
Destro regains control of his shuttle and returns to Cobra's temple, placing Scarlett in the dungeon with Selena. Informed of the failed attack on New York, Destro usurps command of Cobra but is unable to bully the captured world leaders into surrendering. His own attempt to destroy New York is blocked by the Joes' now-functional M.A.S.S. Device, and Scarlett and Selena lead a slave revolt that is quickly put down.
As Destro threatens to begin executions, Doc helps Duke recover his memory and recalls that he gave Selena a ring containing a homing device. The Joes immediately use their M.A.S.S. Device to beam troops and equipment to the mountain beneath Cobra's temple. Scaling the mountain, they raid the fortress, free the slaves, destroy Cobra's M.A.S.S. Device, and round up Cobra's leaders - minus Destro, who escapes unnoticed. Breaker uses the last of the M.A.S.S. elements to return the stolen Eiffel Tower, but mistakenly transports it to London.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Destro | 283 seconds | 27 lines | returning to temple, usurping Cobra Cmdr., stopping slave revolt, escaping
| Scarlett | 254 seconds | 23 lines | slave in Cobra temple, leading revolt, present at last use of M.A.S.S., cheering
| Duke | 204 seconds | 15 lines | at HQ, recovering memory, in J.U.M.P. during assault, cheering
| Cobra Commander | 185 seconds | 17 lines | usurped by Destro, deploying robot Cobras, captured by Timber and Gung-Ho
| Baroness | 89 seconds | 2 lines | telling Destro of Cobra Cmdr's failure, watching battle, led captive by Clutch
| Snake Eyes | 76 seconds | | returning to HQ, at M.A.S.S. uses and Duke's procedure, in Falcon Glider, cheering
| Stalker | 74 seconds | 1 line | returning to HQ, at Duke's procedure, in M.O.B.A.T., at last use of M.A.S.S., cheering
| Breaker | 71 seconds | 6 lines | at HQ, fighting at Cobra base, leading Bludd captive, transporting Eiffel Tower
| Cover Girl | 53 seconds | (silent) | greeting Joes with meteorite, at HQ, in Wolverine during assault, cheering
| Gung-Ho | 53 seconds | 5 lines | guarding captives, at HQ, in J.U.M.P. during assault, capturing Cobra Cmdr., cheering
| Wild Bill | 48 seconds | 3 lines | returning to HQ, at HQ for M.A.S.S. use and Duke's procedure, in Skystriker, cheering
| Doc | 38 seconds | 6 lines | recovering Duke's memories, at top of Cobra mountain
| Background Characters
| Steeler | 42 seconds | (silent) | at first use of M.A.S.S. and Duke's procedure, in J.U.M.P. and F.L.A.K. at Cobra temple
| Clutch | 42 seconds | 1 line | at HQ for Duke's procedure, in J.U.M.P. and V.A.M.P., leading Baroness captive
| Rock 'n Roll | 34 seconds | (silent) | returning to HQ, at M.A.S.S. test, in J.U.M.P. for mountain climb, cheering
| Tripwire | 24 seconds | (silent) | returning to HQ, at first successful use of M.A.S.S. and Duke's procedure
| Flash | 23 seconds | (silent) | at HQ for Duke's procedure, in J.U.M.P. during mountain climbing
| Short-Fuze | 20 seconds | (silent) | at first successful use of M.A.S.S., in J.U.M.P. during mountain climb
| Airborne | 19 seconds | (silent) | at HQ when M.A.S.S. used, weaing a J.U.M.P. while climbing mountain
| Zap | 17 seconds | 2 lines | at HQ for Duke's procedure, in J.U.M.P. for mountain climb
| Timber | 14 seconds | | guarding captives, capturing Cobra Cmdr., with cheering Joes
| Torpedo | 8 seconds | (silent) | one of the first inside Cobra's temple, at last use of M.A.S.S.
| Snow Job | 4 seconds | (silent) | one of the first inside Cobra's temple
| Maj. Bludd | 2 seconds | (silent) | led captive by Breaker (20:32-33)
| Troops Appearing
| Cobra Officer | 168 seconds | 4 lines | processed as prisoners, guarding slaves, defending temple
| Cobra | 32 seconds | 1 line | at Destro's return, escorting Flagg, flying Viper Gliders to defend temple
| Vehicles Appearing
| J.U.M.P. | 35 seconds | | used by Joes to climb mountain
| M.O.B.A.T. | 24 seconds | | transported up mountain by Joes
| F.L.A.K. | 21 seconds | | transported up mountain by Joes
| Viper Glider | 20 seconds | | used by Duke in flashback and by Cobra to defend base
| Whirlwind | 13 seconds | | transported up mountain by Joes
| Falcon Glider | 12 seconds | | used by Snake Eyes to reach Cobra base
| Skystriker | 12 seconds | | used against Cobra base
| F.A.N.G. | 10 seconds | | used by Destro to escape
| Wolverine | 9 seconds | | transported up mountain by Joes
| H.I.S.S. | 6 seconds | | targeted by Skystrikers and by Scarlett just after her release
| V.A.M.P. | 6 seconds | | transported up mountain by Joes, overturned by snake robot
| Dragonfly | 5 seconds | | used to escort Eiffel Tower
| H.A.L. | 2 seconds | | at base of mountain (13:06), on mountain as Cobra gun platform falls (14:13)
| Non-Toy Characters: Selena, Army soldiers, Dr. Vandermeer, Gen. Flagg, Ivan Balankov, hooded Cobra slavemaster, Ramar
| Non-Toy Equipment: Destro's shuttle, mountain-climbing vehicle transports, Cobra gun platform, snake robots, Ballistic Attack Trike
Misc. Notes
- This miniseries, originally aired as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, was retitled G.I. Joe: The M.A.S.S. Device for the 2008 DVD figure set and A Real American Hero: The M.A.S.S. Device for the Shout!Factory DVD release.
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Season 1.1 set (Disc 1, Episode 5).
- Time references for this episode do not include the opening recap. For recordings with the recap, add 1 minute, 49 seconds.
- First appearances (in order): the H.A.L., Whirlwind, and Falcon Glider.
- The five DVD figure sets released in 2008 each came with a piece of the M.A.S.S. Device featured in this miniseries, and several of 2008's figures came with element canisters.
- The blue Cobra three-wheeler tossed by Ramar is very similar to concept art dated 4/29/83 for an unreleased Ballistic Attack Trike (B.A.T.).