This is a statement of my selected beliefs and perspectives about politics in general, and particularly in the present-day United States.
I believe governments exist to provide some measure of justice in this world and to secure the liberty of their people, and that governments should carry out these duties according to principles of wisdom and righteousness. While on a traditional left-right spectrum I land a fair bit right of center on average, I seek to understand political issues within a biblical framework that transcends the progressive, libertarian, and conservative approaches that dominate America's public discourse. The aspiration of "liberty and justice for all" guides my general approach to political issues that are not particularly addressed in Scripture.
I.A.1. Government as an Institution
The Foundation of Government; The Nature and Role of Government; Liberty under Government; Human Nature and Progress; Moral Reform)
I.A.2. Politics and Worldview
The Political Spectrum; Libertarianism; Progressivism and Social Liberalism; Conservatism; Neo-Conservatism; The Political Divide; Conspiratorial Worldviews)
I.A.3. Politics and Responsibility
Leadership and Expertise; Leadership and Character; Civility in Government and Politics)
I.A.4. Religion and Government
Religious Liberty and Society; The Role of Religion in Political Action; Legislative Prayer)
I.B.1. The American Identity
Nationalism and Exceptionalism; Patriotism; America's Christian Heritage; America's White/Western Heritage; America as an English-Speaking Nation; Birthright Citizenship; Dual Citizenship; Accidental Americans; Issues of Statehood)
I.B.2. Constitutional and Structural Issues
Foundational Principles; Constitutionalism; Federalism; Constituency; Term Limits; Branches of Government; Senate Confirmation of Presidential Appointments; Congressional Oversight of the Executive; Conditions for Impeachment; Prosecution of Public Officials; Emergency Powers; Judicial Philosophy; Nationwide Injunctions; Pre-Enforcement Challenges; Article V Convention
I.B.3. Partisan Issues
The Two-Party System; Bipartisanship and Tribalism; Media Bias)
I.C.1. The Electoral System
The Electoral College; Independent State Legislature; Proportional Representation; The Role of Money in Politics; Politics and Foreign Influence)
I.C.2. Voting Rights
Voting Rights; Criminal Voting Rights; Election Fraud; Voter ID)
I.C.3. Voting Decisions
Moral Duty to Vote; Moral Duty and Party; "Lesser of Two Evils" Voting)
II.A.1. International Organizations
The United Nations; World Cooperation; International Courts)
II.A.2. Globalism
Global Governance; Trade and Tariffs; The Global Economy; Foreign Aid)
II.A.3. Immigration
Basic Immigration Policy; Border Security; Immigrant Assimilation; Sanctuary Cities)
II.B.1. Stance Toward the World
America and "Policing" of the World; Nation Building and Exporting Democracy; NATO and Other Defense Agreements; Intelligence and Espionage)
II.B.2. War and the Military
The Value of Military Service; Declarations of War; Just Grounds for War; Just Practice of War; Civil Wars and Revolutions; Nuclear Weapons; Interrogation Methods and Torture; Detention of Foreign Terrorists; Assassination of Foreign Leaders; Conscription)
II.B.3. Long-Term Security Issues
Terrorism Defined; Islam and the Global War on Terror; The War in Afghanistan; The War in Iraq; Israeli-Palestinian Issues; China; North Korea; Russia)
III.A.1. Life And Its Protection
Pro-Life as a Political Identity; Abortion; Government Funding of Abortion; Euthanasia and End-of-Life Care; Self-Defense and Gun Control; Liability for Firearms Dealers; Security from School Shootings
III.A.2. The Free Exchange of Ideas
Freedom of Speech; Hate Speech; "Cancel Culture"; Freedom of the Press; Government Censorship and Obscenity)
III.A.3. Religion and Conscience
Religious Liberty Defined; Separation of Church and State; Government Aid to Faith-Based Charities; Conscientious Protest; Civil Disobedience)
III.A.4. Gender and Sexuality
Women's Rights; Feminism; Men's Rights; Gender Roles; Hiring and Pay for Women; Marriage and Sexuality; LGBT Issues; Gender Transitions; Gay Conversion Therapy; Human Trafficking and Sex Workers)
III.A.5. Race and Nationality
Solutions to Racism; Affirmative Action/DEI; Racial Advocacy; Diversity Training; Southern Pride and Confederate Remembrance)
III.A.6. Other Civil Rights Issues
Equal Protection; Freedom of Travel; Discrimination vs. Freedom of Association; Military Inclusion; Right to Privacy)
III.A.7. Law and Crime
Politicizing of Law Enforcement; Domestic Terrorism; Hate Crimes; Flag Burning and Anti-Patriotic Acts; Claims of Sexual Misconduct; Whistleblower Protection; Leaking of Classified Information)
III.A.8. Crime Prevention
The Value of Police and Emergency Workers; Philosophy of Policing; Law Enforcement by Armed Forces and National Guard; Police Militarization; Racial Profiling; Police Brutality and Shootings; Qualified Immunity; Domestic Surveillance)
III.A.9. Criminal Punishment
Restorative Justice; Prison Reform; Bail Reform; Civil Asset Forfeiture; Capital Punishment; Mental Health and Culpability; Pardons)
III.B.1. The Economy
Basic Approach to Economics; Economic Systems; The Federal Reserve; Cryptocurrency)
III.B.2. Taxes and Spending
Tax Policy; Tax Exemptions; Property Taxes; Taxing Capital Gains; Estate Taxes; Government Spending and Debt)
III.B.3. The Government and Business
Pro-Business and Jobs Legislation; Pay-to-Play; Bailouts and Corporate Welfare; Local Corporate Subsidies; Corporate Mega-Mergers; Usury; Use of Eminent Domain; Gambling)
III.B.4. The Government and Labor
Income Inequality; Minimum Wage; Labor Unions; Overtime and Benefits; Government Pensions)
III.B.5. The Government and Infrastructure
Public Transportation; Self-Driving Automobiles; Net Neutrality; Regulation of Social Media)
III.B.6. The Government and Science
Government Funding for Research; Research Ethics; Cloning and Reproductive Advancements; Stem Cell Research; Space Exploration; Space Militarization; Paranormal Issues)
III.B.7. General Education
Educational Systems; Mandatory Preschool; Public vs. Private Education; Charter Schools; Homeschooling; Colleges and Universities; Tuition, Scholarships, and Loans; In-State Tuition for Non-Citizens; Libraries)
III.B.8. The Content of Education
Federal Education Standards; Alterative Learning Styles; Mainstreaming; Values Education; Health and Sex Education; Religion and Academic Freedom in School Curriculum; Ideological Diversity)
III.B.9. Other Education Issues
Zero-Tolerance Policies; Safe Spaces and Trigger Warnings; Religious Expression in Public Schools; Public Schools' Relationship with Churches; Women's Athletics and Transgender Issues)
III.C.1. Health Policy
The Government and Public Health; Mandatory Vaccination; COVID-19 Policy; Access for the Disabled; Mental Health; Mental Illness and Institutionalization; Abuse of Dependents)
III.C.2. Drug Policy
The War on Drugs; Needle Exchange and Safe Haven Policies; Regulation of Marijuana; Regulation of Alcohol and Tobacco)
III.C.3. Health Care Costs
Government and Health Coverage; Coverage of Pre-Existing Conditions; Coverage of Mental Health; Coverage of Contraception; Price Gouging; Medical Bankruptcies)
III.C.4. Public Assistance
The Nature of Poverty; The Social Safety Net; Welfare and Public Housing; Social Security; Homelessness; Universal Basic Income; Drug Testing for Public Assistance; Work Requirements for Public Assistance)
III.C.5. Environmental Policy
Environmental Role of Government; Government and Green Technologies; Human Overpopulation; Waste Disposal; Pollution; Animal Rights; Genetically Modified Food)
III.C.6. Energy Policy
Fossil Fuels and Drilling; Fossil Fuels and Climate Change; Biofuels; Water, Wind, and Solar Power; Nuclear Energy)