
As a scientist gives a presentation at his new fertilizer factory, Flint shoots at a B.A.T. about to plant a bomb, but a stray shot knocks the scientist into a toxic vat. Cobra proceeds to destroy the plant, and the scientist is presumed dead. Soon thereafter, Eco-Warrriors HQ falls under attack by Sludge-Vipers, Flint and Clean-Sweep are captured, and Cobra begins stealing food from freighters and trucks, intending to be the world's sole food provider.
The Sludge Vipers are revealed to be under the command of Cesspool. After a brief pursuit through his junkyard base and a narrow escape from a car crusher, Flint orders Clean-Sweep to escape while he remains behind. After another Cobra attack, flooding rice fields and harvesting the rice underwater, Cesspool and his Sludge Vipers raid Cobra's volcanic island base with Flint in tow. There Cesspool forces an alliance with Cobra Commander and reveals himself to be the missing scientist.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Flint | 341 seconds | 43 lines | at presentation, investigating plant, defending Eco-Warrior HQ, captured by Cesspool, taken to volcano base
| Cesspool | 287 seconds | 28 lines | giving presentation, in Septic Tank at Eco-Warriors HQ, at junkyard base, attacking volcano base, forcing alliance with Cobra Cmdr
| Clean-Sweep | 248 seconds | 24 lines | at presentation, investigating plant, defending Eco-Warrior HQ, captured by Cesspool
| Major Altitude | 115 seconds | 20 lines | flying Glider, observing theft of food trucks, at rice field
| Cobra Commander | 111 seconds | 18 lines | disguised at presentation, flying Battle Copter to threaten freighters, at volcano base, in giant sub, accepting alliance with Cesspool
| Hawk | 78 seconds | 15 lines | inside General, driving Attack Cruiser to rescue Major Altitude and at rice field
| Background Characters
| Cloudburst | 7 seconds | (silent) | driving Badger at rice field, climbing onto raft
| Zap | 6 seconds | (silent) | driving Badger at rice field, climbing onto raft
| Roadblock | 2 seconds | (silent) | Climbing onto raft after rice flooding (7:18-19)
| Skymate | 2 seconds | (silent) | Climbing onto raft after rice flooding (7:18-19)
| Troops Appearing
| Sludge Viper | 214 seconds | | driving Septic Tank, attacking Eco-Warrior HQ, flying attack chopper, manning volcano base, at junkyard, attacking volcano base
| Crimson Guard Immortal | 59 seconds | | on sub at volcano base, among Cobra troops during base attack, inside giant sub
| B.A.T. | 42 seconds | | disguised, planting bomb at presentation, securing attacked freighter, planting bomb to flood rice, defending volcano base
| Range-Viper | 12 seconds | | defending volcano base
| Toxo-Viper | 1 second | | included in error among Cobra troops during base attack (18:24)
| Vehicles Appearing
| Septic Tank | 113 seconds | | used to attack Eco-Warrior HQ, escorting Flint and Clean-Sweep, chasing Clean-Sweep's car, at volcano base
| Attack Cruiser | 95 seconds | | parked at Joe camp, used to rescue Major Altitude, at rice field
| Cobra Battle Copter | 30 seconds | | used to threaten freighters
| Badger | 20 seconds | | parked at Joe camp, at rice field
| Glider (Cloudburst's) | 17 seconds | | used for recreation by Major Altitude
| General | 6 seconds | | parked at Joe camp
| Retaliator | 6 seconds | | used to airlift flooded Badgers and Attack Cruiser
| Earthquake | 2 seconds | | used to harvest rice underwater (17:33-34)
| Non-Toy Characters:
| Non-Toy Equipment: giant Cobra submarine, red Cobra attack chopper, jeeps fitted with sludge cannons, robotic (?) sharks used to harvest rice, sludge fighter planes
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 2 set (Disc 2, Episode 1)
- First appearances (in order): Cesspool, Clean-Sweep, Toxo-Vipers (animation error); the Septic Tank
- This episode presents Sludge Vipers as initially non-Cobra troops unfamiliar to the Joes, but they were used as Cobra agents in Chunnel and Long Live Rock and Roll, which predate this story in both airdate order and production order.