
Following Duke's battle in the Arena of Sport, the slave Selena slips him a metal fragment that allows him to disrupt Cobra's mind control. Dr. Vandermeer directs the Joes to sites across the globe to obtain rare elements to power their own M.A.S.S. Device to fight Cobra's. As Cobra kidnaps an entire Soviet Army parade, Scarlett leads the first team to a crystal mine in the Sea of Ice, but Cobra booby-traps and an attack by Maj. Bludd lead to a radioactive explosion. Snake Eyes brings down a protective shield, allowing the team to escape but sealing himself in.
Duke uses Selena's help to escape Cobra but is injured. He is somehow transported back to Joe Headquarters in Doc's care but with no memory of his captivity. World leaders assemble at Tanu Island to meet with Cobra, including Gen. Flagg and Soviet Premier Balankov, but are captured by Cobra's M.A.S.S. Device and turned into slaves. Destro hijacks the live news broadcast of the event to announce this will be the fate of the world if they do not submit to Cobra.
Appearing Cast and Equipment
Featured Characters
| Duke | 282 seconds | 11 lines | escaping temple in Viper Glider and H.I.S.S., injured with loss of memory
| Scarlett | 191 seconds | 18 lines | at briefing, leading Sea of Ice team, at HQ for Tanu Island broadcast
| Cobra Commander | 183 seconds | 18 lines | in arena, broadcasting captures, leading pursuit of Duke
| Destro | 157 seconds | 15 lines | in arena, criticizing Cobra Cmdr., joining Tanu Island broadcast
| Snow Job | 123 seconds | 9 lines | part of Sea of Ice team
| Snake Eyes | 120 seconds | | at briefing, part of Sea of Ice team, separated from the team
| Tripwire | 102 seconds | 4 lines | part of Sea of Ice team
| Flash | 95 seconds | 1 line | part of Sea of Ice team, at HQ for Tanu Island broadcast
| Stalker | 54 seconds | 4 lines | at briefing, in command in Duke's absence, at HQ for Tanu Island incident
| Breaker | 38 seconds | 2 lines | present at briefing on first element, witnessing Tanu Island broadcast
| Maj. Bludd | 25 seconds | 3 lines | leading team at Sea of Ice
| Doc | 16 seconds | 1 line | transporting injured Duke
| Background Characters
| Rock 'n Roll | 9 seconds | 1 line | at HQ for Tanu Island broadcast
| Cover Girl | 6 seconds | 1 line | assisting Doc in transporting injured Duke
| Zap | 18 seconds | (silent) | at HQ for Tanu Island broadcast
| Gung-Ho | 11 seconds | (silent) | at HQ for Tanu Island broadcast
| Baroness | 6 seconds | (silent) | planting homing device in Moscow
| Steeler | 4 seconds | (silent) | assisting Doc in transporting injured Duke
| Troops Appearing
| Cobra Officer | 154 seconds | 4 lines | guarding temple, escorting Duke, operating cameras, chasing Duke
| Cobra | 48 seconds | 5 lines | watching Duke's fight, reporting to Cobra Cmdr., aide to Bludd, chasing Duke
| Vehicles Appearing
| Viper Glider | 73 seconds | | used by Duke and Cobras during Duke's escape
| S.N.A.K.E. | 63 seconds | | used by Cobra to defend crystal element
| Polar Battle Bear | 59 seconds | | used by Joes to reach Sea of Ice
| Non-Toy Characters: Ramar, Dr. Vandermeer, Selena, hooded Cobra slavemaster, Ivan Balankov, Gen. Flagg.
| Non-Toy Equipment: various Soviet Army equipment, crystal mine monorail car, prototype Water Moccasin, prototype Chameleon, medical helicopter.
Misc. Notes
- This miniseries, originally aired as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, was retitled G.I. Joe: The M.A.S.S. Device for the 2008 DVD figure set and A Real American Hero: The M.A.S.S. Device for the Shout!Factory DVD release.
- On the DVDs from Shout! Factory, this episode is included in the Season 1.1 set (Disc 1, Episode 2).
- The Shout! Factory DVD titles this episode in the plural, as "Slaves of the Cobra Master."
- First appearances (in order): Snow Job, Doc, and Cover Girl; the Polar Battle Bear, S.N.A.K.E., and Viper Glider
- Since all the characters on the animated series use laser rifles, Flash is given a flamethrower in this episode to distinguish himself from the other Joes. Also, whereas the default rifle for the Joes has the design released with the Snow Job figure, Snow Job himself uses a pistol.
- Although the S.N.A.K.E. was marketed as brainwashing battle armor, S.N.A.K.E.s in the cartoon are battle robots.
- The five DVD figure sets released in 2008 each came with a piece of the M.A.S.S. Device featured in this miniseries, and several of 2008's figures came with element canisters.