
An accident at a Cobra lab in the mountains creates a growing mass of piezo-electric crystals. The Joe Team is assigned to investigate, and a few Joes on leave are placed on emergency stand-by. Duke's team discovers the crystals are explosive and a threat to a nearby town. Unwilling to risk an attack near the crystals, the Baroness devises a plan to force the Joes to surrender them. Storm Shadow steals a disk with info on the identity and families of the Joes on vacation. As each Joe is recalled to duty, his or her family is kidnapped by Cobra.
Relatives of Quick Kick, Scarlett, Thunder, Shipwreck, Spirit, and Barbecue are connected to a machine and brainwashed with the help of a panicky, reluctant scientist. The recalled Joes load the crystals onto an ATV and provide an escort as they are transported. Around a blind curve, the Joes find their families blocking the road and ready to fire on the ATV.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Duke | 157 seconds | 31 lines | recalling Joes to investigate crystals, transporting crystals in ATV
| Baroness | 125 seconds | 18 lines | kidnapping and brainwashing Joe family members, disguised as fire chief
| Gung-Ho | 124 seconds | 11 lines | recalled from vacation to investigate crystals, transporting them in ATV
| Barbecue | 99 seconds | 11 lines | with father in Boston, in Silver Mirage to escort crystals
| Scarlett | 95 seconds | 17 lines | with father and brothers in Atlanta, in Silver Mirage to escort crystals
| Shipwreck | 95 seconds | 11 lines | with nephew in San Diego, in Silver Mirage to escort crystals
| Tripwire | 84 seconds | 5 lines | flying Dragonfly to investigate crystals, transporting crystals in ATV
| Quick Kick | 74 seconds | 7 lines | with parents in Los Angeles, in Silver Mirage to escort crystals
| Spirit | 70 seconds | 5 lines | with grandfather and cousin in Arizona, in Silver Mirage to escort crystals
| Lady Jaye | 63 seconds | 4 lines | at HQ during crystal accident, transporting crystals in ATV
| Storm Shadow | 56 seconds | 4 lines | at Pentagon stealing Joe info, kidnapping Scarlett's family
| Thunder | 56 seconds | 4 lines | with father, mother, and sister in Louisville, in Silver Mirage to escort crystals
| Alpine | 49 seconds | 1 line | flying Dragonfly to investigate crystals
| Cobra Commander | 42 seconds | 8 lines | placing Crimson Guard at Baroness's disposal to brainwash Joe families
| Dusty | 28 seconds | 5 lines | testing power of explosive crystals in desert
| Tomax | 23 seconds | 5 lines | kidnapping Joe family members
| Xamot | 22 seconds | 5 lines | kidnapping Joe family members
| Tollbooth | 20 seconds | 1 line | using Bridgelayer to allow Duke's team to cross a canyon
| Wild Bill | 9 seconds | 1 line | waiting to transport Gung-Ho, flying Dragonfly to crystal site
| Background Characters
| Footloose | 25 seconds | (silent) | driving A.W.E. Striker at test of power of explosive crystals in desert
| Troops Appearing
| Crimson Guard | 84 seconds | 3 lines | kidnapping Joe family members, driving Ferrets
| Tele-Viper | 46 seconds | 2 lines | manning controls at Baroness's base
| Cobra | 7 seconds | | at doomed laboratory, flying Rattlers to escape
| Greenshirt | 3 seconds | | preparing to transport explosive crystals
| Vehicles Appearing
| Bridge Layer | 38 seconds | | used to allow Duke's team to cross a canyon
| Silver Mirage | 37 seconds | | used to escort explosive crystals
| Dragonfly | 25 seconds | | flown to site to investigate crystals
| A.W.E. Striker | 23 seconds | | driven at test of explosive crystals
| Ferret | 6 seconds | | used by Crimson Guards to capture Spirit's family (miscolored green)
| Rattler | 3 seconds | | used to evacuate Cobra lab
| Non-Toy Characters: Cobra delivery man, Army soldiers, Mr. Ito, Mi Hai Ito, Mrs. Jackson, Sean O'Hara, Brian O'Hara, Patrick O'Hara, Frank O'Hara, Flo Breckinridge, Chrissy Breckinridge, Mr. Breckinridge, Jesse Delgado, Jesse's mother, Spirit's Grandfather, Vena, Mr. Kelly, Dr. Marks. | Non-Toy Equipment: G.I. Joe ATV.
Misc. Notes
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Season 1.2 set (Disc 7, Episode 6)