Commander | 160 seconds | 21 lines | challenging Joes, playing football, driving Rage, flying Hurricane, turned away from club
| Lady Jaye | 83 seconds | 11 lines | pursuing Sarge in limo, driving Avalanche, on shore after battle, entering club
| Bullhorn | 63 seconds | 7 lines | at Joe HQ, playing football, driving Mobile Battle Bunker, on shore after battle
| Metal-Head | 45 seconds | 4 lines | building Cobra base, in Rage on football field
| Pathfinder | 40 seconds | 4 lines | at Joe HQ, playing football, driving Avalanche
| Background Characters
| Salvo | 28 seconds | 1 line | at Joe HQ, playing football
| Rampart | 22 seconds | (silent) | at Joe HQ, playing football
| Ambush | 14 seconds | (silent) | playing football
| Hawk | 7 seconds | (silent) | on football field when vehicles appear, in Joe huddle, running to vehicles
| Stretcher | 4 seconds | (silent) | playing football
| Rock 'n Roll | 3 seconds | (silent) | on football field when vehicles appear
| Freefall | 2 seconds | (silent) | said to be flying cargo plane, driving Mobile Battle Bunker (14:52-53)
| Gnawgahyde | 2 seconds | (silent) | trying to tackle Grid-Iron (5:11-12)
| Scoop | 2 seconds | (silent) | running to Joe vehicles (7:12-13)
| Troops Appearing
| Range-Viper | 316 seconds | 41 lines | building Cobra base, capturing Sgt. Slaughter, playing football, in Hammerhead, Rage, and Dominator
| S.A.W.-Viper | 76 seconds | 5 lines | building Cobra base, playing football, in Hammerhead, flying Hurricane
| Undertow | 16 seconds | | driving Piranha to rescue Range-Viper, captured
| Orangeshirt | 8 seconds | | at Joe HQ, jumping from exploding Mobile Battle Bunkers, on shore after battle
| Greenshirt | 6 seconds | | playing football
| Laser-Viper | 3 seconds | | driving Rage on football field
| Vehicles Appearing
| Hurricane V.T.O.L. | 158 seconds | | used to pursue Grid-Iron and recapture Sgt. Slaughter
| Avalanche | 138 seconds | | dropped from cargo plane, used on football field and to attack Grid-Iron's pursuers
| Hammerhead | 106 seconds | | used on football field, split into modules to transport Slaughter
| Dominator | 68 seconds | | used to pursue Grid-Iron
| Rage | 60 seconds | | used on football field
| Mobile Battle Bunker | 52 seconds | | dropped from cargo plane, used on football field and to attack Grid-Iron's pursuers
| Piranha | 14 seconds | | used to try to rescue Range-Viper
| Non-toy equipment: Lady Jaye's limo
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 2, Episode 7)