
The Joes escort a science team to the Arctic Circle to investigate a disturbance in the Northern Lights that may indicate Cobra is using them to melt the polar ice cap. Haywire equipment plagues the team until an encounter with a polar bear leads Flint and Snow Job to stumble on Cobra's base. Cobra is alerted to their presence by one of the scientists, who turns out to be the Baroness in disguise. Flint, Lady Jaye, and the other scientists are all captured, while Snow Job escapes on foot but collapses after being pricked with tranquilizer darts.
The real Dr. Entwhistle is found tied up in a motel room, confirming Cobra's involvement for those at Joe Headquarters. But Firefy sabotages the jet fuel, leaving the Joes there grounded except for one Skystriker. An Inuit man who has found Snow Job radios the base, and Rip Cord takes the remaining plane to rescue him as the Joes use hovercraft to assault the base. Meanwhile, Flint and Lady Jaye have been placed in an arena with the polar bear, also captured by Cobra, but they escape as the Joes' attack begins. Flint sets Cobra's ion attractor to full power to melt the ice directly beneath the base. The base and Cobra's vehicles sink into the water, ending the threat, while the Joes are safe on their hovercraft.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Flint | 358 seconds | 46 lines | on airfield, in Snow Cat escorting science team, captured at Cobra base, escaping
| Lady Jaye | 279 seconds | 32 lines | in Skystriker, escorting science team, captured at Cobra base, escaping
| Snow Job | 235 seconds | 30 lines | in Polar Battle Bear escorting science team, stealing F.A.N.G., recovering at Indian village
| Duke | 107 seconds | 18 lines | on airfield debriefing Entwhistle, at HQ during sabotage, leading W.H.A.L.E.s against Cobra base
| Rip Cord | 86 seconds | 7 lines | debriefing Entwhistle, at HQ during sabotage, in Skystriker to rescue Snow Job
| Cutter | 74 seconds | 5 lines | debriefing Entwhistle, at HQ during sabotage, driving W.H.A.L.E. against Cobra base
| Cobra Commander | 73 seconds | 11 lines | capturing Lady Jaye, overseeing Cobra base, in arena, escaping in sub
| Destro | 60 seconds | 8 lines | in charge of ion attractor at base, in arena, escaping in sub
| Baroness | 44 seconds | 12 lines | disguised as Dr. Entwhistle, with leaders at base, in arena, escaping in sub
| Firefly | 26 seconds | 2 lines | sabotaging Skystrikers by pumping acid into fuel line
| Wild Bill | 21 seconds | 1 line | captured by Firefly while refueling Skystrikers
| Breaker | 10 seconds | 1 line | debriefing Entwhistle, receiving message about Snow Job
| Background Characters
| Gung-Ho | 18 seconds | 3 lines | at HQ during sabotage; in W.H.A.L.E. turret against Cobra base
| Roadblock | 3 seconds | 1 line | in W.H.A.L.E. turret against Cobra base
| Grunt | 1 second | (silent) | abandoning a wrecked W.H.A.L.E. (18:55)
| Mutt | 1 second | (silent) | abandoning a wrecked W.H.A.L.E. (18:55)
| Rock 'n Roll | 1 second | (silent) | abandoning a wrecked W.H.A.L.E. (18:55)
| Troops Appearing
| Cobra Officer | 95 seconds | 5 lines | in H.I.S.S.es and F.A.N.G.s chasing Joes, operating Cobra base
| Cobra | 20 seconds | | guarding Flint and Lady Jaye (drawn as Officers in some shots)
| Greenshirt | 16 seconds | | preparing reinforcements at HQ during sabotage
| Snow Serpent | 15 seconds | | guarding prisoners, in H.I.S.S.es and on foot defending Cobra base
| Viper Pilot | 2 seconds | | guarding Flint and Lady Jaye (10:36-37) [coloring error]
| Vehicles Appearing
| Snow Cat | 110 seconds | | loaded onto cargo plane, used to escort science team; one sabotaged
| Killer W.H.A.L.E. | 85 seconds | | seen at HQ; used to assault Cobra base
| Polar Battle Bear | 84 seconds | | used to escort science team and stop sabotaged Snow Cat
| Skystriker | 65 seconds | | flown by Lady Jaye; destroyed by Firefly; flown by Rip Cord to Indian village
| F.A.N.G. | 61 seconds | | used to pursue Joes; destroyed by Killer W.H.A.L.E.s
| H.I.S.S. | 44 seconds | | used to pursue Joes, capture science, team, and defend Cobra base
| V.A.M.P. Mark II | 6 seconds | | seen on Joe airfield during Firefly's sabotage
| A.P.C. | 2 seconds | | seen on Joe airfield during Firefly's sabotage (11:53-54)
| Dragonfly | 2 seconds | | loading equipment for science team (2:26-27)
| V.A.M.P. | 2 seconds | | seen on Joe airfield during Firefly's sabotage (11:53-54)
| Non-Toy Characters: Dr. Johannsen, Dr. Entwhistle
| Non-Toy Vehicles: crane
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Season 1.2 set (Disc 5, Episode 3).
- First appearance: Snow Serpents; the Snow Cat.
- The Snow Cats in this episode appear to be an earlier, boxier design, usually with six wheels instead of a rear tread, and with less detail than those used later in the series, indicating this episode was produced prior to The Pyramid of Darkness.
- Instead of their usual coats, several of the Cobra troopers and officers in this episode wear Snow Serpent outfits with trooper/officer blue helmets.