
With Timber's help, Cover Girl disposes of the explosive canister, but a test of the Joes' M.A.S.S. Device using only two elements is unsuccessful. While Stalker stalls Cobra with a fake surrender announcement, the Joes travel to the volcanic Ring of Fire to recover the meteorite that contains the third element. Suspicious, Destro leaves to obtain more of the third element for Cobra's own weapon.
Once the Joes' ruse is discovered, Cobra Commander tries using the M.A.S.S. Device to destroy New York City, but the slave Selena uses a pitcher of water to damage the machine, foiling the attempt. Destro confronts the Joes over the volcano and captures the meteorite aboard a helicarrier. The Joes storm Cobra's craft, but Destro escapes on a small shuttle with some of the meteorite and Scarlett as a hostage. Scarlett proves a difficult passenger, fusing the shuttle's controls and sending it out of control.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Gung-Ho | 172 seconds | 18 lines | losing rifle in M.A.S.S. test, interrupting surrender, leading Dragonflies at Ring of Fire
| Scarlett | 170 seconds | 8 lines | at M.A.S.S. test and surrender, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire, captured
| Cobra Commander | 165 seconds | 20 lines | eavesdropping on Stalker's surrender, using M.A.S.S. to destroy NYC
| Destro | 138 seconds | 22 lines | skeptical of surrender, leading Rattlers at Ring of Fire, capturing Scarlett
| Duke | 117 seconds | 11 lines | at M.A.S.S. test and surrender, flying Skystriker at Ring of Fire
| Stalker | 81 seconds | 8 lines | announcing surrender, with reinforcements at Ring of Fire
| Snake Eyes | 72 seconds | | at M.A.S.S. test and surrender, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Timber | 57 seconds | | saving Cover Girl, with Snake Eyes at Ring of Fire
| Clutch | 52 seconds | 4 lines | at HQ for M.A.S.S. test and surrender, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Rock 'n Roll | 47 seconds | 2 lines | in studio, assaulting helicarrier, threatening Destro
| Baroness | 40 seconds | 3 lines | operating M.A.S.S. Device to destroy NYC
| Wild Bill | 38 seconds | 1 line | in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Cover Girl | 37 seconds | 3 lines | using V.A.M.P. to remove bomb from HQ
| Breaker | 32 seconds | 6 lines | tracking Cobra's eavesdropping, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Background Characters
| Short-Fuze | 26 seconds | 4 lines | in studio, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Zap | 24 seconds | 5 lines | at HQ for surrender, helping Breaker monitor Cobra's eavesdropping
| Steeler | 20 seconds | 2 lines | in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Airborne | 15 seconds | 2 lines | reacting to surrender, in studio, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Tripwire | 15 seconds | (silent) | in studio, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Ace | 13 seconds | 6 lines | in Skystriker leading reinforcements at Ring of Fire
| Flash | 11 seconds | 1 line | operating Stalker's camera, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| Troops Appearing
| Cobra | 66 seconds | | aboard helicarrier, many captured by boarding party
| Cobra Officer | 59 seconds | | guarding dining hall, escorting Ramar and Selena
| Vehicles Appearing
| Dragonfly | 173 seconds | | used to retrieve meteorite from Ring of Fire; models used in fake surrender
| J.U.M.P. | 107 seconds | | worn by Stalker in fake surrender; used to board Cobra helicarrier
| Skystriker | 59 seconds | | reinforcements at Ring of Fire; models used in fake surrender
| M.O.B.A.T. | 44 seconds | | models used in fake surrender
| Wolverine | 44 seconds | | models used in fake surrender
| H.I.S.S. | 22 seconds | | used to defend helicarrier
| V.A.M.P. | 21 seconds | | used by Cover Girl to dispose of bomb; models used in fake surrender
| F.L.A.K. | 8 seconds | | blue-grey Cobra version used on helicarrier
| A.P.C. | 4 seconds | | models used in fake surrender
| F.A.N.G. | 2 seconds | | in helicarrier bay (16:23-24)
| Non-Toy Characters: Dr. Vandermeer, Army MPs, Selena, Ramar,
| Non-Toy Equipment: gladiator robot, proto-Rattlers, Cobra helicarrier, Cobra forklift, Cobra rocket sleds, Destro's shuttle
Misc. Notes
- This miniseries, originally aired as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, was retitled G.I. Joe: The M.A.S.S. Device for the 2008 DVD figure set and A Real American Hero: The M.A.S.S. Device for the Shout!Factory DVD release.
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Season 1.1 set (Disc 1, Episode 4).
- First appearances: Ace; the A.P.C. (albeit in model form)
- Though they are markedly different from the Rattler toys released, animation of the Cobra jets in this episode was used for the first Rattler commercial.
- One of the series' most glaring animation errors occurs in this episode, as Timber is seen in two places at once in the same shot, both inside and in front of the V.A.M.P. as Cover Girl runs to it.
- The five DVD figure sets released in 2008 each came with a piece of the M.A.S.S. Device featured in this miniseries, and several of 2008's figures came with element canisters.