
As the Joes work to activate a Dragonfire shield at Sorcerer's Mesa, the last and greatest source of Dragonfire, Cobra launches an attack based on information provided by Scoop. Scoop warns Sgt. Slaughter ahead of time, but Cobra splits its attack force, nearly cutting the Joes off from the Mesa. Slaughter's team slips inside just as the shield goes up. Destro merges the three Cobra-controlled Dragonfire sites to attack the Mesa, but the shield holds.
Cobra then connects its vehicles to Dragonfire to destroy the rock beneath the protected Mesa site, but Scoop transmits the connection frequency to the Joes. Meanwhile, Low-Light corners Scoop but is convinced of his loyalties when he sees Scoop has tied up two Cobras. The Joes' counterattack knocks out Cobra's Dragonfire capabilities. The Joes then drive Cobra out from the other Dragonfire bases.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Scoop | 198 seconds | 29 lines | on airship giving false info on Joe plans, supplying data to Joes, cornered by Low-Light
| Sgt. Slaughter | 181 seconds | 23 lines | leading Joes in Equalizer, racing to Mesa, watching Cobra's second attack, addressing Joes, in final photo
| Spirit | 143 seconds | 12 lines | working with elder to activate Dragonfire, watching Cobra's second attack, with Joes after battle, during montage, and in final photo
| Cobra Commander | 95 seconds | 15 lines | on airship, driving Python Stun and flying F.A.N.G. II to lead attacks, occupying Joe base
| Destro | 91 seconds | 17 lines | with Cobra Cmdr on airship, in Razorback during attack, merging Dragonfire sources
| Low-Light | 89 seconds | 14 lines | disguised as Night-Viper, flying with helipack, confronting Scoop, rounding up Cobras during montage, in final photo
| Lady Jaye | 46 seconds | (silent) | working with elder to activate Dragonfire, with Joes after battle, in final photo
| Backblast | 37 seconds | (silent) | shooting down Python Conquest, firing at Dragonfire-protected Cobras, with Joes after battle, in final photo
| Downtown | 26 seconds | (silent) | firing at Dragonfire-protected Cobras, with Joes after battle
| Copperhead | 26 seconds | 1 line | with Cobra Cmdr on airship, connecting Dragonfire to Cobra vehicles
| Freedom | 15 seconds | | finding elder
| Stalker | 9 seconds | 2 lines | in Raider at Charlie Delta, driving Radar Rat, capturing Cobras during montage
| Background Characters
| Rock 'n Roll | 21 seconds | (silent) | driving Raider, with Joes after battle, leading greenshirts during montage, in final photo
| Baroness | 15 seconds | (silent) | with Cobra Cmdr on airship
| Footloose | 11 seconds | (silent) | in Lynx at Charlie Delta, in final photo (with tan shirt)
| Mutt | 11 seconds | (silent) | in Lynx at Charlie Delta, in final photo
| Junkyard | 9 seconds | | in final photo
| Barbecue | 9 seconds | (silent) | in final photo
| Troops Appearing
| Crimson Guard | 200 seconds | | outfit worn by Scoop
| Alley Viper | 79 seconds | 9 lines | with Cobra Cmdr on airship, fighting Scoop, confined in locker
| Night-Viper | 157 seconds | 1 line | outfit worn by Low-Light, driving Python Stuns, flying Python Conquest and F.A.N.G.s, retreating during montage
| Greenshirt | 58 seconds | 1 line | driving Armadillos and Lynxes, with Sarge at Sorcerer's Mesa, on foot during montage, in final photo
| Annihilator | 4 seconds | | operating airship controls
| Python Tele-Viper | 4 seconds | | captured by Scoop at Charlie Delta
| Python Trooper | 1 second | | retreating during montage (21:06)
| Vehicles Appearing
| Razorback | 94 seconds | | used to attack Charlie Delta
| Python Stun | 77 seconds | | used to attack Charlie Delta
| Equalizer | 58 seconds | | setting out from Charlie Delta, used to defend Sorcerer's Mesa
| Python Conquest | 47 seconds | | escorting airship, used to attack Charlie Delta
| F.A.N.G. II | 44 seconds | | attacking Sorcerer's Mesa
| Lynx | 33 seconds | | setting out from Charlie Delta, used to defend Sorcerer's Mesa
| Armadillo | 29 seconds | | setting out from Charlie Delta, used to defend Sorcerer's Mesa
| Raider | 28 seconds | | setting out from Charlie Delta, used to defend Sorcerer's Mesa
| H.I.S.S. II | 24 seconds | | used to attack Charlie Delta
| Radar Rat | 19 seconds | | used when Cobra attacks Charlie Delta
| Skystorm | 8 seconds | | transporting elder to Sorcerer's Mesa
| Hovercraft | 5 seconds | | seen wrecked in jungle
| Non-toy Character: Sorcerer's Mesa elder and chanters
| Non-toy Equipment: Destro's airship, mobile communications array
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 1, Episode 5)
- First appearances (in order): Backblast and Downtown.