
Tipped off by an informant, Skydive leads a large Joe force in Lappland in search of a Cobra base. They are ambushed, but Cobra throws the battle and surrenders, including Cobra Commander and Destro. They are imprisoned in Alcatraz under the care of Warden Dandridge, but their goal is to escape and steal a nearby experimental submarine, the Comstock Lode. Meanwhile, Metal-Head is haunted by "The Ghost of Alcatraz."
Suspicious of Cobra's intentions, Pathfinder convinces Skydive to visit his informant, who turns out to be the Baroness in disguise. Grid-Iron is still not convinced Cobra was captured on purpose and orders Pathfinder to drop the issue. The Baroness attacks Alcatraz the next day, allowing Cobra to take over the prison, but Pathfinder sneaks onto the prison island a short time later. He is captured almost immediately, and Destro sends the Joes an all-clear in Pathfinder's voice. Cobra then attacks the Joes and hijacks the Comstock Lode, using its anti-electricity PM weapon to disable the Joes' vehicles.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Metal-Head | 298 seconds | 27 lines | disguised as Lapplander for ambush, surrending, imprisoned at Alcatraz, haunted
| Pathfinder | 260 seconds | 32 lines | in General in Lappland, at Alcatraz, at Sky Patrol HQ, visiting Skydive's informant, sneaking onto Alcatraz
| Cobra Commander | 254 seconds | 24 lines | at base, surrendering in Lappland, imprisoned at Alcatraz, aboard Comstock Lode
| Destro | 226 seconds | 18 lines | at base, surrendering in Lappland, imprisoned at Alcatraz, capturing Pathfinder, driving Dominator
| Skydive | 158 seconds | 20 lines | flying Sky Raven on Lappland mission, training at Sky Patrol HQ, visiting informant, using boat to take Pathfinder to Alcatraz, flying Sky Hawk
| Capt. Grid-Iron | 102 seconds | 15 lines | in General in Lappland, refusing to listen to Pathfinder's suspicions
| Baroness | 77 seconds | 10 lines | contacted by Cobra Cmdr, disguised as Joe informant Shirley, driving Hammerhead to attack Alcatraz, piloting Comstock Lode
| Topside | 46 seconds | 7 lines | ferrying Cobra prisoners to Alcatraz, guarding the Comstock Lode
| Background Characters
| Sub-Zero | 34 seconds | 2 lines | in General in Lappland
| Rock 'n Roll | 10 seconds | (silent) | manning a gun station over Cobra prisoners
| Drop Zone | 2 seconds | 1 line | in Sky Raven during Lappland battle (3:08-09)
| Big Ben | 1 second | (silent) | running from exploding Hammer during Lappland ambush (2:53)
| Lady Jaye | 1 second | (silent) | running from exploding Hammer during Lappland ambush (2:53)
| Troops Appearing
| Range-Viper | 109 seconds | 1 line | Cobra forces in Lappland ambush, imprisoned at Alcatraz, in Hammerhead command modules, capturing Pathfinder, driving Rages
| Laser-Viper | 86 seconds | | imprisoned at Alcatraz, attacking Alcatraz from Hammerhead subs, stealing Comstock Lode
| Snow Serpent | 79 seconds | 1 line | Cobra forces in Lappland ambush, imprisoned at Alcatraz
| Crimson Guard Immortal | 42 seconds | | parachuting/running from vehicles, imprisoned at Alcatraz
| Undertow | 28 seconds | 1 line | driving Hammerhead sleds to attack Alcatraz, stealing Comstock Lode
| Night Creeper | 27 seconds | | fighting Joes at bakery
| Alley Viper | 23 seconds | | imprisoned at Alcatraz
| S.A.W.-Viper | 9 seconds | | guarding the captured Alcatraz prison
| Greenshirt | 5 seconds | | in Hammer to defend the Comstock Lode
| Orangeshirt | 2 seconds | | guarding the Comstock Lode (12:07-08)
| Vehicles Appearing
| General | 79 seconds | | ambushed in Lappland
| Sky Hawk (SP) | 54 seconds | | flying with Sky Patrol in Lappland, attacking hijacked Comstock Lode
| Mobile Battle Bunker | 42 seconds | | guarding the Comstock Lode
| Hammerhead | 35 seconds | | used to attack Alcatraz
| Dominator | 31 seconds | | used to ambush Joes in Lappland and attack the Comstock Lode
| Rage | 26 seconds | | used to ambush Joes in Lappland and attack the Comstock Lode
| Sky Raven | 22 seconds | | leading Sky Patrol reinforcements in Lappland, flying over Sky Patrol Headquarters
| Hammer | 15 seconds | | ambushed in Lappland, guarding the Comstock Lode
| Avalanche | 13 seconds | | ambushed in Lappland
| H.I.S.S. II | 7 seconds | | exploding in Lappland ambush, used to attack the Comstock Lode
| Sky S.H.A.R.C. | 6 seconds | | flying with Sky Patrol in Lappland
| F.A.N.G. II | 3 seconds | | being shot during Lappland ambush
| Hurricane V.T.O.L. | 3 seconds | | attacking and being shot during Lappland ambush
| Non-Toy Characters: Warden Dandridge, M.P.s, The Ghost of Alcatraz
| Non-Toy Equipment: Topside's ferry, Skydive's boat, Pathfinder's raft
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Series 2, Season 1 set (Disc 4, Episode 2)
- First appearances: Drop Zone; the Sky Raven and Sky S.H.A.R.C.
- Warden Dandridge addresses Pathfinder by his file name, Sgt. Iannotti.
- Despite being in a strategic position and being voiced by Morgan Lofting, Warden Dandrige is not the Baroness in disguise.