
Iceberg meets his old friend Mahiya while on a Joe mission in the Arctic. She is collecting animal tissues samples for her uncle's genetic research, and she brushes off his invitation to share a cup of tea. Hoping to extend the Joes' mission for the sake of his own project, Wet-Suit encourages Iceberg to pay her uncle's lab a visit. But at the lab, Dr. Mindbender is using the scientist's research to mutate humans into hybrid animal forms. Iceberg is taken captive by Cobra's mutants and learns that the mutants are fed synthetic protein and revert to human form if they eat real meat.
Sent to collect Iceberg, Snow Job and Wet-Suit are attacked near the lab. The other Joes mount a rescue mission and arrive to find Iceberg has been transformed into a killer whale. Wet-Suit destroys Mindbender's escape sub, and Iceberg escapes into the sea. The Joes follow him and, using Wet-Suit as bait, lure Iceberg onto the ice, sedate him, and feed him meat to return him to normal. Nearby, Mindbender has found a small boat but is attacked by a real killer whale.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Iceberg | 274 seconds | 33 lines | on arctic survival mission; idnapped and turned into killer whale
| Dr. Mindbender | 218 seconds | 32 lines | supervising mutation research at Tropodome; experimenting on Iceberg
| Wet-Suit | 194 seconds | 23 lines | testing new diving suit; infiltrating Tropodome to rescue Snow Job; helping restore Iceberg
| Lady Jaye | 126 seconds | 21 lines | driving Polar Battle Bear; parachuting into Tropodome as part of rescue team
| Snow Job | 107 seconds | 10 lines | driving Snow Cat and Devilfish; captured for research by Cobra
| Beach Head | 86 seconds | 8 lines | ordering early end to arctic research; leading rescue team at Tropodome
| Low-Light | 65 seconds | 5 lines | part of rescue team at Tropodome
| Dial-Tone | 34 seconds | 7 lines | trying to contact Iceberg; part of rescue team at Tropodome
| Background Characters
| Sci-Fi | 35 seconds | (silent) | part of rescue team at Tropodome
| Gung-Ho | 5 seconds | (silent) | at arctic research base when Beach Head assembles rescue team
| Roadblock | 2 seconds | (silent) | leaving for Tropodome with rescue team (11:32-33)
| Lifeline | 1 second | (silent) | in Tomahawk transporting Lady Jaye to Tropodome (14:53)
| Lift-Ticket | 1 second | (silent) | flying Tomahawk transporting Lady Jaye to Tropodome (14:53)
| Vehicles Appearing
| Tomahawk | 71 seconds | | used to deploy Lady Jaye at Tropodome and to pursue Iceberg
| Polar Battle Bear | 33 seconds | | used at arctic research base and to reach Tropodome
| Devilfish | 18 seconds | | used by rescue team to reach Tropodome
| Snow Cat | 14 seconds | | used at arctic research base
| A.P.C. | 6 seconds | | parked at arctic research base
| Sky Hawk | 1 second | | parked at arctic research base (11:33)
| Non-Toy Characters: Mahiya Windigos, Dr. Windigos, Cobra mutants
| Non-Toy Equipment: Mahiya's helicopter, Cobra escape sub, Dr. Mindbender's boat
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Season 2.0 set (Disc 2, Episode 7).
- Mahiya Windigos is seen again in Nightmare Assault.